Hawaii: Aloha Movement Project

I was very impressed by the young man who spoke briefly at the Rotary Peace Forum in Hawaii, he is the Founder and CEO of the Aloha Movement Project.

Here is some information on how young people are creating the change.

AMP Phase 1


AMP Phase 2


AMP Phase 3


AMP Phase 4


The Movement


This letter presents you the opportunity to change the world for the greater good.  Currently college students across America are coming together; to use their creative minds, courageous spirits, and resources available; to ensure a positive future for humanity. In response to the irresponsible and repressive actions of our own government— we the students are creating a global network of self proclaimed future leaders of the world. We do NOT seek to fight the governments or control economies. Rather, we are here to ensure equality between all people, and enhance the quality of life for the people of the world.

The Aloha Movement Project’s (AMP) goal is to inspire creativity in students across the world. Our long term mission is to create a global network of creative minds in order to collectively build a better world. It is our belief that creativity and self expression is the key to igniting passion within us. By finding our passions, we are able to identify our purpose. In discovery of our purpose, we are able to develop strong individuals and build communities based on positive values.

Imagine a world where we could trust our government, and we did not have to live in fear of corruption, paid politicians, money hungry lawmakers, and a greedy military. Martin Luther King and Ghandi shared similar dreams. However, when studying these inspirational men, we see a pattern in their struggle for freedom. Their successes and failures are based upon a system that has been put in place to segregate and suppress the masses, while keeping the rich in power. However, in recent years the collapse in government competence and effectiveness has brought us (the students and future leaders of the world) to a breaking point, and we have decided to stand together, to take non-violent action, to ensure a healthy and prosperous future for humanity.

Now AMP is searching America for the next student leaders to “Plant an AMP” in their university. Individuals will be provided with all the resources and support necessary to host innovative “collaborative arts events” to AMPlify the voice of our passionate youth, inspire creativity, and collaborate with the community. 

We will present our global movement to the people of the world as a “Declaration of Equality”. The tour will be focused on taking a non-violent stance, to apologize for the actions of our violent government. AMP’s exciting global benefit tour will offer the most creative and talented minds in the world a chance to collaborate and experience the evolution of our global community and creativity. AMP events host a dynamic experience of the arts including positive music of all genres, live art performances of all cultures, universal dancing, and a new definition of collaborative arts. AMP’s ultimate goal is to create the “experience of music and art, to inspire creativity, and to enhance life for the people of the world.”