Be The Positive Change

REAL HOPE is a values model refer and worldpeacefull empowerment for YouTube philosophical poetry expanding harmony and peace in our world.

This is a time where the American people are deciding their values. Do they ascribe to materialistic, fortress US, racism, and corporate progress without a responsibility for common humanity OR do they restate their allegience to Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.  The latter values formulated by the founding fathers are not only US life, nor are they only US freedoms and lastly it is happiness in life for all.  The power of the United States resided in its values and sense of oneness with the world. If they lose this important values system the United States will fall apart as it has no guiding values to believe in.  It is in values and virtues that unity arises. This is the lesson for not only the US but the world at this time.

We are One.