Category Archives: Corporations

Protecting the Planet from Destructive Billionnaires – Vandana Shiva

In the public interest.

The video is titled:  ‘Bill Gates is continuing the work of Monsanto’, Vandana Shiva tells FRANCE 24

Data mining to benefit the those who control the data.  It is a very serious issues. Ethics drives to the heart of the problem.

Life is not a Word program it is a self regulating system that is far beyond what we think.  No-one has the right to change the molecular structure of natures blueprint. Those that do are ending life on earth as they do not operate in a wholistic mindset, they are self profiting, that is the critical issues that only sees self interest not best interest.

Coronavirus, QinetiQ, and Rothschild

In the public interest. For public discussion.

I found this article when I was told tonight about Dean Koontz who wrote a book called the ‘Eyes of Darkness’.

Dean Koontz, the 80s famous American writer, book named “The Eyes of Darkness” is catching the attention of people all across the world these days. The prime reason for it is that the Corona Virus detected in Wuhan, China in 2019 seems quite relevant to the novel “Wuhan-400” bioweapon. The Eyes of Darkness by Dean Koontz pdf Download

The Pilbright Institute is mentioned in the article below. I recalled watching a video showing the patent of the coronavirus by this organisation and partly funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, DARPA, European Commission and Wellcome Trust. Pilbright (cousin) has a family connection to the Rothschild financiers who recently moved to Silicon Valley. This led me down a long and winding road like a pilgrim, but in my case a peace pilgrim to determine truth over falsehood. I found myself going down a rabbit hole. What the bleep do I know? (see next blog).

Link to Pilgrim society members:

Australian American Society and roundtable is mentioned in the above article:

The banking fraternity links with government need to be investigated as there should be a separation of powers to ensure integrity, neutrality and sovereignty. I found this link in a quick search:

Democracy requires transparency and a truly open society not one seeking to control information or shutdown countervailing views. This is needed in the public interest. Debate should be the grounds for discussing diverse ideas to explore for truth not shutdowns.

It is wise to learn from perspectives, ultimately you must do your own research and discover your own truth. Then you act on what you know.

I honour the wisdom of the ancient Chinese Philosopher Lao Tzu (600BC) whose book Dao De Jing I found in a Philosophy course in London.
He said:
“It is the responsibility of those who know to tell the blind horseman on the blind horse that he is heading towards the abyss”.

It is an act of love to speak up.

It was Einstein who said:
“No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it. We must learn to think anew” – Albert Einstein

All of us must be open to critique as we may be wrong and there may be other possibilities in plain sight. There are contentious ideas below and I am not for dividing or demonising any person or people. As a peacemaker I feel respect for diversity. However, I am open to all voices and ideas as perspectives that should be examined for truth or discarded if incorrect.

Truths can be painful, but ultimately they set us free. This is inclusive of those falsifying truth. We are one world, in it together but not to divide on the basis of social isolation.

The information about the coronavirus has been compiled by The American Intelligence Media. This is their introduction:

The American Intelligence Media is more than an alternative news site or a cutting-edge news aggregator. Citizens are rewriting history–real time, based on truth, not on the lies of the main stream media and government controlled propaganda. The mission of AIM4Truth is to archive the progress we are making as we find out who we really are and where we really came from and are headed.


The site consists of two main features–daily news and research articles. The daily news is gathered at the top of the site and focuses on the unfolding current events that support the truth of our history. The articles below the CAT Reports make up our “mountain of evidence of HIGH TREASON, mounting every day as we post our deeply researched articles on the people, places, and events that have conspired to take away Americans’ life, liberty, and property. We welcome readers from around the world to follow our site because as we unravel the lies and crimes of the elite global cabal in America, you will be better able to recognize the deception in your own governments and leaders/rulers. Drop in any time to start or continue your truth history lesson by reading any article from the bottom to the top, or whatever resonates with you in the moment. Once you know the deep truth of what has really happened to our country and the world, you will be able to look at the day’s events with a discerning eye. And, believe us, the elite cabal running this planet do not want We the People to know the truth of their crimes and treason. Once you reach the end of the article, please add your thoughtful comment for others to read. We are all in this together!

Coronavirus, QinetiQ, and the Rothschild Bombshell – American Intelligence Media

Coronavirus, QinetiQ, and the Rothschild Bombshell



The British Crown and the C.I.A. teamed up treasonously via QinetiQ Group Plc controlled by the Monarch

Lord Pirbright (Rothschild) and his banker cousins at N.M. Rothschild & Co. were godfathers of the 2nd Boer War concentration camps (1899-1902) to drive the French, Dutch and Germans out of South Africa

New Evidence: Leading London Jews were running the first modern war concentration camps where over 60,000 whites and blacks died, including more than 14,000 mostly white children who were subjected to Burroughs Wellcome & Co. (now Wellcome Trust–Coronavirus funder and GlaxoSmithKline) vaccine experiments

These Privy Council and Parliamentary records have been discovered after much difficulty and missing documents


Fig. 1—Henry (Rothschild) de Worms 1st Baron Pilbright (1840-1903), also called Lord Pirbright. Baron Pilbright’s grandmother was Schönche Jeannette Rothschild (1771–1859). Her father was Mayer Amschel Rothschild (1744–1812), the founder of the Rothschild colonial banking business in Ceylon where Lord Pirbright’s father Solomon de Worms established the “Rothschild” coffee and tea plantation with slave, and nearly slave labor.

Pirbright grew up in Ceylon on “The Rothschild Plantation” where they grew coffee and tea sold through their Rothschild-financed British East India Company. At age 45, Baron Pirbright became the British minister of trade and colonies (1885-1892). During those years just prior to the founding of the Pilgrims Society in 1902, Pirbright promoted Cecil Rhodes, N.M. Rothschild, Alfred Milner and John Buchan in the Boer Wars. He also oversaw the British patent office when Nikola Tesla’s began filing his wireless telegraphy patents. Regarding Tesla, Pirbright secretly allowed the British Admiralty and Post Office to steal from Tesla using Guglielmo Marconi as their fake inventor and make monopolistic deals with Marconi Wireless.

Pirbright also coached Henry S. Wellcome and Sir Henry M. Stanley in their rapacious acquisition of valuable African poisons and cures used in extensive vaccine experimentation on human beings—including black and Boer (German, Dutch and French) prisoners they had put in concentration camps and performed fatal Wellcome Trust drug experiments. Lord Pirbright gave Cecil Rhodes an almost free hand in the British South Africa Company to write laws, collect taxes and run his own police force in their new British Imperial-Fascist Corporatism model for reorganizing the British Empire while continuing to control the resources of their colonies, even after Home Rule was implement (like Rio Tinto – global mining company [including uranium] that is also a Rothschild creation for the British Crown that the Monarch controls to this day), Viscount Alfred Milner, co-founder of the Pilgrims Society, was Rio Tinto chairman from 1923-1925, and earlier a director for many years.

Base Photo: National Portrait Gallery; Fair Use; Educational purposes only.
reader notice

(FEB. 20, 2020)—Once we discovered that the Coronavirus was created and patented (U.S. Pat. No. 10,130,701) by “The Pirbright Institute, Woking, Pirbright, Surrey,” we were compelled to learn more about this Pirbright organization and the village of Pirbright. See previous post.

pirbright patent

One of our conclusions from this investigation is that The Pirbright Institute is very evidently part of the Pilgrims Society’s 200-year Rhodes-ian plan to create an un-elected one-world government where America is made subservient to the Pilgrims Society and its United Nations. As we are just now discovering, Rhodes had a mentor for his 200-year plan.

As a direct result of investigations to track down the ownership of responsibility for the current Coronavirus outbreak, a new ring leader in the creation of the Pilgrims Society (1902) has just emerged from hiding in the history books.

The tracing of patent ownership lineage of “U.S. Pat. No. 10,130,701, Coronavirus” led us to The Pirbright Institute, Surrey, UK, near Woking and Guildford.

The man who appears to be the Pilgrims Society nexus point is not Cecil Rhodes, but rather Rhodes’ Rothschild family mentor Henry (Rothschild) de Worms, 1st Baron Pirbright, sometimes referenced simply as “Lord Pirbright” or “Baron Pirbright.)

The topic “Pirbright” has many tentacles.


We’ll start with the name “Pirbright.”

On the surface, Pirbright is a posh little English village in the Greater West London county of Surrey, less than 6 miles southwest of Woking and 7 miles northwest of Guildford.

However, literal Frankensteins lurk in Pirbright’s meadows.

Fig. 2—The Pirbright Institute & Cobbett Hill Earthstation, both use British Ministry of Defense (MOD) property once owned by Henry (Rothschild) de Worms 1st Baron Pirbright. between 1886-1892 Pirbright sponsored Cecil Rhodes, Alfred Milner, N.M. Rothschild banking, the Boer Wars, the British South Africa Company, De Beers Mining, Burroughs Wellcome rape of African medicinals, Henry Stanley’s claims over Congo diamond and gold, theft of Nikola Tesla’s inventions, creation of Marconi Wireless as a state monopoly, Round Table, Milner’s Kindergarten, Pilgrims Society,

The Pirbright Institute is a research institute in Surrey, England, dedicated to the study of infectious diseases of farm animals. It is located on 200 acres of land controlled by the British Ministry of Defense (MOD), just south of the village of Pirbright.

The Pirbright Institute has close affiliations with vaccine pharmaceuticals including British Merial (originally a joint venture between drug companies U.S. Merck and French Sanofi-Aventis), German Boehringer-Ingelheim, British Wellcome Trust, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Wellcome Trust and the Gates Foundation are the two largest investors in pharma research on the planet and heavily fund The Pirbright Institute.

Institute for Animal Health, Pirbright laboratory, Merial Animal Health, Institute for Animal Health, Surrey, UK, from Editor. (Aug. 05, 2007). Foot-and-mouth strain identified BBC News.
Fig. 3Editor. (Aug. 05, 2007). Foot-and-mouth strain identified. BBC News. Institute for Animal Health, Pirbright laboratory, Merial Animal Health, Institute for Animal Health, Surrey, UK, site of the foot and mouth outbreak.

The investigation into Merial cited extreme sloppiness such as bio security lapses, poor drainage systems, poor maintenance and inspection, poor communications, lack of oversight of contractors working on the site, poor record-keeping, conflicts of interest within the government entities and Merial’s commercial interests.

Merial and its key shareholder, the French company Sanofil, were together acquired by German Boehringer Ingelheim on Jan. 03, 2017.

Merial was founded in the UK on Mar. 07, 1997 through the merger of the animal health businesses of Merck and Rhone Merieuxm (also named Sanofi-Aventis) and is one of the top 10 players in the UK pharmaceuticals industry. They operate in more than 150 countries, employ more than 5,000 people, and boasted 2007 sales of £1.1billion.

On Feb. 09, 2017, Boehringer-Ingelheim bought Merial-Sanofil and continues to operate Merial’s vaccine manufacturing facilities at The Pirbright Institute.

pirbright enhanced picture 1
Fig. 4—The “Coronavirus” is British-owned U.S. Pat. No. 10,130,701 – CORONAVIRUS, The Pirbright Institute (UK)Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health that is now headquartered at The Pirbright Institute (UK), was formerly Merial Animal Health Limited (UK) Co. No. 01961886, then Merial-Sanofil, was the site of the of the AUG. 03, 2007 FOOT AND MOUTH OUTBREAK that was blamed on conflicts of business interests (corruption), poor records, sloppy controls, poor management oversight and unsanitary facilities at The Pirbright Institute.


Merial Animal Health Limited (50% owned by U.S. Merck) was sold to French Sanofil on Jul. 30, 2009; then three months later on Oct. 12, 2009, built a $70 million production plant named Merial Animal Health Co., Ltd. (Nanchang, China); then sold to German Boehringer Ingelheim GMBH on Feb. 09, 2017), but still produces poultry vaccines from their 12-acre plant having retained the name Merial Animal Health Co., Ltd. (China) – just a 4 hour drive from Wuhan, China. Map of The Pirbright Institute, Pirbright, Surrey, UK.

Note, Pilgrims Society at the BBC and Reuters are floating a malicious “false flag” propaganda currently from unattributed assertions that the Pirbright Coronavirus patent is a different, weakened coronavirus, not the one involved in the current outbreak. Such an assertion would violate U.S. Patent Office “inequitable conduct” rules—lying to the Office. See sidebar on right.

In other words, you are forbidden from giving a patent application misleading name. Indeed, there are currently 75 patents with coronavirus in the title. The Coronavirus patent is one of 11 awarded to The Pirbright Institute. These titles described the uniquenesses of each claim (a requirement). For The Pirbright Institute U.S. Pat. No. 10,130,701 to be allowed the name simply “CORONAVIRUS” means what it says. Also remember, British SERCO manages the patent approval process at the U.S. Patent Office, the the possibility of fraud is heightened, especially considering that SERCO’s sister company QinetiQ–both controlled by the Monarch’s Golden Share giving 100% veto power over operations–essentially approved the patent to themselves. This is evident fraud.

U.S. PATENT OFFICE: “A finding of “fraud,” “inequitable conduct,” or violation of duty of disclosure with respect to any claim in an application or patent, renders all the claims thereof unpatentable or invalid.”

Question: When is the U.S. Patent Office going to disclose its fraud and treason in contracting with British Crown companies SERCO and QinetiQ?

Doesn’t the USPTO fraud invalidate everything they’ve done since contracting with SERCO in 200620132015Overview, see full spreadsheet list of 15,769 federal (Senior Executive Service) contracts with SERCO).

Currently, individual U.S. inventors filing for patents are screwed by this Pilgrims Society global patent theft ring run by the British.

On Oct. 12, 2009, Merial invested over $70 million (US) to build a “Merial Animal Health Co. (China)” 50,000 sq. meters poultry vaccine production plant in Nanchang, China. Nanchang is only a four hour drive from Wuhan.

This Merial plant was founded on Oct. 12, 2007)—just two months after the Aug. 05, 2007 foot and mouth outbreak in the U.K. Given current Chinese prohibition of foreign ownership control, the Chinese government would control Merial (China) with the The Pirbright Institute—British Ministry of Defense, and/or QinetiQ as possible minority stockholders. The big pharma shell game is quite evident.

merial animal wuhan
Fig. 5—Merial Animal Health Co., Ltd., Nanchang, China 梅里亚动物保健有限公司, formed out of The Pirbright Institute (UK) on Oct. 12, 2009, just a four hour drive from Wuhan, China. Map of Merial Animal Health Co., Ltd., Nanchung, China. Map of the 216 mile distance between Nanchang to Wuhan, China.

Henry (Rothschild) de Worms, 1st Baron Pirbright evidently had a vision to combine vaccines, wireless, propaganda, mind control and banking and use these technologies to control the masses and make money for his Pilgrims Society conspirators.


On the same property as The Pirbright Institute is Cobbett Hill Earth Station—a satellite teleport that boasts “more than 25 antennas with active operations on 13 satellites” using C and KU-band antennas that are powerful enough for directed energy weaponry.

Geoffrey E. Pattie
Fig. 6—Army Training Center (ATC) Pirbright (Surrey, UK) is located just 8 miles north of Cobbett Hill Earthstation and The Pirbright Institute. ATC trains Army recruits, including electronic and biological warfare.

Experts in electronic warfare who have studied the Pirbright property footprint believe it is almost certain that both the Pirbright Institute and the adjacent Cobbett Hill Earthstation teleport share “hardened” underground facilities that are able to withstand direct attacks. This conclusion was further affirmed by CETel GMBH CEO Guido Neumann who boasted on Jun. 01, 2019:

CETel Cobbett Hill Earthstation

“Cobbett Hill is located only 25 miles from central London in the UK, and occupies a seven-acre secure compound on 200 acres of land. Currently, it houses more than 25 antennas with active operations on 13 satellites plus spare capacity enabling quick turnaround times on even short-notice customer requirements. Due to the locations historical use by the British Ministry of Defence it has blanket planning permission for unlimited antenna installations within the 200 acres and operate within an RF exclusion zone preventing any local interference.”

Trigger words projecting secret underground government and conspiring-corporate activity: “quick turnaround times,” “blanket planning permission,” “unlimited antenna installations within the 200 acres,” “RF exclusion zone preventing local interference,” “seven acres on 200 acres,” and “historical use by the British Ministry of Defence.”

SERCO and QinetiQ are controlled by the Crown Golden Shares (Special Share)
Fig. 7—SERCO & QinetiQ are both controlled by the Monarch’s Golden Share.

On Nov. 11, 2002, this MOD property housing both the Pirbright Institute and Cobbett Hill Earthstation was sold to QinetiQ Holdings Limited. The British Monarch held a “Special Share” (aka “Golden Share”) giving it complete control of QinetiQ.

Then, in 2004 Qinetiq “sold” Cobbett Hill according to official Parliamentary debate records.

In a now familiar globalist shell games like we just examined with the pharmaceutical companies operating at The Pirbright Institute property, the Cobbett Hill Earthstation satellite facility was first “privatized” by QinetiQ in 2004.

We think this “sale” of a key British MOD facility at Cobbett Hill Earthstation was window dressing to hide their biological and electronic warfare activities occurring on its “secure” Pirbright property. Notably, Cobbett Hill part of the quarantined hot zone in the 2007 foot and mouth outbreak, as the effluent from Merial flowed south over Cobbett Hill.

SERCO and QinetiQ are controlled by the Crown Golden Shares (Special Share)
Fig. 8—Sir John A.R. Chisholm, founder of DERA, the British equivalent of DARPA.

Back in 1991, Sir John R. Chisholm had been asked by the Ministry of Defence to combine the government’s many research organizations into one which became the Defence Evaluation and Research Agency (DERA).

On Nov. 08, 2002, Chisholm spun off ¾ of DERA to form Qinetiq. Timing-wise, this was concurrent with the creation of SERCO Service Inc. as a Monarch-controlled data, intelligence, propaganda and information monolith.

On Mar. 10, 2003, Chisholm was appointed a director QinetiQ—the entity he created two years earlier!

On Dec. 08, 2005, QinetiQ Holdings Limited was renamed QinetiQ Group Plc.

Today, approximately 164 subsidiaries now carry “QinetiQ” in their names, or former names, including Perspecta, IntrinsiQ, Gyldan (formerly Qinetiz Partnership Finance Ltd.), F. Miller and Commerce Decisions.

In 2004, QinetiQ ostensibly sold the satellite teleport on the 174-acre MOD Pirbright property to Cobbett Hill Earthstation Limited.

Records are unclear how The Pirbright Institute property was bundled into the sale or leasing to QinetiQ. We think it was and that the entire satellite and biomedical animal-testing facility was all part of the same MOD activity to obfuscate and hide their illegal activities on the entire 200 acres.

The entire DERA-to-QinetiQ transaction is shrouded in British government secrecy, but one thing is certain: the Monarch’s Golden Share has powerful preemptitve rights and “clawback” options over all property in the United Kingdom. The Monarch’s Golden Share is a super veto power over all activities of the company. This “Special Share” gave the Monarch 100% control of selected corporations after “divestiture” or “privatization” which was window dressing to make these companies look private, but to keep them controlled by the Monarchy and the Privy Council.

Qinetiq Group Plc. Co. No. 4586941. (Jun. 03, 2003). Resolutions at General Meeting Re. the Monarch's SPECIAL SHARE. Companies House (UK).
Fig. 9—Qinetiq Group Plc. Co. No. 4586941. (Jun. 03, 2003). Resolutions at General Meeting Re. the Monarch’s SPECIAL SHARE. Companies House (UK).
SERCO and QinetiQ are controlled by the Crown Golden Shares (Special Share)
Fig. 10—Christopher J. Pocotte, founder and CEO, Aksiom Group Limited, funder of the 2019 consolidation of CETel GMBH (ostensible manager of Cobbett Hill Earthstation) and Axesat into AXESS Networks. Picotte is a fellow director of various companies secretly directed by the Privy Council and Pilgrims Society holding Monarch “Special Shares” otherwise called “Golden Shares” giving the Monarch 100% control of those companies and their activities. More specifically, he is a fellow director of North Sea Infrastructure Partners Limited with Sir Roy A. Gardner, Chairman of SERCO Group Plc.

On Jun. 24, 2019, just last summer, Cobbett Hill ostensibly sold itself to CETel GMBH (Central European Telecom Services). Four months later, on Sep. 19, 2019, Aksiom Group Limited combined CETel GMBH with Axesat to and funded AXESS Networks.

Aksiom’s American chairman and founder, Christopher James Picotte, sits on the boards of numerous companies with direct ties to the British Crown, including Centrica Plc valued at £5.1b (2019).

SERCO and QinetiQ are controlled by the Crown Golden Shares (Special Share)
Fig. 11—Sir Roy Alan Gardner, Chairman of SERCO Group Plc; founder and chairman, North Sea Infrastructure Partners Limited; Centrica Plc, director; among others.

Picotte has direct linking relationships with Sir Roy Gardner, chairman of SERCO Group Plc through a now typical shell game of shell companies with no activity.

For example, Picotte is a director of Aksiom Group Holdings Limited that formed AXESS Networks in order to acquire CETel GMBH that had just a few months earlier had acquired Cobbett Hill Earthstation Limited.

Aksiom-AXESS’s director-funder Pichotte is also a director of North Sea Infrastructure Partners Limited. One of North Sea’s directors is Centrica Directors Limited, formerly named Centrica Nominees No. 2. Limited, whose sole owner is GB Gas Holdings Limited. A founding director of GB Gas in 1996 is Sir Roy Alan Gardner, the current chairman of SERCO Group Plc.

Sir Roy’s other directorships make it quit clear that his task in the Privy Council is to consolidate ALL electronic warfare capability in the British government under SERCO and QinetiQ.

Sir Roy A. Gardner directorships

Sir Roy A. Gardner was Centrica Plc chairman with Picotte.

Gardner is also the current chairman of SERCO Group Plc. SERCO’s CEO is Rupert Soames. Soames’ name appears in pedophile Jeffrey Epstein’s little black book. SERCO is also controlled by the Monarch’s Golden Share. [CITE].

Rupert C. Soames
Fig. 12—Rupert C. Soames, CEO of SERCO Group Plc; member of Jeffrey Epstein’s “Pedophile Island” Little Black Book.


As we showed in our previous post, available here, SERCO has been awarded almost $10 billion in from the U.S. Patent Office, FEMA, OMB, Navy SPAWAR, OPM, State Department, DoD, Army, Navy, FAA, FEC, etc. In short, America’s ship has already been boarded by British pirates in defense, space and technology projects by a Pilgrim’s Society-complicit Senior Executive Services (SES).

We were shocked to discovered that QinetiQ has an almost equal number of U.S. contracts.

QinetiQ has received over $8.5 billion U.S. federal contracts. (PDF | Excel-downloads directly to your Downloads folder).

SERCO has received over $9.5 billion U.S. federal contracts. PDF | Excel-downloads directly to your Downloads folder)


On Nov. 15, 1895, Henry De Worms (1840-1903) was appointed to be 1st Baron Pirbright, of Pirbright, County of  Surrey (UK)—the current site of The Pirbright Institute and Cobbett Hill Earthstation teleport.

Henry (Rothschild) de Worms 1st Baron Rothschild
Fig. 13—Henry (Rothschild) De Worms (1840-1903) was appointed to be 1st Baron Pirbright appears to have been the spiritual leader directing the likes of Cecil Rhodes, Alfred Milner and the Boer Wars, not to mention Pilgrims Society, Empire Press Union, First Imperial Press Conference 1909, MI6, MI5 and GC&CS renamed GCHQ in 1947.

On Oct. 03, 1893, Lord Pirbright inherited a substantial sum in those days—about £350,000—as residuary legatee of his mother Henrietta Samuel’s estate. He used these funds to fund great mischief, including purchasing the land in the greater Pirbright area on land that today houses MOD (Ministry of Defense) facilities associated with British Defence Evaluation and Research Agency (DERA), including The Pirbright Institute, essentially controlled by the Wellcome Trust and Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation—two key funders of the Pirbright Institute along with U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), and Cobbett Hill Earthstation, that are both adjacent to the Army Training Center – Pirbright land acquired by the Army in about 1875.

Lord Pirbright also bankrolled Henry Wellcome’s meteoric rise in the pharmaceutical business as well as Sir Henry M. Stanley’s expeditions to Africa to collect new cures and poisons for Henry Wellcome, as well as secure west African mining rights for Belgium King Leopold II, the British South Africa Company and his protégés Cecil Rhodes, Alfred Milner, N.M. Rothschild & Sons, Winston Churchill and John Buchan, among others.

Cecil John Rhodes
Fig. 14—Cecil John Rhodes now appears to have taken his new-world order orders from Henry de Worms 1st Lord Pirbright, his mentor.

Henry (Rothschild) De Worms, First Baron Pirbright’s paternal grandmother was Schönche Jeannette Rothschild (1771–1859). Jeanette’s father, Pirbright’s great grandfather, was Mayer Amschel Rothschild (1744-1812)—the founder of Rothschild banking. See Dict. of Nat. Bio (1914), pp. 495-496, 51 MB (be patient when downloading).

A young Henry de Worms lived his early years on the family coffee, tea and spice plantation in Ceylon actually named “Rothschild.” This bound the de Worms to the rapacious imperialism of the British East India Company that the Rothschilds bankrolled. The Jewish Chronicle (London), Jan. 20, 1903 (9.6 MB).

Indeed, Pirbright led Britain’s imperial trading empire when he was Parliamentary Secretary to the Board of Trade (1885-88), and Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies (1888-92) under Lord Salisbury.

For context, on the Board of Trade, Henry (Rothschild) De Worms 1st Baron Pirbright was succeeded by political Zionist Lord Balfour (1989-1992). Balfour was also President of the Board of Trade with Sydney Buxton (2nd Governor General of the British South Africa Company) and future prime ministers Churchill and Lloyd George.

Balfour was the author of the Balfour Declaration letter to Baron Lionel W. Rothschild (Pirbright’s cousin and fellow leader of the London Jewish community, and the funder of Cecil Rhodes’ British South Africa Company and De Beers Consolidated Mines in Cape Colony, South Africa). Balfour’s letter called for a Jewish homeland in Palestine. In 1902-1905, Bonar Law took the same post and later becane privy councillor (1911), British war cabinet during WWI (1916-1918), and later prime minister (1922-1923).

Alfred Milner
Fig. 15—Viscount Alfred Milner 1st Governor of the Transvaal and Orange River Colony; Member of the Imperial War Cabinet (WWI, 1916-1918); organizer of the 2nd Boer War concentraiton camps.

On the colonial post, succeeding Pirbright was Sydney Buxton (1892-1895). Nineteen years later as President of the Board of Trade (1914), Buxton championed the Marconi Wireless monopoly as a cabinet secretary that Pirbright had earlier helped create by supporting Marconi’s theft by the Post Office and Admiralty of Nikola Tesla’s wireless telegraphy patents.

General Lord Frederick Sleigh Roberts
Fig. 16—General Lord Frederick Sleigh Roberts, British commander of the 2nd Boer War forces; organizer of the 2nd Boer War concentration camps; first president of the Pilgrims Society.

Also succeeding Pirbright in the colonial post was Winston Churchill (1905-1908). Churchill had also held Buxton’s post as President of the Board of Trade (1908-1910).


Henry (Rothschild) De Worms and Lord Salisbury subdued the British Parliament in the 1880-90’s to promote the Boer Wars in the Transvaal, South Africa to, among other things to : (1) crush the stiff colonial business competition from the German Hanseatic LeagueDutch East India Company and the French East India Company, (2) to further consolidate the Rothschild monopoly over the Bank of England, (3) monopolize African mining through Cecil Rhodes, N.M. Rothschild and De Beers, as the way to finance, (4) a new privatized, imperial corporatist-fascist model for the British Empire named the British South Africa Company, (5) recruit new blood into this ruthless elitist club by funding Rhodes Scholarships at Oxford in perpetuity.

Rhodes established The Round Table to promote this “English-speaking” hegemony over the the world. His new club of self-aggrandizing elitist Robber barons (including Americans) was a moral grab bag of ideas that borrowed from John Ruskin’s settlement movement ideas where elites would rule over socialist/communist communities as overlords, dispensing their wisdom over the hapless masses in their charge. Tellingly, the leaders of the 2nd Boer War, Viscount Alfred Milner and General Lord Roberts, were Ruskin fans. Also tellingly, Ruskin eschewed spirituality and religion until late in life.

The Round Table organized as a secret society that borrowed Jesuit stealth takeover processes to hide their hegemonic intentions. With Rhodes’ blessing, they employed any tactic needed to acquire the resources to achieve their 200-year imperial corporatist-fascist goals “…(3) The seizure of the wealth necessary.”

On 13 March 1888, Rhodes launched De Beers Consolidated Mines where Rhodes was first chairman , with funding from N.M. Rothschild & Sons supplied in 1887.

Henry (Rothschild) de Worms, 1st Baron Pirbright.
Fig. 17—Henry (Rothschild) de Worms, 1st Baron Pirbright. Appointed to key cabinet positions that gave him great influence over patents (incl. Nikola Tesla’s wireless telegraphy invention), animal-testing (vaccines), mining rights and establishment of the British South Africa Company.

In 1888, Queen Victoria appointed Baron Henry De Worms to the Privy Council. His barony was extinguished upon his death since he had no male heirs. However, he appears to have given away his land holdings to the Ministry of Defence which had been under his authority.

On Dec. 20, 1889, De Worms, Rothschild and Salisbury supported the formation of an autonomous British South Africa Company to enable Cecil J. Rhodes to form a replacement corporatist (Robber baron) model to replace the British East India Company. In this model the lower classes would be ruled under socialism and culled with eugenics (war, poison vaccines, man-made disasters) while the upper class rulers would live lives of luxury under the British peerage system. In their system, free thinking could not be tolerated, therefore, the Judeo-Christian ethic of free will would have to be neutralized or abolished. According to Rhodes’ 200-year plan, these commercial princes would operate as a secret society and use Jesuit stealth tactics to lie, cheat and steal to achieve their plan. Rhodes encouraged them that the resources to achieve this plan must be acquired at any cost.

The British South Africa Company would empower Rhodes to run South Africa as a corporation with its own laws, taxes and police force. This profligate governance model eventually led to Milner and Roberts establishing the world’s first concentrations camps in the 2nd Boer War. Over 60,000 souls, including 14,000 children were murdered in these barbaric camps via suspicious outbreaks of  measles, typhoid and dysentery. Family described to our researchers that children with even sniffles were taken away from their parents and never returned, presumed murdered. Notably, Henry Wellcome supplied his medicine chests full of experimental vaccines to the British Army that were used in these death camps.

The British acknowledge that the concentration camps helped break the backs of the Boers and led to their defeat. This ghoulish model was repeated by Adolf Hitler thirty years later.

Henry Morton Stanley
Fig. 18—Henry Morton Stanley, British explorer conspired with Henry (Rothschild) de Worms, Henry Wellcome and Cecil Rhodes to secure British monopolies in South Africa over diamond and gold mining, and pharmaceuticals. Stanley is buried in Pirbright, Surrey, UK.

The lionized British explorer Sir Henry M. Stanley is buried in Pirbright. His legend says he explored “Darkest Africa” and allegedly said upon encountering missionary David Livingstone who he was searching for: “Mr. Livingstone, I presume.” Given our new information into the propaganda surrounding the Stanley, we are wondering if any of this is true. It may have just been a tall tale that sold a lot of newspapers. It may have been a learning lesson for newspapermen that they could make up stories out of whole-cloth and the public would believe them unquestioningly.

In 1874, Stanley’s second African expedition was finance by two newspapers , The New York Herald and Britain’s Daily TelegraphThe Daily Telegraph’s editor, Edward Levy Lawson, later Lord Burnham, co-founder of the Pilgrims Society (1902), was chairman of the First Imperial Press Conference, 1909, and founded the Empire Press Union and while organizing of British MI6, MI5 and GC&CS, now GCHQ)—the last three events all in the summer of 1909.

Henry Wellcome told the story of Stanley’s use of his medicine chests full of experimental vaccines in his The Evolution of Journalism Etcetera (pp. 150, 151, 291) that he presented to the 650 newspapermen delegates at the First Imperial Press Conference, 1909. In that conference he asked the delegates to repeat Stanley’s efforts to collect toxins, cures and poisons and he would reimburse them to be sent to his Wellcome laboratories in the UK for analysis.

Wellcome helped finance Stanely’s expeditions. Stanely also helped Belgium’s Prince Leopold II secure the Congo for the Rothschilds and De Beers’ diamond and gold interests.

Wellcome and Stanley were both born promoters who used the corridors of power to secure their wealth and influence. Wellcome Trust today is the second largest grant-maker in the world after The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

Now we must return to Wellcome’s, Rhodes’s, Milner’s, Robert’s and Stanley’s Parliamentary sponsor Henry de Worms 1’s Baron Pirbright.

In his powerful positions at the Board of Trade and as overseer of the Colonies, De Worms was responsible for all patents and trademarks.

During this time, a bright young Serbian-born inventor named Nicholai Tesla was inventing wireless telegraphy, electric light, motors, power and free energy devices. His first patent, for an electric arc lamp, was awarded on Sep. 02, 1886 30, 1884. (De Worms assumed control of the Board if Trade in 1885).

Therefore, during De Worms trade and colonial oversight of the British patent office (1885-1892), Tesla filed 56 patents.

Hindsight makes it quite evident now that we can see the forces behind the transition of the British Empire from control by the British East India Company to a new form of British corporatist imperial fascism, that they would apply Rhodes’ admonition to acquire resources at any cost, to stealing Tesla’s wireless telegraphy invention for use in their imperial communications scheme for use in the Admiralty and as a propaganda tool to control the masses and “create public opinion.”

It is our strong belief that these Robber barons created Guglielmo Giovanni Maria Marconi as their cardboard cut-out front man to create a British global monopoly named Marconi Wireless on emerging wireless telegraphy. In short, Marconi’s alleged parallel invention of wireless telegraphy is all fake.

Indeed, during deWorms oversight of trade and the colonies, the British post office began secretly creating deals with Marconi Wireless without the knowledge of Parliament. The insider trading got so bad that in 1913 it almost took down a future Prime Minister (David Lloyd George) and King’s Counsellor Rufus Daniel Isaacs. These men while knowing that Marconi’s monopoly (organized by De Worms and his Rhodes’ relative Charles F.G. Masterman—later chief of the British War Propaganda Bureau) was unassailable, had secretly bought shares for themselves in Marconi America, just before Marconi Wireless Britain went public.

The unmistakable commonality here in Britain’s new corporatist-fascist imperial plan for the new British Empire was to have unanimity of vision and direction across banking (dominated by Rothschilds), pharma (dominated by Wellcome), government (controlled ultimately by the Pilgrims Society), Wireless Technology (controlled by the Marconi Wireless monopoly), propaganda (controlled by the Empire Press Union) and information (controlled by MI6,  MI5, GC& CS, renamed GCHQ).

According to Rhodes’ instructions, these men were compelled to nudge America back into the Empire. They used these levers of power and control to achieve this goals, and they are still at it today. After forming their secret Pilgrims Society and took control of global newspapers, intelligence, wireless and cable, they set out to recapture America.

Andrew Carnegie even bankrolled American education, textbooks and libraries to change American opinion about Britain in order to condition the population for re-assimilation.

They use the Crown Agents to press this plan globally.

They promoted the Round Table and Milner’s Kindergarten.

They promoted Fabianism.

They promoted Zionism.

They promoted Bolshevism, Socialism and Communism.

They formed Reuters and Associated Press.

They direct Daily Telegraph, Daily Mail, The Times, Washington Post, New York Times.

They funded American libraries and textbooks.

They promoted the League of Nations.

They promoted the U.S. Federal Reserve.

They promoted Fascism.

The promoted The Inquiry.

They crashed the U.S. stock market in 1929 to consolidate their ability to control American banks.

They promoted the Council on Foreign Relations

They formed organizations like the Tri-Lateral Commission, the Atlantic Council, NATO, Bilderberg, Aspen Institute, Bohemian Grove to promote their reassimilation of American into their new world order Empire.

They promoted NATO.

They promoted the World Bank and IMF.

They stole the social networking inventions from Columbus-innovator Leader Technologies via the IBM Eclipse Foundation to unify and accelerate their activities world.

The Crown Agents successfully formed the Senior Executive Service (SES), the Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC), USAID, The Aerospace Corporation to take over the Executive Branch with a permanent Pilgrims Society bureaucracy.

We return to the question of why the Pirbright Institute—the patent holder of CORONAVIRUS—is situated on the same Ministry of Defence property as the Cobbett Hill Earthstation with massive array of powerful, weapons-grade antennas and dishes. And, that is only what we can see from satellite images.

As with most secret government labs doing often questionable and illegal research, these facilities are probably massive underground.

On paper, QinetiQ sold Cobbett Hill in 2004, but this appears to have been a shell game to hide the fact that the government flipped the property in order to avoid scrutiny. Given the fact that former C.I.A. director George Tenet was a QinetiQ director on Oct. 24, 2006 (see also QinetiQ 2006 Annual Report) along with former Deputy Chief of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Edmund P. Giambastiani, Jr. (Oct. 08, 2008), who is believed to still be a director, continued use of Cobbett Hill for illegal intelligence activity is sure. Such facilities are difficult to build and are not easily replaced.

George J. Tenet.
Fig. 13—George J. Tenet, outgoing C.I.A. Director became an QinetiQ director on Oct. 24, 2006.
Edmund P. Giambastiani, Jr.
Fig. 14—Admiral Edmund P. Giambastiani, Jr., outgoing Deputy Chief of the Joint Chief of Staff became an QinetiQ director on Oct. 08, 2008.

One thing is certain, QinetiQ’s current address in nearby Farnborough, near the airport, is not a good location for such satellites given all the interference from airport flight communications. In radio communications, once you get a “clean” spot free of extraneous electronic noise, you tend to keep it.

The Pirbright Institute records show that it is heavily financed by Wellcome Trust, Bill Gates, the European Commission, the World Health Organization and U.S. DARPA. In addition to Wellcome, the pharmaceutical AstraZenica provides vaccine research funding also.


Researchers all know that stress increases disease.

Imagine a Coronavirus specially constructed to lie dormant in a person’s body until it is triggered by the right radio frequency.

Imagine nano tech devices that can hide inside a vaccine and be triggered by wireless transmissions passing through your body.

Imagine 5G technology that, on command from Cobbett Hill Earthstation, can trigger nono tech devices in all the bodies of the citizens in an entire city.

Is this farfetched? Not at all.

Directed Energy Weapons” are being openly disclosed by the military. While their propagandists are quick to say the tech is non-lethal, but the assertions are not believable given their history of lying. Their own descriptions indicate the ability to stun, dazzle, blind, deafen, scream at “or even kill” at people while they think they are hearing the voice of God.

5G technology disperses these capabilities to be able to deliver signals to all people in a target area or group at the same time.

The Pirbright Institute appears to be using the Cobbett Hill satellite teleport facilities to communicate with their Pilgrim Society minions worldwide. Perhaps Nellie Ohr’s shortwave set was actually communicating with Qinetiq at Cobbett Hill and the Pirbright Institute.


One thing is certain:

American and British Pilgrims Society, newspapers, intelligence, tech and banks must confess that they are using Crown-controlled  QinetiQ and SERCO to get over $18 billion in U.S. defense contracts to build bio-weapons at The Pirbright Institute, Wellcome Trust, AstraZeneca, Crown Agents and Senior Executive Service (SES) to kill us.

In conclusion, as we go to press with this post, the author of the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989 (BWATA), international law professor Francis A. Boyle indicates that the University of North Carolina was involved with the Coronavirus outbreak in China.

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation heavily finances both The Pirbright Institute and the University of North Carolina.


The evidence is overwhelming that the Pilgrims Society (which is often called the Deep State, Senior Executive Service, Crown Agents, shadow government) is manipulating the public to achieve its new world order objectives.

The evidence is also overwhelming that the Pilgrims Society strategy, perhaps conceived long ago by Henry (Rothschild) de Worms, 1st Baron Pirbright, has been stealing and weaponizing patents since about the 1880’s.

The patents being stolen focus on vaccines, wireless technology, communications, computers, propaganda, mind control and educational delivery systems.


Now that the activities of the Pilgrims Society are becoming known, we citizens of the world must demand that their source of money be cut, force them to disgorge their ill-gotten gain to their victims, and (re)create governments that actually follow the Golden Rule—”Do unto others as you would have them do unto you” (Leviticus 19:18, Matthew 7:12 , Luke 6:31).

miller act notice

SAS soldier Braden Chapman speaks out about War Crimes

The article below is from the ABC and discusses Australian SAS war crimes in Afghanistan. War is not a game, real people die. No-one thinks deeply about the real suffering for families of each death, how terror impacts communities and the reality that violence cannot bring peace no matter how you dress it up. Only peace brings peace.

All violence has the same root, powerlessness. The destruction of war or violence deepens powerlessness which expands violence. It is a formula that has never been about peace, it has always been endless war as men believe force works. War is an imbalance with our true nature.

Immediately looking at the story below I contemplate the Australian Federal Police raids on the ABC. The person of interest was David McBride, an SAS officer who was raising concerns about military abuses and as a lawyer investigating humanitarian law.

Refer YouTube:
Refer YouTube:

This issue is a murky one in the sense that where is the line drawn in respect of lawful killing. I always feel uneasy with the words ‘lawful killing’ contrasted to the situation when civilians are arrested and jailed if they commit murder. Yet in the military setting they have safeguards as they are in the business of killing. They use buzz words such as national security, defending democracy, ridding the war of terrorism when it is evident through important whistle-blowers that the wars are not about defence but oil interests. It is evident that there is a revolving door into government by commercial interests who are making money out of disasters, a term coined ‘disaster capitalism’. Disaster capitalism makes clear that defence contractors are paid in one day what a regular soldier makes in one week and do not have government oversight at all. The large military industrial complex is embedded in government as contractors alongside government employees with high level secret clearances. This is called the ‘deep state’.

My heart goes to the Afghan citizens who have experienced decades of heart wrenching abuse, who are the poorest people on the planet and who have suffered like no other with no outpouring of compassion for their plight. They have experienced their families murdered, Taliban oppression, harassment and murder of women who break (in their eyes) sharia law, they witness their country invaded, ransacked, polluted with depleted uranium and turned to rubble with no legal consequence. They have been so hungry that they eat grass and dirt. The perpetuated violence was the continuance of the cold war orchestrated by elements in the United States attempting to create another Vietnam for Russia. The CIA paid mercenaries (extremists) to come in to Afghanistan and fight the Russians. The violent war lords had no allegiance other than to money were ruthless in their violation of human rights, executions and exploitation. This country which was once a peaceful country where families were incredibly close, poetry and music was their entertainment as they survived the harshest winters and invaders to become a hardy people. Their innocence was shattered.

I recall Donald Rumsfeld regarding Afghanistan as not a good target as it was a pile of rocks. He wanted more spectacular targets to feel he was fighting a real war and could test out weaponry. Thus, we are not talking responsible leadership focused on the noble vision of securing peace and security, but rather an cold and calculated interest in perpetuating violence without any regard for civilians using the name of national security which is today code for commercial interests who have co-opted the US government through donations or political status. It was Scott Ritter, the former weapons inspector in Iraq who stated the US was engaged in an illegitimate war of aggression. The same applied to Afghanistan. He was critical of John Howard, the Australian Prime Minister who he regarded as turning Australian into the 51st State of the US. He advised for us to take down the Australian flag and hoist up the US flag. Thus, Australian military activities in Afghanistan are under the command of the US and the real issue is under humanitarian law how are civilians (unarmed) protected.
Refer my recordings of Scott Ritter at the University of Melbourne:

This link is how a few US Generals viewed the leadership of Donald Rumsfeld.

The Australian government followed US policy and entered Afghanistan to fight ‘terrorism’. The close ‘oil’ relationship between the Bush family and the Saudi Royal family and the revelations about the Clinton Foundation and Isis funded by the Saudi’s, suggests the interests having nothing to do with the public interest but are commercial profiting from conflict. The fact that the Saudi’s funded the US invasion of Afghanistan matching dollar for dollar (see Charlie Wilson’s war) reveals foreign interference and collaboration with other agenda’s playing out. The US nationally promoted the cold war fight with Russia and ironically the Taliban went to Texas to meet with Unocol to construct a gas pipeline. The profits from the deal between oil barons, the US government and the Taliban provided material aid to an extremist regime (created by the war with Russia) that violated human rights justified by extreme Islam. The Taliban hung people in Kabul stadium, religious police raids, oppressed and stoned women to death and applied harsh punishments for anyone violating Sharia law.


The is the “pink elephant” in the room where all look the other way, it is the profit that matters not the human rights of people. Torture emerges from the same indifference to humanity that is profiled in the psychopath. I always remember Bill Clinton’s announcement of decoupling of human rights from trade (as a red flag) and later the US exited the UN Human Rights Council as a statement of ‘who they have become’. That should alarm the Australian government given the Australian people’s values and what we regard as the very basis of democratic principles and the rule of law. This demonstrates a culture of violent abuse that is called business as usual, as it is profit that matters not human life. Does this make America great? I am sure Abraham Lincoln would turn in his grave as life, liberty and happiness is distorted for the benefit of the few not the many.

Afghanistan is the poorest country on earth and was used for a proxy war benefiting commercial interests without any regard for civilians. There has been no compassion for these long suffering people who survived against the odds. They would see the great evil in the West as their country was polluted with depleted uranium, villages bombed, civilians addicted to heroin, women turning to prostitution and an illegal child trafficking trade. They are a beautiful and kind people, very humble and simple who had no defence against forces greedily seeking their resources and not standing in nobility to protect an abused people. The greed is a core issue.

The most important issue in this sad tale is the US shadow government and deep state has to be put on the global agenda and referred to the International Criminal Court for ‘crimes against humanity’. These are unaccountable powerful organisations, corporations and non profits engaged in illegal endless wars, the drug trade, guns and trafficking. Kevin Shipp (former CIA) stated Hillary Clinton heads up ‘a criminal cartel’ in Washington D.C.. This must be investigated in an international court of law. Otherwise the dark intelligence war becomes one of assassinations to silence whistle-blowers furthering the targeted killing of civilians rather than justice. Refer


As a peacemaker it is vital that the truth comes out if peace is what we truly desire for our children and grandchildren. Yes, it can be scary as those who feel threatened will use legal or bullying means to silence others. The rule of law by neutral judges holding the real scales of justice must be the nonviolent pathway that leads to peace and reconciliation as accountability is central to trust in government. This has to be done as the violence is ‘not who we are’ as we become awakened to the fact that we live in a global village where not only are we each others keepers (responsible for each other) but to know ‘what you do to another returns to the self’ (universal law). For those who believe they are fighting for a higher power I can assure you that power is love as truth. Denial and powerlessness stays silent in the shadows. True power is the love that shines the light on the darkest corner, for even those languishing in ignorance and hatred are calling for the light of change. Karma can only be removed by unconditional love. So there is a way out of darkness.

My last point is I want my country to become sovereign and protect the civilians interests not follow the unofficial licence to abuse and murder civilians in illegitimate wars that do not benefit our country. May those in positions of power find the wisdom to Advance Australia fair for the highest good of all. Australia could position itself as a mediators not accomplice in crimes against the people. What stops them bringing this behaviour to Australian citizens when oppression orders a crack down and criminalises dissent? We must all remain vigilant to the wolf in sheep’s clothing or the smiling assassin.

It is the truth that sets us free. ‘us’ has two meanings.


Special Air Service Regiment sandy berets © Commonwealth of Australia Special Air Service Regiment sandy berets They are Australia’s elite special forces, the lethal operatives of the Special Air Service Regiment, the SAS.

For years, the secrets about what they did in the valleys, fields and mud villages of Afghanistan have remained hidden.

Until now. 

Former SAS operative Braden Chapman first deployed to Afghanistan in 2012, when the brutal conflict there was in its 11th year.

With a major inquiry soon to report on suspected war crimes, Chapman, who was on many covert missions, has decided to speak out about what he saw.

He said he witnessed soldiers in SAS patrols commit executions in cold blood.

A Four Corners investigation has uncovered a culture of impunity and cover-up within the SAS.

“When you’re back at the unit, people would make jokes about the size of the rug that they’ve swept everything under, and that one day it’ll all come out and people are going to be thrown in jail for murder or anything else that they’ve done,” Chapman said.

Attached to 3 Squadron SAS as a signals intelligence officer, Chapman’s mission was to track Taliban targets.

He said there was a “buzz of elitism” being part of the SAS.

“It is the best thing you could do for your career to go to that unit, especially when you’re a lower rank and you’re actually gonna get to do a lot of hands-on stuff.” 

But he was soon shocked at the behaviour of some of his comrades. 

“They’re going to look back and see that we were the guys in there murdering people, and invading, and not there to do something that is honourable,” he said.

‘Almost like target practice’

In May 2012, Chapman was on patrol with 3 Squadron SAS in a village.

The unit was moving towards a target building, when they saw an Afghan man leave the area.

“When we got to within maybe 20 to 30 metres away and he saw us, he quickly grabbed his phone from his pocket and he threw it. And at that stage he stopped. He put his hands up just like that, then just stood there,” Chapman said.

“As we got closer to him, the soldier then just fired and hit him twice in the chest and then shot him through the head as he walked past him.”

Chapman said the soldier was an experienced member of 3 Squadron SAS.

“I was only 5 to 10 metres behind him at the time,” he said.

“The visual image to me was, the guy had his hands up and then it was almost like target practice for that soldier.”

Chapman was ordered to go through the dead Afghan man’s pockets.

Another Australian patrol with an assault dog then arrived at the scene.

3 Squadron SAS soldiers during deployment in Afghanistan in 2012.

“It [the dog] actually came and started chewing on the head of the man who’d been shot. And I remember looking to the dog handler and saying, ‘Can you get this thing away from it,’ because it was pretty gruesome,” Chapman said.

“And he’s just like, ‘Oh, let him have a taste.'”

Chapman said the killing by his fellow SAS patrol member disturbed him greatly.

“In my books, it’s murder.”

Just days later the helmet camera of another SAS operator captured members of 3 Squadron discussing the soldier who had killed the Afghan man with his hands up. 

“F***ing bullshit. Not happy with it.”

“[The soldier is] a brother, but, ‘Bash who I want. Shoot at whoever. Kill a kid. Oh well, just keep shooting c***s.'”

The soldier who shot the man is still serving in the special forces.

‘Straight-up execution’

During the same month, a 3 Squadron SAS patrol was searching for an insurgent bombmaker when another unlawful killing took place.

The patrol’s dog handler and another SAS soldier, who Four Corners has called Soldier C, were headed towards a mud compound when a young Afghan man in his 20s was spotted in a wheat field by one of the Black Hawk helicopters ahead.

What happened next was captured on a helmet camera. 

Soldier C aims his assault rifle at the Afghan man.

The man is cowering on the ground and appears to only have a set of red prayer beads in his right hand.

Soldier C turns to the dog handler and asks: “You want me to drop this c***?”

The dog handler tells him to ask the patrol commander.

Soldier C then asks the same question twice to the patrol commander, whose response is inaudible on the video.

Within seconds, Soldier C squeezes the trigger and the bullet tears into the Afghan man on the ground.

The Australian shoots him twice more and then walks off.

Chapman was not aware of this shooting until Four Corners showed him the video, but knows the identity of the soldiers involved.

“He’s asked someone of a superior rank what he should do. But it comes down to the soldier pulling the trigger. It’s a straight-up execution.”

The killing of the civilian, identified as Dad Mohammad, was later investigated by the Australian Defence Force (ADF), after Afghan tribal elders complained.

Soldier C told ADF investigators he had killed the Afghan man because he had been seen with a radio.

He also said he shot the young man from 15 to 20 metres away, in self-defence.

But the video shows he was fewer than two metres away while the man was lying on the ground.

Dad Mohammad's father Abdul Malik said his son had face wounds. © ABC / Four Corners Dad Mohammad’s father Abdul Malik said his son had face wounds. The ADF investigators concluded that Dad Mohammad was lawfully killed because he posed a direct threat to the Australians.

Four Corners can reveal that Soldier C is still serving in the special forces.

As part of a major inquiry into allegations of war crimes within the special forces in Afghanistan, the Inspector-General of the ADF is investigating whether it was common practice to plant radios on bodies.

Chapman said throughout his deployment, there was systematic use of planted weapons and radios to justify killings.

“I did see plenty that were planted,” the former soldier said.

“They definitely got them off somebody else and walked over and sat it next to a body.”

Chapman said weapons were also planted on dead Afghans.

“Other members of my troop back in Australia, they did use to joke about how the same serial number [of a gun] was in every single photo of a dead Afghani,” he said.

“So, you know, inferring that somebody was planting these AK-47s.”

‘Someone’s lied giving evidence’

Another incident that still haunts Braden Chapman involved the death of an elderly Afghan man, Haji Sardar, during a raid on the village of Sarkhume in mid-March 2012.

Chapman is the only Australian witness to speak publicly about what happened to Haji Sardar.

He said Haji Sardar was initially shot in the leg by the SAS-led patrol.

An Australian medic helped patch up the wound, which was not life-threatening.

A senior SAS soldier then took the injured man away.

“Some time later he came back and our medic asked him, ‘What happened, where is he?’ Because he’d worked on him, he [the medic] considered him his patient. And then he [the soldier] just…shook his head and said, ‘He didn’t make it.'”

Chapman said the SAS medic was upset, because he believed the man had been killed.

“He was just saying that the man, he was fine. There was no way he would have died, and he knew that the soldier had killed him,” he said.

After complaints by villagers, the Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission (AIHRC) found Haji Sardar had been beaten to death by an Australian soldier.

“Haji Sardar was first injured and then taken away for investigation and died as a result of torture,” said AIHRC chairwoman Shaharzad Akbar.

AIHRC chairwoman Shaharzad Akbar and Haji Sardar after he was killed.

Australian Defence Force investigators later determined that Haji Sardar had been carrying a weapon and that his killing was lawful.

AIHRC was told by villagers that Haji Sardar was an unarmed civilian.

“I’d say that someone’s lied giving evidence because there’s no way that you can justify an execution,” Chapman said.

Four Corners has obtained hours of footage shot by members of 3 Squadron SAS during the unit’s 2012 rotation through Afghanistan.

It shows the destruction of buildings, motorbikes and the shooting of dogs.

“We try and say that we’re there to help and the Taliban are bad. But if we go in and we start destroying infrastructure or destroying their private vehicles and burning down their homes it doesn’t really send the right message,” Chapman said.

“They’re going to run straight back to the Taliban, who usually are not doing that.”

Potential for war crimes charges

Braden Chapman’s squadron and its time in Afghanistan in 2012 are of key interest to the Inspector-General’s investigation.

Glenn Kolomeitz, a former special operations lawyer for the ADF in Afghanistan, said the special forces were highly trained in the rules of war.

“These guys were given training throughout their work,” he said.

“[There’s] no excuse in terms of the training as provided and the understanding, absolutely.”

Mr Kolomeitz said he believed there was potential for charges to be laid under the war crime murder provisions of the Commonwealth criminal code.

“We have obligations at international law, domestic law, and indeed moral obligations, to not ignore these sorts of allegations,” he said.

3 Squadron SAS successfully captured many targets during its deployment in 2012.

Chapman said the unlawful killings he witnessed may constitute war crimes, and he believes the soldiers responsible deserve to go to jail.

“I just want the truth to come out, and people who did commit crimes to be held accountable,” he said.

He said he also believed officers who ran the special forces should wear some of the blame.

“It is a culture issue as well, and these incidents that are happening would filter through to them. They know what’s going on over there,” he said.

Chapman said a strict code of silence was observed by members of the regiment.

He said he learned this early on in his deployment when talking with one of the more experienced operators.

“He said to me, ‘I hope you’re ready and prepared for this deployment because you need to make sure that you’re OK with me putting a gun to someone’s head and pulling the trigger. Because I don’t want to read about it in 10 or so years.'”

Chapman said that soldier was the one who later dragged the wounded Haji Sardar away before he was found allegedly beaten to death.

For Chapman, speaking out is his chance to atone for staying silent about what he witnessed in Afghanistan.

He believes even if he had made a complaint at the time, it would have gone “nowhere”.

“I didn’t break any rules of engagement,” he said.

“But I feel now that even if it had ruined my career back then, I probably should have made that complaint.

“It’s definitely affected me. You try to look back at your career, try and be proud of it, but then you’ve got all these incidents. You see yourself as part of the bad guys.”

Defence did not answer Four Corners’ questions about particular incidents involving the killing of Afghans.

In a statement, it said the Inspector-General of the Australian Defence Force was investigating “whether there is any substance to rumour and allegations” about possible war crimes committed by Australian special forces in Afghanistan.

It said the inquiry was ongoing. 

Coronavirus Solution

The coronavirus is about imbalance. The solution is not a economic stimulus package as the problem is not economic. You cannot throw money at this.

The real issue is the low immunity in the population caused by over working, busyness and stress as the way we live and work is out of balance with our true nature. An important response to this psychologically is to get good sleep, work less, eat healthy foods and sanitise hands and do not go out if coughing. If you have to go out make sure the mouth is covered by a protective filter. Basic precautions out of love for others.

The fear and panic is another feature of imbalance. Clearly a rush on toilet paper (have to smile here) is about the fear of poor hygiene. A sociologists said it was about control. So another feature of this solution is to let go of control.

As a person homeless, who at times, didn’t have enough food, I would say what I learned is to trust life. Help each other. Not allow fear to dictate your decisions. Just live your life the best you can but do not fall into fear of the future. I learned to live in the moment, trust life and I found I had enough. I lived without income for 2 years and homeless for nearly 3 years now. So I had to live and trust nature.

The coronavirus will be used to further control the population as the WHO has called it a pandemic. Given the questionable ethics and corruption in world politics it would be wise to watch this. A pandemic can give governments licence to use emergency powers, control people, isolate them and so on.

The corporations will seek to make money out of coronavirus by offering vaccines. We are told the virus was released in Wuhan province in Chine where they are rolling out 5G. 5G reduces the immune response. So there could be other agenda’s at play here. Be very careful about vaccines as we do not know the content of these vaccines. It is better to boost the immune system naturally as it will protect you.

Stay positive in the thought process, that is also a natural protection. Trust life. I do not fear death. I will live normally as I will not be part of the fear campaign. I know that life has an essential wisdom and I trust I am in the right place at the right time.

Do not believe everything you hear. Face all you fear and transform it into a challenge to overcome fear. You cannot control life, you can only look after yourself and be in balance. That is a key message being taught through the perception of pandemic.

Know there is love around you.

Your happy destiny is unavoidable no matter outer appearances.

Is Coca Cola Unsustainable?

When I saw this petition I was thinking the world doesn’t want plastic single use bottles. Then I thought about the health of Coke, and I contemplated healthy drinks as sustainable and wholistic.

The oil of plastic is an issue given the wars fought in its name rather than Tesla free energy.

In the past we used to be able to gain a 5 cents for returning glass bottles. It was nice to drink from glass and the public were encouraged to recycle. I think that in the short term is a better process.

My last point is that I don’t think corporations are capable of true sustainability given the profit motive outweighs the human benefit. Profit is the market signal not sustainability. GDP and economics does not reward true sustainability which would be minimising consumption. Instead through advertising, chemicals, psychological techniques, fear, demand for goods or services is either addicts people, restricts supply and political influence is what maximises profits. Profit is the motivator not human wellbeing. We need a new form of economics that is wholistics and values based where wellbeing and balance is rewarded. This is the true sustainability.


At Davos 2020, Coca-Cola’s head of sustainability, Bea Perez, said that Coca-Cola will not stop producing single-use plastics because consumers “still want them.” She went on to say that it would alienate customers and impact Coca-Cola’s bottom line. “Customers like them because they reseal and are lightweight.”

Needless to say, this is a disheartening thing to hear from the person in charge of sustainability at one of the largest companies in the world. Coca-Cola is one of the worst contributors to plastic pollution, producing about three million tons of plastic packaging a year – equivalent to 200,000 bottles a minute.

In 2019, it was found to be the most polluting brand in a global audit of plastic waste by the charity Break Free from Plastic. Although Coca-Cola has made a pledge to recycle as many plastic bottles as possible by 2030, they are still flagrantly contributing to the world’s plastic waste, at a time when our planet cannot afford for LITERALLY ANYONE to solely be concerned about their cash flow.

Coca-Cola is one of the most profitable companies in the world – they should be able to find a new, sustainable way to bottle their products to the satisfaction of their consumers. It’s the least they can do. Tell Coca-Cola that you DO NOT want them to produce or sell plastic bottles. Sign and Share today to say NO to Coca-Cola’s Plastic Plans.

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