Category Archives: Corruption

The City of London is the money-laundering centre of the world’s drug trade

In the public interest.

I felt this in inspiration today and looked it up. The feeling was right. I just read this which I touched on in my video, again inspiration. I did work at the City of London and had no idea of what was the true face behind so many hands.

I wondered about Brexit. Tax havens was another. Why are they immune from prosecution? Democracy is systematically deconstructed in favour of the corporations. This is the real issue.

Her Majesty’s British Overseas Territories and Crown Dependencies make up around 25 per cent of the world’s tax havens, which are now blacklisted by the European Commission and now ranked as the most important player in the financial secrecy world.

Tax havens featured on the EC’s blacklist of June last year include Anguilla, Bermuda, the British Virgin Islands, the Cayman Islands, Montserrat and the Turks and Caicos Islands to name just a few and each is inextricably linked to the City of London’s crime offices.

Another key quote from below:

Keith Bristow Director-General of the UK’s National Crime Agency said just six months ago that the sheer scale of crime and its subsequent money laundering operations was “a strategic threat” to the country’s economy and reputation and that “high-end money laundering is a major risk

In the meantime, the City of London remains politically immune and acts with criminal impunity as it sucks up what is now understood to be trillions in illicit and ill-gotten gains. Bankers and hedge-fund operators dodge the authorities with particular skill sets honed over a millennia, especially HMRC.

Another revelation:

Make no mistake, the banks use offshore business organisations to escape regulation and the grip these organisations have over an ever weakened and corrupt political class is utterly astounding. The Conservative party is literally bankrolled by bankers and hedge funds

Here is the article:

The City Of London – money launderer to the world

 Wed 10:23 am +00:00, 6 Apr 2016  7 posted by Tapestry

Money Laundering and the City of London’s “Crime Scene”: Haven of Tax Havens for the Mega-Wealthy

By Graham Vanbergen Global Research, April 05, 2016  


First published in March 2016

When it comes to The City of London, the term ‘tax haven’ is not describing all that it should. It doesn’t just shield the mega-wealthy from paying their fair dues it goes further and offers a departure from the rule of law as you would know it. Secrecy is its raison d’être. These secrecy laws do not benefit the local people living in its jurisdiction but only those individuals and corporations with enough money and with something to hide.

The reality is that the City of London caters for those above the law, it operates on the basis of bypassing democratic society as a whole. This has come about over time where an extraordinary ‘gentlemens agreement’ has stood the test of time. The head of state and his/her governments have the need of large loans for wars and the like, the City, in exchange for such commodity has extracted certain privileges the rest of the population do not enjoy. The end result over the centuries is that it now has its own financial jurisdiction to do pretty much as it pleases.

City of London is a crime scene with money laundering its global engine

A ‘watchman’ sits at the high table of parliament and is its official lobbyist sitting in seat of power right next to the Speaker of the House who is “charged with maintaining and enhancing the City’s status and ensuring that its established rights are safeguarded.” The job is to maintain order and seek out political dissent against the City.

The City of London has its own private funding and will ‘buy-off’ any attempt to erode its powers; any scrutiny of its financial affairs are put beyond external inspection or audit.

For over a hundred years the Labour party tried in vain to abolish the City of London and its accompanying financial corruption. In 1917, Labour’s new rising star Herbert Morrison, the grandfather of Peter Mandelson made a stand and failed, calling it the “devilry of modern finance.” And although attempt after attempt was made throughout the following decades, it was Margaret Thatcher who succeeded by abolishing its opponent, the Greater London Council in 1986.

Tony Blair went about it another way and offered to reform the City of London in what turned out to be a gift from god. He effectively gave the vote to corporations which swayed the balance of democratic power away from residents and workers. It was received by its opponents as the greatest retrograde step since the peace treaty of 1215, Magna Carta. The City won its rights through debt financing in 1067, when William the Conqueror acceded to it and ever since, governments have allowed the continuation of its ancient rights above all others.

The City effectively now stands as money launderer of the world, the capital of global crime. It is the heart and engine of the offshore haven, with Jersey, Guernsey and the Isle of Man its european collection centres, the caribbean and others hoovering up billions of American dollars from all over the globe. Whilst there are good and legal reasons for offshore accounts, It has a dark and shadowy client list; terrorists, drug barons, arms dealers, politicians, corporations and companies, millionaires, billionaires  – most with something to hide.

The Independent newspaper reported last July that The City of London is the money-laundering centre of the world’s drug trade, according to an internationally acclaimed crime expert. In addition, every notable financial expert now agrees that due to incredibly lax financial laws by the British government, the London property market is built largely on the laundered money of crime from all over the world involving hidden tax havens, most of which are British.

Her Majesty’s British Overseas Territories and Crown Dependencies make up around 25 per cent of the world’s tax havens, which are now blacklisted by the European Commission and now ranked as the most important player in the financial secrecy world.

Tax havens featured on the EC’s blacklist of June last year include Anguilla, Bermuda, the British Virgin Islands, the Cayman Islands, Montserrat and the Turks and Caicos Islands to name just a few and each is inextricably linked to the City of London’s crime offices.

The consequence of its operations is that money laundering is now at such levels and so widespread that the authorities have recently admitted defeat in its battle of attrition by stating openly it has been completely overwhelmed and lost control. Keith Bristow Director-General of the UK’s National Crime Agency said just six months ago that the sheer scale of crime and its subsequent money laundering operations was “a strategic threat” to the country’s economy and reputation and that “high-end money laundering is a major risk”.

In the meantime, the City of London remains politically immune and acts with criminal impunity as it sucks up what is now understood to be trillions in illicit and ill-gotten gains. Bankers and hedge-fund operators dodge the authorities with particular skill sets honed over a millennia, especially HMRC.

It is of no coincidence that this small area of britian, just 1.2 square miles has the highest pay in the land and the third lowest council tax for property anywhere in the United Kingdom. A £20 million mansion costs less than £1,000 a year in council tax.

At the last census, its population stood at just 7,325, its employees stand at 414,600, nearly 40 per cent of them in financial services. Nearly 17,000 businesses are registered there, 2,700 are finance and insurance based and just over 45 per cent are foreign owned entities. HSBC’s organisation is the ninth largest bank in the world following four Chinese and four American banks located down the road in Canary Wharf.

This tiny island haven, with its own borders and police force sits within the Isles of Britain as an international hub, the tax haven of all tax havens. Make no mistake, the banks use offshore business organisations to escape regulation and the grip these organisations have over an ever weakened and corrupt political class is utterly astounding. The Conservative party is literally bankrolled by bankers and hedge funds. Half of the wealthiest hedge fund managers in the land pay millions each year to the Tories – what do they expect back from their investment? Perhaps the hundreds of millions of stamp duty exemptions and taxes hedge funds no longer have to pay. This is just the tip of the iceberg.

This is neoliberalism out of control. The legislators have capitulated to its power. Democracy is systematically deconstructed in favour of the corporations. In the legislators place, people powered organisations emerge such as Tax Justice Network, Democratic Audit, New Economics Foundation to name a few who operate in an arena of social justice in an attempt not to stifle capitalism, but to level the playing field a bit.

Graham Vanbergen 

7 Responses to “The City Of London – money launderer to the world”

  1. 6 Apr 2016 11:55 am Baz says: Welcome to ‘Our Crowd’ Log in to Reply
  2. 6 Apr 2016 8:42 pm Lynn says: The Yids are the money changers…instigators …and phsyop controllers. They have a grip on governments now with this year old leak. To demonize any they want out of the way. -Iceland PM just the tip of the iceberg. Watch them fall to this Soros Coup.
    Now ain’t that the truth. Log in to Reply
  3. 7 Apr 2016 10:53 am Baz says: Log in to Reply
  4. 7 Apr 2016 4:02 pm Mark says: There’s all sorts of final takes on the hole. Rabbits. Personally – I’m a ‘City of London runs it’. Those proud of their scam. They want exposure. Enough, but not too far. It’s part of their ‘religion’. Who and what in this ‘square mile’? I don’t completely know. Neither do you. We have an idea, the block that makes a triangle with the Bank of England and Mansion House, a doorway. ‘New Court’. Has a picture in front, Moses hitting a rock. They know. All but not even all the ‘family’ – maybe? Some do. And – hear clear – “must and will be stopped”. Tapnewswire is their opposition, Aangirfan, Crimes of… etc. You, (assuming not ‘them’/working for), the rightful opposition. We can – will, I believe, win. What they bank, hope-on. What they work on. What they want. Is for us to give up, and – name of some band I never even heard, change the first word and put ‘us’ –Pop Will Eat Itself. Nah – let’s not eh? More Tap, more fully… ok, squirm if you must – I pray. Tap on. Mark Log in to Reply
  5. 7 Apr 2016 6:59 pm RabbiT says: Log in to Reply

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Goldman Sachs Controls SEC

In the global public interest. Trump made suggestions that you have to eliminate control by bankers over regulators. The same can be said in a range of industries. To make it illegal for politicians to use their power for family members. They use charities to funnel money. The essence is this: “To better understand how corporations consistently manage to maneuver ostensibly independent agencies in their interest…”

Goldman Sachs Control the SEC

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Posted Jul 10, 2019 by Martin Armstrong

QUESTION: you spoke about trump draining the swamp, how would you drain the swamp, we agree it needs draining?

ANSWER: The first thing you have to do is eliminate the control of the regulatory agencies by the bankers. Enough is enough. We must start there. We will NEVER see any hope for the future until we eliminate that control. We must also make it a criminal offense for any politician to use their power for a family member as Biden, Clintons, and countless others have done. They should also be prohibited from having any sort of charity they set up which is just a funnel for money to buy votes. Both Hillary did that as well as John McCain and they are not the only politicians to have used that ploy.

The Center for Economic Policy and Research in Nov. 2018 wrote about how Goldman Sachs controls the SEC:  “How Goldman Still Holds Sway at the SEC”

With the departures of Gary Cohn, Steve Bannon, and Dina Powell from the White House, has Goldman Sachs’ initial influence on the Trump Administration dwindled?

The wrote: “Jay Clayton, Goldman Sachs’ past and likely future lawyer, is not alone in the Trump-Goldman axis at the SEC. To better understand how corporations consistently manage to maneuver ostensibly independent agencies in their interest, it is instructive to consider one of Clayon’s “Senior Policy Advisors,” Alan Cohen.

Before Cohen joined the SEC in the summer of 2017, he “served as Goldman’s compliance head for 13 years, after joining the bank in 2004 as a partner from law firm O’Melveny & Myers.” It makes sense that Clayton would reach out to Goldman for senior advisors — not only did Clayton represent Goldman while Cohen was helping run the megabank, Clayton’s wife worked at Goldman Sachs until Clayton’s ascent to the SEC. It’s a small and quite rich circle in which the likes of Clayton and Cohen run.

But while the “how” of Cohen’s rise to SEC prominence is sadly intuitive, the “what the heck” nature of the hiring merits significant explication.

First, what does it mean to have been in charge of “compliance” for Goldman? Per their website, “the global compliance division is dedicated to protecting the reputation of the firm and managing risk across all business areas.” The compliance division is supposed to “ensure compliance with regulatory requirements and determine how the firm can appropriately pursue global market opportunities.”

How did Goldman do under Cohen’s reign? Not well. Not well at all.

Recent weeks have brought an avalanche of news about how Goldman Sachs is at the center of an epically corrupt Malaysian state investment fund called 1MDB. Indeed, just this past Monday (November 12th, 2018), “Goldman Sachs shares slumped the most since November 2011 after Malaysia’s finance minister demanded a full refund of fees it paid the bank tied to a doomed investment fund.”

Why is Malaysia furious at Goldman Sachs? Goldman played a key financial architecture role in the 1MDB fraud. Their engineering assistance to the scheme has already led a senior Goldman banker to plead guilty and has touched Goldman CEO Lloyd Blankfein (Blankfein twice met with the Malaysian fraudster, Jho Low)

It was Cohen’s job to ensure Goldman bankers did not do several of the specific acts that “former senior Goldman Sachs banker Tim Leissner pleaded guilty to,” launder money and violate the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act by paying bribes.

These actions by Goldman under Cohen’s watch are also actions governed in part by the SEC itself. Cohen failed to prevent crimes policed by the SEC, and now he is a senior figure at the SEC.

Given the laxity of current ethics law, so long as Cohen doesn’t specifically meddle in an investigation into Goldman Sachs like 1MDB, he needn’t recuse. That means Cohen can advise on broader enforcement priority issues that implicate SEC policy toward money laundering and the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, even if he cannot interfere in this specific investigation.

The corruption of Goldman that 1MDB represents is, of course, not the exception but rather the norm for Goldman under Cohen’s watch.

For instance, the SEC is now investigating allegations from a former senior investment banker at Goldman Sachs, James Katzman. Katzman “raised concerns about what he viewed as unethical conduct at the bank” via Goldman’s whistle-blower hotline in 2014. Rather than take Katzman’s concerns seriously, “David M. Solomon, who is now Goldman’s chief executive, urged Mr. Katzman to move past his complaints, and he left the firm in 2015.”

Indeed, Katzman initially felt silenced by a confidentiality agreement with Goldman. A serious compliance director would seek to act on the concerns of a whistle-blower, rather than stifle their complaints.

There are other issues. For instance, one can hardly avoid laughing at the dark comedy of the Forbes headline, “A Bad Omen When Goldman Sachs’ Compliance Staff Is Charged With Insider Trading,” noting that “Perhaps Goldman Sachs needs to hire compliance staff to monitor its compliance staff.”

However, the biggest issues at Goldman under Cohen’s watch cut to the core of the Great Recession.

Consider the take of the Justice Department on Cohen’s handiwork. “The Justice Department, along with federal and state partners, announced today a $5.06 billion settlement with Goldman Sachs related to Goldman’s conduct in the packaging, securitization, marketing, sale and issuance of residential mortgage-backed securities (RMBS) between 2005 and 2007.”

If you watched The Big Short and came away unimpressed by the ethics of Goldman Sachs, or if you agree with Matt Taibbi’s colorful claim that the “world’s most powerful investment bank is a great vampire squid wrapped around the face of humanity, relentlessly jamming its blood funnel into anything that smells like money,” then you think Alan Cohen failed at Goldman Sachs.

But enough about the past; what is the SEC currently doing that would make Clayton and Cohen especially valuable to Goldman Sachs?

Per Bloomberg, one big priority for Wall Street is to make sure that European investor protections “don’t spread to America.” Bloomberg notes that the “dustup is playing out behind closed doors in Washington at the Securities and Exchange Commission, where brokers want the agency to make clear they can continue combining the cost of financial research and trading in one bill for U.S. customers — the practice that is being banned in the European Union.”

And who is at the center of this closed door effort by the SEC to ensure Goldman and comparable firms can reap profits European regulators have determined are unfair? Alan Cohen, whose hiring was announced by a press release stating that Cohen was hired in part to advise Clayton on issues including “new European Union regulations (e.g. MiFID II).”

Pro-investor groups and large state pension systems that manage money for government employees object to this set up.

Typically, Goldman Sachs is the favorite in a dispute against “investor groups” and “state pension systems” because Goldman is richer, more powerful, and savvier about the inner workings of the government than its opponents.

Hopefully, that is not always going to be true.

The Revolving Door Project has announced an Independent Federal Agencies Leadership Tracker because agencies like the SEC are obscure to nearly everyone who doesn’t have business before them. In other words, banks like Goldman Sachs wield influence over the SEC because it matters enormously and directly to their bottom line. Figures like Alan Cohen are not exceptions but the norm.

That should change.

The Revolving Door Project is committed to educating the broader public about issues previously rendered obscure by entrenched banks operating exclusively in their self-interest.”Categories:Corruption
« Why is Weather Analysis so Corrupt? False Flags – Not the Fringe Conspiracy but Reality »

Goldman Sachs and Massive Corruption

In the public interest.

Goldman Sachs Faces Charges In Malaysia Over Massive Corruption Scandal


The Goldman Sachs headquarters in Manhattan, as shown on Dec. 17. Malaysia has filed criminal charges against Goldman Sachs and two of its former executives on Monday over their alleged role in the ransacking of a multibillion-dollar state investment fund.

Spencer Platt/Getty Images

The U.S. bank Goldman Sachs is facing criminal charges in Malaysia in connection with a massive corruption scheme known as the 1MDB scandal.

That scandal — involving billions of dollars allegedly siphoned from the “1MDB” development fund — has already brought down Malaysia’s former prime minister. Several of the fund’s top administrators in Malaysia have been charged with corruption in both U.S. and Malaysian courts. They deny the allegations.

Now, for the first time, Goldman Sachs, which helped the fund’s administrators raise some $6.5 billion, faces charges in connection to the probe. Malaysian authorities are seeking billions of dollars in fines, and up to 10 years prison time for each of the four people charged.

Two former Goldman Sachs bankers, Tim Leissner and Roger Ng Chong Hwa, are among those facing new charges in Malaysia. Also facing charges are two Malaysians: Jasmine Loo Ai Swan, the fund’s former general counsel, and Jho Low, a financier who is believed to have masterminded the large-scale fraud.

Leissner, Chong Hwa and Jho Low were also charged with crimes last month by the U.S. Department of Justice. Leissner has pleaded guilty.

In a statement, Malaysia’s attorney general, Tommy Thomas, says Goldman Sachs knew that the money raised would be “misappropriated and fraudulently diverted” by corrupt Malaysian officials. The bank profited from unusually high fees for its work on the Malaysian fund, and employees and directors “received large bonuses and enhanced career prospects” as a result of their illegal actions, Thomas wrote.

The bank has denied any wrongdoing.

“We believe these charges are misdirected, will vigorously defend them and look forward to the opportunity to present our case,” Goldman Sachs said in a statement quoted by MarketWatch.

Goldman Sachs shares dropped noticeably following news of the charges.

Malaysia’s former Prime Minister Najib Razak created the state investment fund known as 1Malaysia Development Berhad or 1MDB, in 2009. The fund was supposed to promote global investment in Malaysia.

According to court records, billions of dollars were redirected from that fund and used to purchase luxury assets — many in the U.S. — or transferred directly to accounts controlled by Najib, his family or his associates. The fund itself wound up some $11 billion in debt.

Multiple countries, including the United States, are investigating the financial misconduct involved in the massive corruption scandal.

Leaked documents and journalists’ investigations brought the scheme to public attention in 2015. But Najib quashed further examination of the financial dealings of the fund, and he remained in power for three more years.

He was finally ousted after losing an election this May — ending six decades of continuous rule by his party.

Shortly after Najib lost power, police raided one of his residences and confiscated cash, jewelry and designer handbags. A few months later, Najib was arrested on charges of money laundering, bribery and criminal breach of trust. His wife, Rosmah Mansor, is also facing charges.

Australian Senator McKenzie Resigns

In the public interest. The issue of political influence in marginal electorates where groups are favoured in funding allocations for political interest not public interest. This means the configuration of politics, electorates and donations focuses decisions on self interest and re-election. The system is flawed.

A few key thoughts were:

Anti Corruption Commission
Self interest
Taxpayer priorities
Political self interest over best interest

Why did Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet undertake the investigation of a National Leader. Why not an independent watchdog? It makes me wonder who replaces her? I contemplate was she removed? I wonder how many in parliament are doing this? Is there a recognition that they are helping friends, forming alliances, currying favour, lobbying for advantage and inappropriate friendship. I remember when Malcolm Turnbull criticised Peter Dutton for having lunch with a Chinese billionaire who wants Australian citizenship. Apparently $10,000 was paid. How does that stack up? He is still in his job why?

Turnbull said this: “He is supposed to be the minister responsible for the domestic security of Australia, he is supposed to be the minister responsible for ensuring our politics is not influenced by foreign donors.” I smile at this given he is former Goldman Sachs CEO, a foreign banking multinational company that has been caught engaging in corruption.

How does that stack up? Looks like a comment based in revenge not the public interest. Yet both face no consequences. Why?

Here is the article revealing Bridget McKenzie quitting for political misappropriation of money, conflict of interest and membership of a gun club that was a recipient of funds in a key electorate. She resigns but there is no action taken on deception, misuse of public money and corruption. That is the problem.

Bridget McKenzie quits frontbench over report she breached ministerial standards

Bridget McKenzie quits frontbench over report she breached ministerial standards

45 mins ago Darwin Mayor in coronavirus home isolation after China tripDriver faces 20 charges after four children fatally struck by 4WDClick to expand

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“Bridget McKenzie resigns from Cabinet”

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Senator Bridget McKenzie has quit Cabinet and resigned as deputy Nationals leader in the wake of the so-called sports rorts affair.

Senator Mckenzie’s fate was sealed after an investigation by the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet found she breached ministerial standards by failing to disclose her membership of a gun club that received almost $36,000 from a controversial sports grants program she oversaw.

The report by secretary Phil Gaetjens was handed to Prime Minister Scott Morrison on Saturday night.

Bridget McKenzie posing for the camera: Bridget McKenzie has been under sustained pressure following revelations about the sports grants program. (ABC News: Matt Roberts)

© Provided by ABC NEWS Bridget McKenzie has been under sustained pressure following revelations about the sports grants program. (ABC News: Matt Roberts)

On Sunday afternoon Mr Morrison announced Senator McKenzie would stand down as Agriculture Minister.

Mr Morrison said Mr Gaetjen concluded “the timing is such that the potential conflict should have been clear” in relation to Senator McKenzie’s membership of the Wangaratta Clay Target Club.

The Wangaratta Clay Target Club in north-east Victoria received $35,980 to upgrade its facilities from round two of the sports grants program, in a decision announced in February 2019.

Senator McKenzie spruiked the funding on her Facebook page, standing alongside the Nationals candidate for the electorate of Indi, which the Coalition was hoping to win.

“By failing to put appropriate arrangements in place to avoid potential conflict such as asking another minister to make any decisions relating to organisations of which she was a member … the Minister failed to do that and the secretary found this was in breach of the ministerial standards,” Mr Morrison said.

The former sports minister weathered more than two weeks of intense scrutiny after a damning auditor-general report revealed she disproportionately allocated grants to sport clubs in marginal seats and electorates the Coalition wanted to win ahead of last year’s election.

The National Audit Office report found her office ignored merit-based assessments made by the government agency Sport Australia.

Mr Morrison said Mr Gaetjen’s review did “not find evidence” that the allocation of grants were “unduly influenced by reference to marginal or targeted electorates”.

“While there may be differing views about the fairness of the process the Minister used, the discretion she was afforded accordingly, the secretary concludes ‘I do not believe there is a basis to find the Minister had breached standard in that respect’,” Mr Morrison said.

“He notes that data indicates applications for marginal or targeted seats were approved by the Minister at a statistically similar ratio of 32 per cent compared to the number of applications from other electorates at 36 per cent.

“And he said ‘I find no basis for this suggestion that political considerations were the primary determining factor’.”

In a statement on Sunday afternoon, Senator McKenzie said she accepted the report’s conclusions and would remain in the Senate.

I have always taken my role as a Minister of the Crown very seriously and I understand that the community expects parliamentarians to abide by the highest standards.

I accept the Prime Minister and Cabinet report, in relation to my previous role as a sports minister.

I maintain that at no time did my membership of shooting sports clubs influence my decision making, nor did I receive any personal gain.

However, I acknowledge that my failure to declare my memberships in a timely manner constituted a breach of the Prime Minister’s ministerial standards.

Elected representatives are responsible for public expenditure and take advice, not direction, from the public service and others.

The operation of ministerial discretion is important to our democratic process.

My support for the sport of shooting is well known and fully disclosed through my public advocacy.

I will continue to back our sporting shooters against the ongoing, often misinformed, public debate about a sport that routinely wins Australia medals at the Olympics.

In a statement thanking Senator McKenzie for her work, Nationals leader Michael McCormack indicated the deputy position would be discussed at a party room meeting on Tuesday.

Mr McCormack said he would act as Minister for Agriculture until a replacement was found.

Barriers and INsights for Peace in the Middle East

I had a flow of consciousness when I was seeking to understand the underlying issues of peace in the Middle East – notably Israel and Palestine. I send love to all sides. Love wants all to win/win.

I allowed a flow of consciousness to just work on impressions without filter. I can’t be thinking politically or religiously or sensitively. I am just writing what comes to me as I am seeking solutions and the roots of the conflict that may not be visible.

So I will post what I wrote and if it serves, great, if not then it is just more words circling the world.

I start with my contemplation around Israel.

The real issue is the insecurity those in power feel, they fear their Arab neighbours as they were outnumbered.  The partitioning of Palestine was forced onto Palestinians and they were not asked permission for the Jewish resettlement after WWII.  Deep within the psyche of the Zionists who sought a political state of Israel was an awareness that they were taking land. They used political influence in London to colonise a occupied land.  I think of the Australian aborigines at this point acknowledging Captain cook was not supposed to land in Australia if it was occupied.  So there is an awareness of stealing land but dressing this up as a refuge for holocaust survivors.  Of course fascism was not only in Germany it was in leaders of Zionism who believed in absolute rule. This shows itself clearly in Mayer Amschel Rothschild‘s statement: “Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws!” This disregard for the rule of law and the rights of people is the core problem that has not been healed in the Middle East.  The spin doctoring of ‘victimhood’ is to garner sympathy to justify violence that has repressed a people in the name of independence when they are dependent on US support and the US weakness is corporate power in government in the United States that seeks profit (greed).  So business deals become negotiations rather than peacemaking. Making money is the security.

Using violence to maximise fear to prevent any backlash against Israel is the modus operandi which they believe is security.  It is not security it is a form of imprisonment.  The wall erected to keep the Palestinians out, is a psychological wall that does not want to see it blocks others and calls it defence.  It is not defence it is denial that refuses to take down walls and solve the problem.  Much energy has been expended to keep enemies out rather than investing in peace to learn to live together as the Kibbutz movement taught.

Power and wealth is the greed that drives non resolution of the conflict.  Militarism that psychologically shuts down (represses) emotions or felt humanity is the wall used to not see the human suffering, deprivation, starvation, terror that the moderate Palestinian people feel.  They are the abused without doubt. 

World leaders and polticial parties have been complicit in this crime against humanity, which all violence against civilians is. Yes one can talk of suicide bombers and ignore the gunships, the surveillance, the torture in jails, the blackmail etc. but God sees all.  This is the all seeing eye that never sleeps.  The akashic records record all we do as humans and this is opened when people pass over as spiritually each of us are given insight into our lives. So all is visible. 

How to come out of tyranny is the key question?  Rothschild comes to mind.  I see the pyramid and cap stone, I see the networks, that have invested in power and money in the belief that this is freedom.  Freedom from fear is the real freedom.  Freedom from darkness is the real freedom. How to come out of darkness how to bring my people home, are the words coming to me with tears actually.  The truth sets all free.  Home is God. The word Yahweh came to me to replace God. All people are “my people”.

Peace and reconciliation commissions for a renewable future.  The truth about Israeli crimes is surfacing now.  This can not be held back or concealed any more.  I feel for the words seal of David (so will check what this means – would be the 3,000 year old seal).  I see the seal of Solomon and Star of David.

My sense is the second is not having found resolution about the Holocaust, the deep fear driving the tyranny has been held there.  As they felt targeted and marked and this is why there is agreement around defence. Yet that must be healed as the holocaust is over as the Palestinians are feeling the pogrom, that must be recognised. What you do to another returns to the self (feeling Germany).  So I will look at the Seal of Solomon.  I like the circle around the Star, it felt like circling the square.  Okay this is the occultism that is seeking for black magic I feel, freemasons are there.  The lust for power is there.  The star has been contained.  You have to face your demons.  Make peace with the dark side of those engaged in the torture and violence calling it defence which is an untruth as the violence has caused the reaction from the Palestians.  I feel now for nuclear weapons.  The dots in the Solomon’s Seal I see as atoms as the containment of Israel, it is a false protection as it has a half life of 4 billion years and is a threat hanging over peace like a plaque.  The one ring comes to me and has come to me in poetry before, I see the Hobbit here and the mythical Temple of doom where the enlightened temples were distorted to become musings on doom.  The freemasons use magic for power as a ring, paedophile ring comes to me.  Dark energy. 

So how to liberate Israel from its darkness.  I feel for the light of God immediately.  I see the sea levels rising, not as punishment but more as cleansing.  Interestingly enough the fires in Australia have the same feeling of cleansing which came up in poetry. This is not to diminish people’s suffering in these events but nature is responding to the imbalance.  Holding onto rituals entraps minds so there must be a willingness to trust life and let go of the ring of power.  To come clean, to wash away the dark aspect.  I do see Jesus here washing the feet, I feel forgiveness in this. This coming clean allows the Palestinians to feel more fully their grief that has been turned into hate and they need to release the hatred (hurt) so they can heal.  That is why I have referred to the Middle East as a wound.  It is a really deep wound that both sides co-created as they are in pain and do not know the way of peace. The land of Philistines, this came to me, I have to look it up (I am not religious).   It says a biblical conflict with the Israelites.  Roots are there.  Interestingly the 5 city states are: Gaza, Ashkelon, Ashdod, Ekron, and Gath, from Wadi Gaza in the south to the Yarqon River in the north.  his description portrays them at one period of time as among the Kingdom of Israel‘s most dangerous enemies.

I did feel the words karma earlier but didn’t write them, now I see it is a ancient battle. It has roots in karma.  So I am looking at the battle now to gain insight.  I am not expert just go with the feeling. 

The following is a list of battles described in the Bible as having occurred between the Israelites and the Philistines:[43]

I smile at David and Goliath as these words came up 4 times for me over the week. I met a Christian called David who is homeless.  I just felt the jews to be homeless.  I was told in a court room that I was in a David and Goliath situation as I sought to challenge power.  The Palestinians have been challenging the Zionists in power.  It seems impossible but they can’t stop as they feel to their core an injustice as their people are hurting.  I felt these words again, I will sit with it for a moment.  I will find out about that… interesting Goliath is a philistine giant (power) David is the young one in single combat (defenceless). It is about the underdog.  This is courage to fight against the odds.  The world took the side of Goliath against David is what I am feeling.  This speaks of bullying and how glee clubs form around those who are frightening to not be bullied.  Fear creates that vortex.  So the karma here appears to be the Israelis were the underdog and now they are Goliath playing it out.  I have felt this before.  Whereby the victim becomes the tyrant.  The bully (Goliath) is defying God.  Funny I just saw Luke Skywalker in the scene where he approaches the death star for a final run and Obi one says ‘trust the force luke’.  What I see is that faith has been lost.  This is The Way of peace is to have faith and let go of control, this is the pathway for leaders and those supporting what is dark.  Goliath speaks of God on his side using the power of God in alignment with Israel.  Goliath is turning the battle into God’s battle which is untrue.  God is not in any battle, God is on neither side but on both sides at the same time as the battle is experienced.  David throws stones, I see immediately stone pelters (including Kashmir here) as the Palestinians, many youth throw stones.  It is so clear.  Goliath is hit and falls to the ground.  I am also seeing Lilliput so will go to that.  Apparently that is Gullivers Travels. I am following feeling here so I just go there, bare with me.  Gulliver is shipwrecked becomes a prisoner of a tiny race of people. He assures good behaviour and is given residence and is a favourite at the court of Lilliput. He must go around the kingdom but not hurt anyone.  The Lilliputians focus on trivial matters, cracks become political rifts. He helped subdue neighbours but refused to force them into being a province.  The displeasure meant Gulliver was charged with treason for crimes he didn’t commit. I felt Jesus here being tried by the Romans on false charges, the jewish priests behind the scenes. I also felt the Palestinians expressing the trivial and political issues, Hezbollah, interference from other nations.  I won’t go further than that as they are impressions.

Going back to David and Goliath there are issues of saving face in that Israel has not been able to defeat Palestine, no matter the power brokers around them.  Afghanistan comes to mind as another poor country that defeated the US. So the notion of power as winning has been tested that it doesn’t work and those in power who have sought dark ways to accumulate power have not won the battle.  This feels to me to be the sticking point and the intractable nature of the conflict they are unable to disengage from. If they admit defeat then they will be seen as weak which fuels the wound of the shadow of the holocaust and vulnerability amongst hostile neighbours.  The power alliances have only served to deepen this intractability. They have not served Israel in truth as they supported their false view of power, they were seduced by money and lacked inner power (faith) to say no to violence.  The Palestinians have expressed violence as defence as well.  Cruelty has happened both sides which inflames hatred. Tit for tat doesn’t work. Revenge doesn’t work. They are stuck.  Yet peacemakers exist on both sides.  The walls refuse to allow peace in the middle east.  I am going to Jerusalem now.  As biblical issues are around this city.  I see Jesus walking, I see a donkey.  He was trying to remind people of love.  He was an Essene. I will check this. They are a jewish sect which is the alliance beween Christians and Jews.  The Essenes are a holy sect. I feel for holy grail which freemasons seek.  The cup as a chalice. I noted the candles as symbolic for the jewish people.  Shabbat, meaning peace in the home.  Yet the home is not at peace.  The word ‘Home’ has levels. It is where we feel loved, safe, family and it is the origin some call God.  Is home the land of Israel or is it peace? This is the question being asked.  Breaking bread comes up.  To share with others, fellow travellers. The Palestinians are neighbours, fellow travellers in life on this journey home. It is indeed those who challenge us who are our greatest teachers, I have seen this clearly in my own life. There is no enemy other than hatred, unresolved conflict coming from within projected out as the ‘evil other’. There is no evil other only darkness mirroring darkness as people are hurting and finding it hard to transcend the conflict.  Generations have been stuck and learned the hatred passing it from father to son, are the words.  It is time to break the lineage of hatred.  Christians aligned against the ‘evil other’ and also have the same olive branch to consider. Will they accept peace not in a holy land but as a holy person.  

In the peace process they must become warm and inviting to the Palestinians. The Kabbalah is shared.  The same God is the feeling.  There is much in common to share.  God is not asking for respect for God but feeling love, as love is God. This is Oneness.  Star of David I am looking at and I see David and Goliath again.  I am looking at the meaning prior to Israel.  Two equilateral triangles is balance.  It connects to the seal of Solomon in Islamic tradition, I feel family here.  It is a shield.  The hexagram symbolises Crown, Wisdom and Insight. I see the crown as a chakra not a crown in the royal sense. So wisdom is to know you don’t know, insight is intuition.  It is not unlike the process I am going through now where I know I don’t know and allow guidance to find and feel what is true. I could be wrong as this opens to higher knowledge. So righteousness is not in this flow, I am not seeking to be right but feeling for truths in words (abstraction from truth).

The connection to Solomon’s seal is the bigger picture I feel.  Secret societies Order of the Golden Dawn. Again I am moving back to the star but predating Israel.  I discover it is used in Freemasonry. Heathrow airport is in the design of the star.  I find that interesting.  It’s connected to the US military sword.  It represents the Zionist community. 

The power of the pentacle is to keep away evil spirits it is a power used against adversaries. So magic. Magic is being used.  In some of the ancient language it reveals yielding of the other, domination comes to mind. This can be confused with the power of God which is not domination but surrender. Surrender is not a failing it is relinquishing the ego and allowing a higher will to guide.  It is letting go of the ego and trusting life. So there is no subjugation in this yielding. One simply stops fighting and accepts what is.  Byron Katie comes at this point – loving what is.  The evil other issue is the sticking point.  As one believes they are fighting the great Satan when they are still in the act of fighting not loving. Was there not the statement ‘resist not evil’. Religion holds people into these adversarial battles against darkness, yet unaware that the moment you enter the battle the darkness (yin/yang) within you rises and feels like anger, hatred, revenge, control, torture, domination, greed, cruelty, repression and so on.  When you know yourself (and be true) you wll recognise the darkness is within. That doesn’t mean a person is all bad, but all people have both elements in them in a duality.  We all know this to be true.  The invitation is to choose love.  That is where all are struggling as stories are believed yet universal truth waits for your welcome (warming invited in) as loving your enemy, turn the other cheek, mercy and so on. These are pathways out of conflict.

Fear needs protection, faith does not.  The military industrial complex has been built around protection and defence without faith.  Real trust and surrender needs no protection as one’s life is handed over to a higher truth. This is hard for people as they fear.  So a culture of fear creates more fear and more defence and more security and more conflict and on it goes until a limit situation arises.  This is how escalation occurs in endless wars without end that do not serve humanity.

I’ve just found a Arab-Israeli peace group.  I noted it is a US institute of Peace, that can’t be the one as it needs to be a neutral third party.  I would suggest Transcend be contacted – Johann Galtung who is an expert in peace building and was the father of peace research based in Oslo.Ref.

The two state solution is clearly The Way forward to honour diversity and then communicate on an equal footing. The Palestinians need their own State as they are stateless. This is homelessness in their own home. They need an equal seat at the round table.  Funny how roundtable keeps coming to me.  Equality is another core issue.  Poverty and structural discrimination on the basis of money can create a picture of a lesser people this can also be a barrier as the dominant party seeks to control the agenda rather than meeting as equals.  Respect is critical for peace in the middle.  Peace and reconciliation to discuss and acknowledge the situation as part of healing, apologies, compensations (war reparations) and restoring relations through diplomatic channels utilising women as they are in tune to deeper needs in people and they won’t let the male stubbornness get in the way.  An international tribunal must be set up from the Hague to start a judicial process.  This matter should have been taken to an international Court rather than allow unequal parties to engage in violence in a asymmetrical war zone with families. This acceptance of war in civilian areas is unacceptable, particularly when the dominant party states it is democratic and does not use democratic dialogue and processes to resolve conflict.