Category Archives: Fearless

What You Fear is What You Attract

This is universal law.  To know thyself is to know what you fear to know what you love as navigators in respect of choosing your direction.

If you lie to yourself you can’t realise “to thine own self be true”. Not possible. You will stay in the maze of smokey, distorted mirrors.

Do you fear losing money?

Do you fear losing status?

Do you fear having no power?

Do you fear dissent or exposure?

Do you fear your crimes will be seen?

Do you fear the end times?

Do you fear the ending of life on earth/


What you fear you attract.  We all get to choose the reality we step into.

So does life happen to you or through you?

Is the world knocking on your door or “your” world creating the knocking at the door?

Do you open the door, keep it closed or lock it (tower)?

How do you see the visitor?

Do you welcome: a friend, enemy or stranger?

Are they friend or foe?

The visitor is of your own making. You decide if fear or love dictates what you see? 

When fear dictates you cannot see reality. You enter into the shadow of your own fears.  It is not unlike Luke Skywalker ushered into the forest by Yoda to face what he fears.  He fights what he fears (darth vader) to discover in the illusion that he is fighting himself (truth).

The times we are in are all about facing fear.   Fear is false evidence appearing real. Only love is real in reality. Love stays, cares, reveals and heals. Fear resists, shuts down, avoids, fights, criticises, leaves, takes, disconnects and so on.  We are mostly operating out of fear.

What we fear is ourselves, we fear our greatness as we do not believe we have power (powerlessness) and then fear the world.  We fear truth as it dissolves the illusion of false truths that have constructed identity and a reality that is never true. This is what is called the illusion.

Self mastery is the real purpose of life on earth. It is to awaken to what is true. Yet only the individual can take themselves there, no guru, inspirational speaker or leader or degree in whatever. The truth leads people to do the door but only they can open it when ready.  

The technocracy without love is the dark side of humanity seeking to dominate the full spectrum which is not possible as life is both dark and light (balance). It will, in truth, create more light as it is out of balance, people are part of nature and will question what is happening. They are not programmed for love, the spiritual essence is life permeating human form. We call this warm feeling love but in reality it is life affirming. Exposure of truth of what is so is inevitable as enlightenment expands through suffering to rebalance the yin/yang which is human nature not a persons identity per se. The more you oppress the more you enlighten as the world cannot exist in only one form. That is why tyrants always fall. It is a universal law. You cannot fight nature, you will always lose.  Byron Katie says you cannot fight reality, these are one and the same. The real losing is to give up the ego and surrender to life.  that is the awakening many speak of nowadays. We learn this not from books but the awareness just permeates life, it is a intuitive knowing. The source is far more than any of us individually, yet we are all connected, this is the real connectivity we seek to mimic with IT.  

You are not reading my words, you are reading your words through me as you understand and filter what you read and call it interpretation. I could play with this and say you are reading your words believing it is me (higher perspective).  I could say consciously or unconsciously you called forth the words on this page for your own purpose as it is meant to be.  You are me.  I am you. I am a mirror for your self reflection, my writing to you is a mirror for my own self reflection. We are in this together.

Yet you can never know me or understand my words as I intend them as intellectually you filter. You can only know yourself through your own experience. Life brings you what you need to know on a (funnily enough) “need to know basis”. We don’t evolve past where we are until we open the mind to possibility.  So you can look from many angles of the diamond. It has many faces, yet it is the one diamond. Life is perspective or perception. 

The Star Wars film operates on many levels.  For example a Jedi uses the force for knowledge and defence but never for attack. All Marshall Arts master never use their art to harm another, they always use it for defence. The military speaks defence yet now the posture is pre-emptive or first strike now.  I notice Japan is returning to its imperial roots discarding its Peace Constitution, as no-one has learned from WWII.

The destruction of humanity is the destruction of one’s own self (in denial). Denial is not a river in Egypt. The dark forces control people who believe they have power and it comes from outside of themselves (they perceive). The real power is self knowledge in balance. For those who saw my video “illuminating the Perpetrators” I explain the pyramid and define strength. There are those who believe in force using fear to get what they want. They will oppress, murder, change DNA, manipulate, blackmail to do what works as they were trained.  Mind control seeks to rewire our neurology through programming (repetition, rewards) so we become addicted to technology and then spend on cue so those who make the money can maintain a lifestyle they are unwilling to give up as it forms their sense of identity and power. This is the “status trap” which is not unlike the :welfare trap”. They are dependent on technology and compliant humans to maintain their sense of power. In reality they fear powerlessness not people yet because they are not self aware they then project onto people thinking “enemy” or “dissenter” or “useless eater” (unworthy) when powerlessness is of their own creation. That is, they are disconnected from their real power, which is within them awaiting their purpose to flower.  In reality inequality is never true. This is what many do not realise as they do not question themselves instead they demand loyalty, repeated narratives, compliance so they do not have to look into themselves. It is themselves they fear.

That is why I see all as innocent in their violence, Selfishness and cruelty. That is how I can forgive them for “they know not what they do”.  You can’t blame a child crawling for not walking. Or punching another unaware of the damage they do. They are not ready yet, they have not developed to a point of feeling the other as themselves. Experience is the only teacher. There is no fault in that, you don’t know what you don’t know. I say that with respect as we grow in accordance with our nature or when we are ready. We all cycle the wheel so no-one is better than anyone else, each just at a different point on the round wheel (roundtable) having a different experience to learn what it is they must master. They are me.

I’ll leave you to contemplate this scene from Star Wars.  There is great wisdom and truth in these films. For those watching this, it is for you that this message is sent.  What you support you expand, always you vote with what you choose to think, say and do. You can’t say I had no choice.  Life responds and creates as a result of your allegiance to others or the integral self. You may ask yourself:

Does it really benefit humanity or destroy humanity in the end?  

That is how you know the difference between what is dark and what is light.  Yoda says, “Try not, do”.  Is about choice. As you master your destiny.

In the end we come back to the light as we are from the same source.



Crisis and Fear Awakens us to Real Peace

In the public interest.

The wisdom of fearlessness is awakening to a new way of seeing crisis as opportunity to overcome the fear of uncertainty and powerlessness. I have produced this video to share my own experience having lived through unemployment, no income and homelessness as uncertainty and a loss of control. I learned to question thinking, focus on positivity and face fear. This is how I developed resiliency and empowerment. This is how we experience freedom from fear.

I share my life with you to assist you with how you might be feeling right now. Just know the crisis will pass but what will remain is our own empowerment through facing fear. When you set your intention for a better world, this becomes the beginning of a peace consciousness consciously created.

I send you love and peace. You are not alone.

Bill Gates, Depopulation, Coronavirus & Values

The coronavirus is all over the news, I don’t watch TV so I don’t have any fear.  I also know if my life is to end by a virus it will.  I know we are on journey’s and I don’t fear life.  The core issue is greed and public/private partnerships where companies are having control over decisions that impact humanity.

According to a friend, people are panicking, stocks are running low and it is causing all sorts of problems in global populations. I feel for the Chinese people whose lives have been turned upside down.  The problem of mass panic is not helped by the media coverage as fear and powerlessness grows.   

I did research into pandemics many years ago and whether Australia can respond to a problem and coordinate.  I wonder today why the research was commissioned? 

Coincidently, I have been sick overnight, which is rare for me.  I got some bug/virus. I threw up all night.  It felt like poison.  I sit here with a temperature, I can feel my kidney’s cleaning my blood as they are sore and my body aches and is exhausted.  Perhaps that was the birthday gift I gave to myself yesterday to raise my inner awareness of sickness at this time.  

I often get inspiration in my life. So this is the topic I feel to explore.  I would like to add in before I start that I actually contacted the Gates Foundation when in London when I was a Rotary Peace Scholar, I was given direct access as Rotary and Gates are working together. I was seeking support for my SPEAK UP award which is a Sustainability and Peace Encouragement Aware for Kids to Unite People.  I took this project to the top of Rotary.  It was to empower children to solve environmental problems and learn about peace (harmony).  Nothing happened.   I note Rotary is involved in vaccinations.  Rotarians may want to investigate this.   Ref.

Another point relating to vaccines is The Australian Government campaign ‘No Jab, No Pay’, this was championed by News Limited a Rupert Murdoch company. This campaign uses the loss of benefits to influence vaccinations of children. This would impact the poor more and is clearly not about free choice as there is a negative consequence. There is an anti-vaccine lobby who believe vaccines cause autism. Autistic children have excellent mental skills but emotionally they are underdeveloped.  A little like the movie Rainman, living in their own worlds.


I have also been offered to work with the CSIRO where as a market analyst I was to market genetically modified organisations (GMOs).  That week a sculpture was given to my partner. It was metal with prongs all different sizes.  There was a twist at the end (DNA). It was at a time when I had $20 in my account.  I chose not to take the job (it was mine) as I did not want to participate in science that was profit driven and likely to cause greater harm to natural systems. so I said no.  

One final point before we discuss coronavirus, is information coming out about iPhones, 5G and electromagnetic frequency microwaves (EMF) which is stated to lower sperm counts and it is being asserted it causes cancer  Ref:

Today I felt to look at the coronavirus as my sense of empathy is heightened when I am sick and to work out who is behind it.  

Firstly, I’d like to say what right does anyone have creating viruses? Nature rebalances without human intervention.  Where I am studying I walked past labs with the sign “Biosecurity”. Then I realised the weaponization of viruses.  This is the fusion of security and biological warfare.  I felt concern.

My first thought is the lack of ethics of our world leaders and business leaders with a single focused agenda to benefit the few over the many without any sense of the cost of intervening in natural processes that are finely tuned.  Some may say ‘playing God with life itself’.  It is an easy argument to refer to overpopulation given it is evident we have a large population on the planet.  It is noteworthy that 1% own 46% of the world’s assets, another issue that is not discussed in respect of economic systems rewarding the concentration of wealth.  The disproportionate power that accumulates to around 2,000 people. This gives a small group the power to change our world in their image without our permission. This planet has been circulating the sun for 4 billion years, human life has been here 1 minute to midnight. Yet we presume we know how to rebalance nature and human activity when we have not looked into our own discord which expresses in – greed, anger, war, jealousy, judgement, ruthlessness and power over others.  Nature constantly rebalances. This imbalance is behind credit creation so we all buy more of the things we don’t need. There is no discussion about marketing campaigns, media spin, rewarding those who accumulate material wealth, built in redundancy, excessive packaging, plastics, coal burning energy grids, IT industries and technocracy (non renewable products) and this constant focus on economic growth which is expanding the disruption in reality.  The focus is not on genuinely solving our psychological imbalance. Instead the focus is to shift the problem to the poorest people in the world or the so-called ‘enemies’ (range of labels) and the unquestioned pathology that has no issue with reducing population in civilian areas through warfare.  Crimes Against Humanity.

Paul Erlich is the American biologist who discussed population and is the alter boy used to justify murdering large numbers of people (genocide) for the greater good.  Ref

Many environmentalists may agree given their studies of species, boundaries, food supply, water, numbers, ecosphere’s etc.  Certainly, nature seeks to balance and species do die off when they are out of balance with natural homeostasis.  

However, the intent behind depopulation is not looking into our deeper imbalance as we are completely disconnected from nature, from living in harmony with the earth, from healthy human relationships and a cosmology which ensures we observe and respect the nature around us. Instead our focus is narrow,  our world becomes economics, jobs, families, technology but we have no language or words for the silent natural signals that rebalance our world in every moment. As the sum of the parts knows the whole. It is intelligent design not smart or clever.

Buckminster Fuller was a visionary who did not agree with the depopulation perspective but rather inventing system that harmonise with earth systems.  Here is his story and visions:

Those in leadership positions and authority are the most out of balance as the intent is profit maximisation not human health and happiness. The distortion is in making money. The profit intent changes or distorts what we see and how to deal with a human problem.  We have the ‘new rich who are specialised and made money from their pursuits, that does not make them wise stewards. Wisdom cannot be purchased, love is the driver of wisdom. They would not think to look at the discord and disharmony in their own mindsets.  It is in my view simplistic to regard depopulation as the solution for resource balance and life on earth.  Sir David Attenborough believes in depopulation  but I would say to him that when we get the conditions right (natural) we will not reproduce.  I didn’t have children as I followed my purpose.  I knew not to have children.  So learning to tune into nature is a clue.  The structural violence of inequality forms the foundation to excess births due to survival and customs. So education, empowerment of women, restoring reproductive rights. This bumps up against patriarchy and religion that wants women bare foot and pregnant.   Female inequality and poverty (devalue poor) all linked and it drills down to the imbalance between the masculine and feminine.  A core issue not discussed in this context. Many of those women giving birth to large families is a result of having no say over birth control and whose purpose is to be ‘mothers’ not equal members of the human family.  Men (group) need or expectation to control is another core problem where men won’t go there or call out ‘feminist’ to deflect from their sense of being out of control and their fear of the feminine.  Mother’s are powerful. 

Therefore, the poor do utilise their children to help them grow food, they use considerable energy for survival as that 1% at the very top control the resources. Property ownership is controlled by the wealthy and a unconscious belief they are bred to rule. There are unquestioned beliefs that drive the depopulation agenda, inequality and insecurity is at the centre. 

In the West we pay our way out of feelings of ‘need’ without any thought about where things come from and how life has its own abundance flow and natural timings.  

If we are to survive we need to completely change the way we think and venture deep into how we feel about life and what we truly want.  We require a cosmology that aligns humanity with earth systems. 

REAL HOPES program is one of those renewable values based framework’s that would guide wiser choices. Depopulation in my view is not going to do it.

Other ideas can be found in my book:  

The first article is about who owns the coronavirus.  Note it is from a Christian perspective.  I do not advocate to demonise people but to solve the problem. However, I am open to all voices.

The second one provides more information about the coronavirus patent and depopulation agenda’s.  The problem we face as citizens is that we don’t have the collective voice to be able to stop what is clearly not in humanity’s interests. We are losing our sense of community and looking out for each other, for what you do to another returns to the self.  Our world is connected but disconnected technologically, interestingly enough Bill Gates was the driver of these systems of control

Bill GatesDepopulationVaccines

Bill Gates Funded the PIRBRIGHT Institute, Which Owns A Patent On Coronavirus; The CDC Owns The Strain Isolated From Humans

HAFJanuary 29, 2020

Believe it or not, a coronavirus strain is a patented by the The Pirbright Institute, which is partially funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Another strain, which was isolated from humans, is owned by the CDC.

The patent page for coronavirus explains that it “may be used as a vaccine for treating and/or preventing a disease, such as infectious bronchitis, in a subject,” suggesting that this is just another weaponized viral strain designed to sell more useless, deadly vaccines, while at the same time killing off a few thousand, or perhaps a few million, people.

A close look at the patent page also shows that the Pirbright Institute owns all sorts of other virus patents, including one for African swine fever virus, which is listed as a “vaccine.”

Bill Gates Coronavirus

It is thus no surprise that Bill Gates is a Pirbright Institute financial backer, seeing as how he’s one of the most aggressive, vaccine-pushing “philanthropists” on the planet.

Coronavirus Patent

And here is another patent for Coronavirus, isolated from humans — Patent US7220852B1 – CORONAVIRUS a.k.a. SARS. The patent was granted to the CDC and the “inventors” are all American:

C.i.a. Patent Us7220852b1 – Coronavirus Aka Sars

Patent US7220852B1 – CORONAVIRUS a.k.a. SARS

You can download the above patent HERE [.pdf].

The way this whole coronavirus situation is taking shape would seem to be exactly what Gates once proposed as a “solution” to the alleged problem of “overpopulation.”

At an infamous TED Talk, Gates explained that vaccines are one of the keys to reducing global population levels, and what better way to do that than to unleash patented coronavirus on the masses in order to later introduce a patented vaccine for it?

Bill and Melinda Gates hosted “Event 201” back in October, described as a “high-level pandemic exercise”

What’s further interesting is that the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation co-hosted a “high-level pandemic exercise” back in October that involved discussions about how “public / private partnerships will be necessary during the response to a severe pandemic in order to diminish large-scale economic and societal consequences.”

Held in partnership with the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security and the World Economic Forum, this latest endeavor by Bill Gates is highly suspicious, to say the least, especially when considering that it was held just in time for the coronavirus outbreak.

As is usually the case with suspicious disease outbreaks that get the media and academia talking about new vaccines and public-private partnerships, Bill Gates’ fingerprints are almost always hiding in the background.

And this is exactly the case with coronaviruses, which could accomplish many of Gates’ expectations for the future, including mass depopulation, mass vaccination and mass consolidation of government power.

“These events are increasing, and they are disruptive to health, economies, and society,” reads an announcement about “Event 201,” as they called it, or the meeting with Gates and his cronies from back in October.

“Managing these events already strains global capacity, even absent a pandemic threat. Experts agree that it is only a matter of time before one of these pandemics becomes global – a pandemic with potentially catastrophic consequences. A severe pandemic, which becomes ‘Event 201,’ would require reliable cooperation among several industries, national governments, and key international institutions.”

This reads like a predictive script for what we’re now seeing with coronavirus, as governments around the world scramble to “manage” this deadly outbreak with martial law, vaccine fast-tracking, quarantines and plenty of fear-mongering.

If we do a really great job on vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower [the global population] by perhaps about 10 to 15 percent,” Gates is infamously quoted as saying about the true intent of his “humanitarian” efforts.

By Ethan Huff, Guest writer

Awakening from the Dream of Powerlessness

This is the song of awakening from powerlessness.  It comes through struggle, facing fear and allowing life to transform us.  It does indeed follow as day follows night.

The video about this poem is below.

Awakening from the Dream of Powerlessness


Freedom of speech is to speak without punishment in freedom,

A civil society Q and A discussing perspectives, angles, viewpoints,

It is a forum enabling each to challenge, question and share wisdom,

Without reprisal legal, physical, covert or brutal force,

It is to respect differences in a democracy of contrasting colours,

For the full spectrum is not dominance but allowance,

It is to make a space for diversity as life is shape changing,

It is the sum of the parts creating a greater wholistic reality,

For as we clash it up we see more than self interest

as new horizons are emerging.


From conflict we learn that the world is not in our image,

As each perspective is a point of light albeit a unique experience,

We recognise power is not control but fear seeking to take control as it is out of control,

We feel an infinite spirit rising to meet each challenge with courage,

As fearsome times call upon heroism as true leaders are the phoenix rising from the ashes,

For every ONE is a hero in waiting,

Every ONE has the power to choose,

For we can cower in a corner terrorised by imagined media spin or we can question the author of fearful stories and learn to rewrite our own.


Repression is the messenger who comes to challenge powerlessness in the masses,

For apathy invites creeping control as you say nothing to exploitation or injustice,

You don’t want the hassle so just comply – you seldom ask why?


Powerlessness invites the bully who is seeking your power as implied rights are meaningless,

Fines, taxes, restrictions, laws are the tools tyranny uses to finance power as you will pay without question,

You will do the right thing, be a good person, not rock the boat as life is too busy to resist,

So you plug into the contrived matrix of technology disconnecting from life,

Your eyes fixed on controlled media feeds, ads, videos, texts as addiction to need is the greed,

You walk past the homelessness ignoring the plight of others for they made their bed you say,

To opt out is easier then to confront the social malaise requiring a response,

Each seeks distraction from pain as there is no time for community,

Yet until you face the pain life will bring you more to test your mettle,

For peace is not appeasement,

The wolf coming in sheep’s clothing is of our own making from a higher perspective,

Democracy is not a given it came from hard won battles in his story,

For the projection of power is the demon we must confront peacefully,

To be the change you wish the world to see is to live by example.



If you want respect give it to all,

If you want democracy live it fully,

If you want inclusivity invite all others into your world without fear or favour,

If you want freedom of speech then speak up and demonstrate it in action,

For as you step into the future world you imagine you create it,

For you always had power to create fear or love,

And this is the power to choose in every moment,

The universal democracy is to decide and then select the future you desire,

For each thought is a vote (choice),

Each vote co-creates what will be (natural selection),

And what will be will set you free from revolving door conflicts and endless wars,

For we must resolve the past for ‘good’,

We must face the violence that financed our way of life,

We must turn off the television or iPhone and start to dialogue with our neighbours,

We must unplug from the matrix and find the real Zion,

For peace on earth is an inner journey homeward bound,

The demons, the devils run around in our minds as we give them power by focus,

FEAR is False Evidence Appearing Real,

For it only has power when you imagine it is true power.


Yet what if fear is untrue an illusion designed to dominate you?

What if we question our thoughts about imagined realities?

Why not do ‘The Work’ to set yourself free?

What if we stop imagining the worst possible scenarios and start to envisage the world we truly want to see?

What if we ignore the facts and dream weave a new world without order?

For this will surely come to pass as night follows day,

For one cannot bear false witness to any other when the truth sets you free,

And the tyrant is the mirror reflecting back to us what we refuse to own,

for when we take responsibility for all of it we have the power to change what we fear,

For what we see in the world is US in fear believing it is out there,

To de-escalate fear one must face our childhood wounds as we were told no, put that down, let it go, do as I say and frightened into compliance not freedom,

We were not guided to explore yes, to learn from consequences, to make mistake, take risks and to fall over,

When we fall over we learn to get up again,

This is the true resilience we are invited to explore,

When we hurt ourselves we learn to heal ourselves without chemicals,

When we break the rules we learn why rules existed for we can re-write new rules,

Yet the rules of life are not to tidy your room but allow a person to grow naturally,

It is not to fearfully control what is said but to listen deeply to the protest coming from pain,

For s/he is me reaching out for clarity.


So as I write out of my own freedom of speech,

I feel for a wisdom that is perennial and eternal,

I see that life is infinite possibility,

And that life is truly good no matter appearances.


The yin vs the yang seek to divide and separate rather than allow harmony to restore homeostasis,

Apparent chaos creates another yin/yang somewhere else as chaos theory self-replicates,

The dark is the light and the light is the dark reflecting the mirror of self-awareness awakening,

One creates the other as the challenge is the test,

So be a light until the darkness but curse it not,

For it is the wise teacher not the wolf,

It is the friend in disguise scaring you to speak up or shut down,

As always you are at choice,

For death is not an ending but a new beginning,

And this system is dying to live,

It has traversed it’s used by date as it is no longer working,

Artificial Intelligence and automation are desperate attempts to keep the old illusion going,

Yet this story is coming to an end,

Albeit a conclusion,

For security and power were never the End Game,

It was to know yourself and be true,

It was to get the joke in the end not the punch line,

For we will awaken from yet another nightmare to the dawning of a new day,

For as the dawn breaks through the dark,

REAL HOPES dissolve the mist to allow a new day dawning as we are yawning,

And you are not alone in this struggle as the butterfly must break free from the cocoon,

The crystalis is by design,

Transformation is metamorphous dawning,

So allow the struggle,

Allow the fear,

Allow change to fall like the ripe fruit,

As your happy destiny is unavoidable,

As day follows night,

We are waking up from a long sleep to realise the dream was never real,

For this is the sacred seal opened at last,

As we begin to live again,

In a uni-verse of higher octaves,

To enjoy the harmonic convergence of a renewable life.


Message to Young People to Live Fearlessly

Young people must face what they fear in order to overcome the feeling of powerlessness.  You can do it. Trust in life and trust in yourself. Susan shares her experience as a World Peace Clown travelling the world and how she overcame fear and what she learned along the way.

Be Yourself!!!  Don’t let anyone put you down, do not believe you are less than your fantastic self. You belong and you deserve to be here. You are here to make a difference and you will.