Category Archives: Garden of Eden

Australia’s St Elmo’s Fire is a Test

This poem came from inspiration about the Australian bushfires and homelessness.

Notable excerpt from The Big Issue article below:

Fire has destroyed 8.4 million hectares of land in southern and eastern Australia, an area bigger than Scotland. And despite heroic efforts by thousands of firefighters and volunteers the relentless, unpredictable and fast-changing blazes have killed at least 26 people, more than a billion animals, and destroyed over 2,000 homes.

Refer Big Issue for homeless people in fires.

There are over 116,000 people homeless in Australia.

The poem I felt inspired to write reveals the importance of fires in nature to clear the old to make way for renewable growth within us.

The poem rekindles the Australian spirit of who we really are when in crisis. The real phoenix is our rebuilding who we are as a nation.

Einstein said:

“No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it. We have to think anew”

Australia’s St Elmo’s Fire is the Test


The burning bush,

Is not a winter burn off,

It is not seasonal regeneration,

But a towering inferno of epic proportion,

Smoke billowing blanking out the blue sky,

As communities are under siege,

Seeking to defend property,

Unaware our right to property is the real fire storm,

So help me God!


A climate of change in government is not responsive to the real ecological crisis,

A climate of change in business is not responsive to sustainability as they aim for more growth with less,

Yet it is market based economics that is the red hot ember that won’t go out of season,

Cutting public services as under growth is neglected,

For they cannot see the forests for the wood,

Nature is a raw material costed for production not a natural wonder maintaining ecological function,

People are human resources costed per hour
not human beings growing up to empower,

Seen through the googles of economics
life is an algorithm not a rubrics cube,

The yoke of debt is not an Act of God but unaffordable rent,

As business as usual is endless chaos not order,

As we look for the quick buck not the long term fix,

Markets have short horizons not over the horizon radars advancing civilisation to higher expressions,

For to see beyond the space time continuum of self interest is to realise the uni-verse is the one song in tune with nature.


The wild fires have become a fire sale,

Destroying 8.4 million of hectares in the blaze will increase market prices,

A billion animals perished in the smoke haze,

Impacting the biomass as prayers were not answered,

Homeless people camping in the bush were razed
gained no relief or went missing without alarm,

Renters were given no grants or land,

As property owners are hard working and deserving,

Government, media and business jumped on the bandwagon not on the fire truck,

Circling the wagons is not containment of disruption,

Opportunities to strengthen brand images rather than imagine no brands to ask for change not coins,

Still seeking a bounty from the mutiny,

The mutiny on the bounty is to leave GDP,

As branded cattle are piled on burial mounds,

Agricultural crops and harvesters went up in smoke,

Timbers become cinders,

Run for your life abandon possessions, beloved memories and pets,

This is the test,

To save lives not things,

To remember each other and lend an equal hand,

For this is the meaning of the aussie battler,

Bush community know common unity,

As they battle fires with families and friends.


Giving is to be good as gold,

Yet what if the gold is in being truly good,

You would naturally give time and all you have,

For it is human nature to give not take away,

To pitch in or risk losing all,

As livelihood is to live your life to be really alive,

This is St Elmo’s fire testing your determination and stamina,

From smouldering embers spark new shoots to push up breaking new ground,

From hardship comes rebirth of a renewable life,

From pot ash comes the phoenix resurrecting renewal,

And all can rise when you can go down no further,

For the rural farmers have suffered for years,

They lost their voice,

Mortgages as debt was the tourniquet squeezing livelihoods year on year as hard work doesn’t yield.


Many have been weighed down…

By what is not important in fears,

By material things that no longer bring joy,

By worries about money that never end contracts,

By conflicts from stress and out of touch bureaucracy,

By family breakdown under pressure,

By rising costs and uncertain futures,

They have been the backbone of our country.


Yet what if you look up to the stars my friend?

Take your hands from your eyes to see beyond,

That a new day dawns every day,

The sun-rises from the east setting in the west,

To know that from bad seeds come good,

From disruption comes clarity of purpose,

For you can’t get back what is a final demand,

When one door closes another opens,

And the finale of life is to let go when it is done and dusted,

To face fires, flood, famine and drought fearlessly
as dawn, midday and dusk mark time,

For we must face the phases of the moon together,

We must give a hand up and a hand out
no matter who is in need,

As you are me,

And I am you,

Learn to let go of the seed of greed marketed as need,

It is the fast breeder of fear,

It is the terminator seed,

For what you give away returns the bounty,

What you earn you give away in trust,

As abundance is not in what you have but who you are when you dig deep,

And who you are is gratitude, service and love without end,

And these are the real seeds St Elmo’s fire is renewing,

For the old must die for the new to arise.


We are one country under the Southern Cross,

We are stewards not owners,

We are temporary not permanent,

When every ONE is deserving of charity,

We are a nation girt by sea,

From the coast, to the forest, to the deserts,

We are free,

We have boundless plains to share to care,

And air to breathe when we see the key,

That we can regenerate our country’s spirit,

We are dreaming in the land of Oz,

Starting again resets from zero point,

To nurture shattered lives by piecing together the puzzle as the final peace in the big picture,

The deck chairs are rearranging on the titanic seeking to keep the currency afloat,

The Big Issue is that Australians are sharing the bounty not holding cards to the chest,

As friends in-deed we are stepping up to lead,

For Mount Kosciusko can be climbed in a day,

The Murray can replenish a sunburnt country,

The Snowy Mountains can rekindle Clancy of the Overflow,

As he drove cattle down mountain views where all hesitated to step off the real cliff hanger,

He proved the impossible is possible,

Courage leads whilst fear weighs the risks,

In the high country the brumby’s sniff the wind adapting to climates of change as they know which way to run.

Australians know the struggle and the peaks,

As we are heading for a depression of great magnitude,

An economic earthquake shaking ‘em up,

The Great Barrier Reef sacrificed corals to pollution favouring a crown of thorns,

The Great Artesian basin is sinking the water table as hard water is diverted and dries up,

Salt lakes muddy clean waters,

Fertilising biosciences grow at ever diminishing returns akin anti-bio-tics,

Nature is not an electrical circuit board or linear cog in an industrial flywheel,

It is a tipping point of infinitesimal sensitivity,

Where the sum of the parts is the whole.

Descartes reduced life to boxes not cells,

Newton gravitated to apples not seeds,

Einstein’s relativity theory was not absolute,

Mythical dragons breathe fire yet oxygen is fuel,

Oxford became lost in space seeking the last frontier,

Dances with Wolves chose to go to the frontier country before it was lost,

Buffalos were killed for skins not hunger,

Science invented wars losing the peace prize,

For the real courage is to face what we have truly lost and not hesitate to act,

We are lost in space unable to make peace

A priority,

For until we do we hesitate on the mountain view unable to step off the cliff of uncertainty,

As life is not predictable nor mechanical,

It is a miracle,

And only when you lose everything do you realise the true value of life,

For this is the real gold,

Or indeed the Fool’s Gold of awakening from the dream,

Fires cleanse away debris to make way for renewable growth,

To see the forest instead of the wood,

To value nature as a flow not a production process,

For the real currency is love,

What you truly love becomes visible in crisis,

To breathe is nature’s rhythm,

To speak is nature’s sound scape,

To eat is nature’s bounty given for free,

For free dominion is nature’s possibility,

That self selects when the fruit is ripe,

To fall from the tree at the perfect moment,

As love withholds no wealth from life,

As life is the real wealth loving,

And until you taste the sweetness
greed will be the bad seed replanted,

Yielding endless wars fuelling climates of disruptive change,

For until the burning bush is seen as a message from the creator,

Heralding that all people are chosen,

And that all roads lead home,

For Rome will return to the Garden of Eden,

Adam & Eve will plant an apple tree together,

Receiving nature’s bounty at the perfect time in peace,

Loving what is was all ways the peace that passeth all understanding.

The Fool’s Journey Home to Peace

I felt inspired to write this today.  What we fear we create.  When we own it we change the outcome and indeed the future for children.

Before reading the poem below here are two trailers that connect to it.  The first is Hackshaw Ridge, the US soldier who saved lives rather than ending them. He asked god ‘one more…’ Every life is precious.  The second is a scene out of Star Wars when Luke sees himself in Darth Vader. There is great wisdom in films when you are open to truth.

The poem is to awaken the force as those seen as the Fool discovers the journey home. Truth is the pathway. Whistle-blowers are the way showers.



I sit in a café feeling inspired,

The fire of my inquiry licks at the wood that is called the forest,

For we only see the wood for the trees,

We cannot see nature and its intimate wisdom that stands still,

For all to see,

But many do not hear the whisper on the winds of time,

That we must change or fall,

For how can one hear a tree fall in the forest if we no longer exist.


I find my road is off the beaten track,

I have taken the side road,

Albeit a track less travelled,

For I must find my way through the jungle alone,

For the dark night of the soul was confronting all fear,

40 days in the desert was to confront the rings of fear,

For there are many rings causing fear in this world

Of confusion.


I feel I have journeyed for many lifetimes in the ONE,

I have stood in many shoes feeling their feelings,

For humanity is where we are the same same but different,

Dictatorship demands those different be the same and not different,

And these are the polarities of climate change anchoring to determine a new direction,

The trick is to sense which way the wind blows in this play,

It can blow hot then cold or cold then hot as if a fever,

For our world is out of balance as it searches to recalibrate homeostasis,

For nature is the final arbiter in this argument that was an opportunity,

For disruption can be an opportunity to see oneself, to jump the track, to become uncomfortable as the rhythm of routine is disrupted,

As events are orchestrated by a conductor or some may say, a wizard,

For he seeks an endless yellow brick road believing gold is of value,

For in the end he will cash in the chips to discover he was fooled by the gold,

For all that glitters is not gold some may say,

To be good as gold is what glitters sparkles in an amplified light,

To know thyself is the Fool’s Gold,

It is the wisdom of the Fool that invites you to play,

To have a say for you are the creator of reality,

And the world turns up in this image,

What image are you creating? 

A world of terror, insecurity and threat for your children?

Or a world of security, infinite possibility and sustainability for all children?

As the universe is your voting booth,

It cannot be rigged or interfered with as real outcomes arise from intention,

What you intend will manifest if you believe and then see,

For watching t.v. manifests an alternate reality that you see then believe,

And this is the mirror of opposites,

It is the distorted mirror exaggerating, elongating, minimising who you think you are,

For when you look in the mirror to see you

only you can know you.


The Jester wears the diamonds as a chessboard as we all make moves,

We all contrast, differ, argue and fight as we seek the light of understanding to lead us out of confusion,

So re-member: It is not to avoid the fight but to stand out in the crowd to find the middle ground,

For at the centrepoint you will find room for all views as 360 degrees frees the mason,

For the Philosophers stone is not chiselled but shape changed by truth,

Purity can not emerge from cultures of abuse called defence changing rules of engagement,

To engage in the truth means to look at you as there is no enemy but unquestioned thoughts believed as true,

For the truth will never advocate abuse, incarceration, torture or extra judicial killings,

Hacksaw is not to remove the leg but to remember true faith that one is not in control,

For those experiencing the soul as less believe in full spectrum dominance and excess,

As greed is the addiction unquestioned,

Business-as-usual refuses to break containment of the slave trade,

As slavery in all its forms can be called freedom yet free dominion is free will,

And we are all given free will whether punished or not,

Human nature is free to love or not,

Human experience is free to fight wars or find peace,

For we must travel our journey through who we are not (psalm 23) to find the enlightenment of who we are,

And all take this journey whether they fight God or not,

For when you fight it always hurts,

When you love it expands the play,

For to play with life is to find your life purpose has meaning,

For this is a meaningfull life when you see to look into your world book.


My story book is a Fool for Peace,

It can be read with suspicion,

It can be read with intelligence,

It can be read with intrigue or mystery,

It can be read top to bottom or bottom to top,

Perhaps sampled by topic of interest or deleted,

As you choose,

For I am you,

You are me,

And each must play a part,

In creating eternity.


For this is the infinity symbol,

Of Omni,

It is a sign wave,

When we focus it becomes a particle no longer in theory,

What you think about you bring about (Universal Law of Attraction),

What you resists persists and what you look at disappears (see through illusion),

As the truth sets you free to see past resistance perfectly,

For to fight against always invites in,

This is the Yin and Yang of war and peace,

To focus on what you want determines happiness or continued drama,

As choice is a vote,

A vote determines if the boat floats or the Titanic sinks,

The think tank reveals addiction to materialism and the fear of not enough as the core problem,

Yet your happy destiny is unavoidable when you believe and then see,

So what you believe will enslave you or set you free,

To see there are no masters and no servants only possibilities…

To be or not to be


As this was always the quintessential Question of Philosophers,

Turning water into wine as an elixir to shape change the Philosophers stone masons on Temple Mount into free masons discovering the truth is unconditional love,

As the gentle dove of peace frees a divided Jerusalem, frees the City of London from magic circles (rings) and frees the Vatican to unite as Adam (atom) is Eve (beginning) touching Creation in reunification to find true love in equality,

For 3:3:3 is trinity, triune and three fold flame of completion of the Fool’s Journey,

For you can only be the Fool when you be true to yourself,

As the self made whole is diversity in unity,

As we are meant to be same same but different.

Life is the mirror not the mask,

The Fool wears the mask to pull off the mask of false faces to reveal,

Luke Skywalker is Darth Vader when he fights against himself
he becomes divided and unconscious within,

When he awakens the soul-force denial fades and he reveals the terror-ist within,

For Galactic peace dawns in the realisation that there is ‘no other’,

And in the end the last decision is to love ‘all that is’,

For the dove is waiting on your welcome …home,

To this veritable sustainable

Garden of Eden.