Category Archives: Google

Message to YouTube/Google Please Do Not Remove Content that DOES NOT violate community Guidelines as this is censorship

I not this message:


IMPORTANT: Due to COVID-19, we will conduct fewer human reviews, in order to protect the health of our extended workforce. Unfortunately, as a result, we may remove content that does not violate our Community Guidelines


My question is how can an online YouTube company stipulate that due to their protection of the health of their extended workforce that they may remove content that does not violate their Community Guidelines?

Surely a extended (remote) workforce can work from home in accordance with social distancing and isolation?

The majority of people (80%) are not in danger of a mild virus. It is those with compromised immune systems that are apparently at risk. 

How do we know you are not censoring content you do not agree with that may offer information that is not the standard narrative?

How do we trust Google (now owner of YouTube) given the Cambridge Analytic situation and using algorithms to place information in front of people to influence behaviour?

What does the global population want? What is in the public interest?  Would it be a free internet where all views are given a platform?

I certainly support public standards in respect of information that does not promote violence. However, I am all for freedom of speech even by those I don’t agree with.  For example I would not shut down the 5G or the pro smart cities material even though I believe it is not in the public interest.  I would like to see both pro and against so that I can make a choice.  That is respect for me as a citizen to make up my own mind.

In education teachers will provide alternative views for children to decide so they learn how to determine their own thoughts.  There is no corporate influence in the classroom to subliminally give them cues that they remember and later will prompt them to purchase.  I worked for a educator in London and there tests had corporate logo’s designed to influence children.  We see the issue of advertising to children when they do not have parental supervision which may push them to pressure parents, not unlike placing items at a checkout so kids will go for them and embarrass parents so they weaken to buy. It is this incessant need to seel and discard the real needs of people that I am awakening to.  Is it truly service if messages are delivered to serve the sender not the receiver.  

Other issues concern grooming, where messages are sent over and over and people get used to seeing them and through operant conditioning people just accept the message after a while.  It is not a forum with standards, debate, contrasting views where the public can really discuss what is in our interests and what is not.

There are real concerns in the community about mind control and algorithms affecting what is seen and what is not seen. What is high on rankings and what is shunted lower due to not paying or ideological preferences of corporations.  It is known that the CIA and NSA are working with Silicon Valley and hence, high tech companies. How is surveillance affecting us, information management from a certain perspective rather than open minded approaches that respect we are in a global village and it is not about specific interests but how we can co-exist as a diverse, vibrant global commons.  Unfortunately when business interests come into play the whole feel and freedom of the space slowly changes as ads pop up, people buy space so they can influence, and the money incentive stifles what is seen and what is not.  It is so unfortunate as we all lose that diversity and creativity that happens naturally without interference.

I am not voting for a Brave New World.  I am voting for a free public commons where there is minimal interference and a celebration of what it is to be human and to co-collaborate on ventures that advance our world in ways that maximise happiness and ecological sustainability. See no-one pays me to say this, it comes from my heart which is my true nature. Yet if I was a corporate person my message would be different as an agenda would be there.  This is why true freedom is so important for expanding our world in ways that benefit everyone.

Perhaps what we need is a global regulator who can make decisions on the basis of information that cause deliberate harm and information that serves education, knowledge and interests.  To be careful to make it narrow as interpretation can be wrong, culturally filtered, personally judged or ideologically narrowed.  Can we do this in a way that honours the voice of billions?



Snowden Cell Phones Spying and ID

In the public interest.

I give no consent to my location, ID and my data being gathered (bulk connections). I have nothing to hide but I like my privacy as a woman. I realise the company’s believe they own my data and believe they can sell it. I do not give consent.

Susan Carew

NOTES: Snowden’s comments –

Central problem is you do not know what the phone is doing!

According to Snowden you can turn off your phone but how do you know it is off he says. Old phones mean you can take the battery out that stops signals. The phones now are sealed. Airplane mode doesn’t turn off wifi. We don’t know what the phone is doing or what it is connected to? Apps talk want it to stop after using e.g. messenger, weather app. People need to be able to make intelligent decisions not just app by app on a connection by connection basis. You may use Facebook – want to connect to Facebook content servers, want to be able message a friend but you don’t want it to talk to an ad server or analytics server or third party (monitoring your behaviour). Facebook crams them (third party) into every app you download, you don’t know as you can see it, problem with data collection today. Industry built on keeping this invisible. Need to make activities of our devices (iPhone, computer) more visible and understandable to the average person and give them control. Say there is a little green icon spokes coming off, every app your phone is talking to, all hosts talking to. Once every 3 seconds phone is checking in with Facebook. No-one wants spying. If people could press a button to turn off apps ie. Facebook etc. People would want no spying. Google and Apple do not allow the button to exist. If the companies think it is not understood, too complex then it needs to be simplified. It is a problem.

Stories data breached, companies spying here or there, manipulating purchases, search results, hiding things on your timeline – influence and manipulate in different ways. Happens as a result of single problem – which is inequality of available information. They can see everything about you , what you device is doing, they can do anything with your device. You paid for the device, increasingly governments and corporations own it. we do all the work, pay taxes, costs… People work hard but they are owning less. The young people do not know what they are losing.

Data became a commodity, valuable to Google an social media platform, making billions of dollars earned, people are accustomed, difficult to turn that horse around. Snowden says money becomes power and influence. Information becomes influence.

Surveilance states they won’t relinquish as they embed this reality. The permanent record is the story of our lives.

Permanent record is the subject of the book.

You life how intentionally BY DESIGN both government and corporate realised it was in their mutual interest to conceal data collection activities to increase the breadth and depth of their sensor networks spread out throughout society. Back in the day Intelligence collection in US (sigin) was sending FBI agent to put alligator clips in a building, or disguised as a workman bug in a building or built satellite listening, in desert, parabolic collector listening to satellite emissions. Satellite links were owned by military and exclusive to government not affecting everyone broadly, all surveillance was targeted. What changed with technology was surveillance becomes indiscriminately, dragnet, ‘bulk collection’ should become dirties phrases in the language if we have decency. This this was intentionally concealed from us, government did it used classification, companies did it, denied it, they say you agreed to this. You didn’t agree to anything. They say they put Terms of Service page up, you clicked. You clicked a button said I Agree when you are trying to open an account to talk to friends, email etc. You were not agreeing to 600 page legal form, even if read you wouldn’t understand. Even if did, the first para says this agreement can be changed anytime by the company.

NOTE: They built a legal paradigm that presumes RECORDS collected about us DO NOT BELONG TO US. This is one of the core principles on which mass surveillance from the government perspective in US is legal. Government says it is legal, it is fine. Our perspective as a public, says that is the problem this isn’t okay, the scandal is not in their breaking the law, it is in that they DON’T HAVE TO BREAK THE LAW. It is called a third party doctrine, legal principle Smith vs Maryland. Established a precedent that the record don’t belong to the guy they belong to the company. The company has ownership over records, back in 1970s. Still relying on this precedent. No-one has a privacy right over their lives (data collection). Not data being manipulated but PEOPLE being MANIPULATED.


Everyone jumps on the bandwagon to make money without a backward glance to the social cost to democracy.I personally do not feel safe and I do not want people I do not know where I am and gathering my data about what I do, where I go, who I speak to, who my friends are. I don’t want people accessing my blog if they are monitoring me rather than reading my blog out of interest. It is a form of surveillance. This feels to me like stalking. I am alarmed by the facts raised above that my data is not mine, YES IT IS. What I am doing now is my thoughts on a page they do not belong to WordPress, the IP company or those surveilling me. I revoke other rights that state I have agreed, I haven’t. This provides insights into FOI requests and why no data is forthcoming. I am not fully informed.

In addition:

I have real concerns about the medical effects cancer and EMF with iPhones. This is a real problem.

The apps are companies they are not just little icons (analytics) and it is too much for the average person to understand and make clear decisions.

The homeless guy living in the bush I met recently is probably right to be there. He is free. He is not accessing digital. He has let go of this society. I can understand why that is a good thing.

Link to Snowden’s paper (Introspection Engine [iPhone 6]:

Google Search for My Blog Poem – No listing?? Duckduckgo Found it! Why??

I just Googled a poem of mine that I have published. It didn’t come up at all in Google but it did come up 1st in

The latter search engine stops tracking and ensures online p rivacy. It is an alternative to Google. It also provides different information in a search. This is an interesting exercise.

I will stay with Duckduckgo so that I can be sure my work and other’s works is seen. I don’t want my searches filtered. I have noticed in a library that the Google icon makes it hard for me to select Duckduckgo. As I have to click a button to make it appear in the search line at the top. If I do it in Mozilla it is easier and Internet Explorer is fine. So the issue of Google dominating the searches gives us the scenario of ONE SEARCH ENGINE AND NO CHOICE. That then controls global information. This is not in the public interest. Ironically they speak of competition but not in the IT area. First movers make the most money as ads show up and pay. Something to consider.

See below how the different search engines searched and how we are influenced and information filtered.

We have to be mindful of how our searches are manipulated, filtered and controlled so certain views are seen and heard and others are hidden. This is not democracy when it is deliberate.

You will note the heading of my poem is unique, there are no others named the same. It should be first in Google.

I will post Duckduckgo search first so you can see what comes up, how the information is listed. Then I will show you what came up with Google and you can see how different they are.

Duckduckgo Search …

The Gift of Compliance (security) or Democracy (freedom)?

This is the code (at the top). Note it is simpler.

AustraliaSafe Search: ModerateAny Time

You can see immediately it searches and finds my poem first…

The Gift of Compliance (security) or Democracy (freedom poem as my gift to humanity. Inspired Christmas morning. The GiftofCompliance(security)orDemocracy(freedom)? Today is Christmas, It is a celebration of family, A celebration of peace, A time of coming together, It matters not the name, Or the religion, It is about the universal family coming home, Together.

D Is for a Dictatorship Disguised as a DemocracyFreedom 7, 2019″The Statue of Liberty Enlightening the World” was a giftof friendship from the people of France to the United States and is recognized as a universal symbol of freedom and democracy. Though, of course, the United States is a Republic, not a Democracy. Assembly required (that’s part of the fun!)

Hong Kong’s Freedom Message – WSJ Kong has been a showcase for the benefits of economic liberty, and on Sunday its citizens declared that they want a measure of political freedom too. Voters turned out in record numbers in …

Growth in the Americas – United States Department of State in the Americas centers on building an enabling environment for private sector investment in energy and infrastructure that is transparent, competitive, and in line with international best practices.

President Nelson Chamisa’s Full Statement on the Elections … Nelson Chamisa’s Full Statement on the Elections, Harare July 4. Fellow Zimbabweans, I come before you to express my gratitude for the tremendous support, solidarity and kindness that you have shown to the cause, to us, particularly myself and my esteemed colleagues in the MDC Alliance.

Economic Freedom Is Essential To Democracy 6, 2018The strength of a democracy depends on the economic and political freedomof its citizens. Compare the strength of economies and the welfare of citizens that are democracies to those that are …

Democracy, Human Rights and Governance Strategy | Democracy the early 1990s, USAID has promoted political freedom as an integral part of development. Released in June 2013, USAID’s Democracy, Human Rights and Governance (DRG) Strategy highlights the centrality of participation and accountability to the achievement of human rights and democratic governance.

What the United States can do to protect Internet freedom 14, 2017What the United States can do to protect Internet freedom around the world A Chinese man walks past a facade of an Apple store last year amid lantern decorations in a shopping district in Beijing.

Is freedom more important than security? | we have no security, then people can harm us when we practice our freedoms. A certain amount of security is necessary for freedom. As such, I consider security marginally more important than freedom, /especially/ since when this argument is brought up, it usually involves a small amount of freedom and a great deal of security.

Nigeria Freedom of Information Act 2011 and it’s Implication … Act 2011 with the view to assessing its implication for records and office security management. 2. METHODOLOGY The paper began with the exploratory study on the content of freedomof information Act 2011. The paper was a survey research and the data was collected mainly from secondary sources derived from

IN GOOGLE I did the exact same search. This is how it looks…

GOOGLE Search for…

The Gift of Compliance (security) or Democracy (freedom)?

This is the code (at the top). So what does the first code mean?? Note my term is further down the code.…0.0..0.201.845.0j4j1……0….2j1..gws-wiz.AJV6awLKI_A&ved=0ahUKEwigmtjVgN_mAhUeILcAHUGNB3QQ4dUDCAo&uact=5

This is what came up.

The Gift of Compliance (security) or Democracy (freedom)?

Democratic Freedoms | Human Rights Law Centre › democratic-freedoms
Our vision is that Australia’s democracy is thriving with an informed, fair and diverse public debate, strong participation by a robust civil society and a free and …Missing: Compliance(security)Freedom in the World 2019: Democracy in Retreat | Freedom … › report › freedom-world › democracy-in-retreat
Challenges to American democracy are testing the stability of its constitutional … In Bangladesh, security forces cracked down on the opposition ahead of ….. him of violating the constitution’s prohibition on public officials accepting gifts or …Missing: CompliancePress freedom sidelined in pursuit of security – ABC News … › news › bradley-press-freedom-sidelined-in-pursui…
Sep 22, 2014 – The upshot is that journalists who value their physical freedom will be … Buried deep inside the National Security Legislation Amendment Bill (No. …. I’d rather have a democracy then not knowing what our government is doing. …… (or perhaps neo-fascist in this case)? Do you give them a free pass that you …AFP media raids: the secret country, security laws and … › the-secret-country-australias-democratic-flu
Jun 10, 2019 – Australia’s national security and anti-terrorism laws are undermining our … national security and democratic freedom seesaw back in balance.Missing: GiftComplianceThe Gift of Freedom: War, Debt, and Other Refugee Passages › books
Mimi Thi Nguyen – 2012 – ‎Literary Criticism… quasi-democratic regime, sending millions of dollars in aid and hundreds of … market as freedom in its stead, through which security in this liberal schema was … compliance with those liberal forms ofsociality and organization presented as …The securitization of democracy: Freedom House ratings of … › doi › abs
by AP Tsygankov – ‎2015 – ‎Cited by 12 – ‎Related articlesThe securitization of democracy: Freedom House ratings of Russia … influential and reflects the interests of US national security policies and priorities.Missing: GiftCompliance[PDF]Our Democracy – UNDP › UNDP-OAS_Our_Democracy_in_Latin_America
Political Affairs, Secretariat of Multi-Media Security and Department of Legal Services. ….. Although our democracies have brought freedom, and with freedom there is more extensive …… What is an Economic and Social Council (ESC)? …… compliance remained at over 50%, more people appear to believe that tax evasion …Congressional Record: Proceedings and Debates of the … … › books
United States. Congress – 1941 – ‎Lawcompliance with a specific request from President Roosevelt. … However, the Vote will be a green light for the President to make gifts to Russia. … aid to Russia, but this argument does not rest on the preposterous notion that Russia is a democracy. … Russia is fighting Hitler, and Hitler is the one great threat to our security.Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States: Ronald … › books
Reagan, Ronald – 1990Last year Congress appropriated $5 million for a U.S. national gift … Our discussions have covered a range of topics, including security and progress in arms control. … and to the West’s ability to monitor Soviet compliance with arms accords. … a staunch defender of democratic freedoms, and as a major trading partner. Bob …

Google Search for …

The Gift of Compliance (security) or Democracy (freedom)?


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Search Results

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Democratic Freedoms — Submissions | Human Rights Law … › submissions › tag › Democratic+Freedoms
Sep 19, 2019 – Submission: Protecting press freedom to ensure transparency and … Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security inquiry into the impact of the exercise …. create compliance risks will be especially strong on smaller organisations. … The Human Rights Law Centre is endorsed as a Deductible Gift Recipient.

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Web results

Democratic Freedoms | Human Rights Law Centre › democratic-freedoms
Our vision is that Australia’s democracy is thriving with an informed, fair and diverse public debate, strong participation by a robust civil society and a free and …Missing: Compliance(security)Freedom in the World 2019: Democracy in Retreat | Freedom … › report › freedom-world › democracy-in-retreat
Challenges to American democracy are testing the stability of its constitutional … In Bangladesh, security forces cracked down on the opposition ahead of ….. him of violating the constitution’s prohibition on public officials accepting gifts or …Missing: CompliancePress freedom sidelined in pursuit of security – ABC News … › news › bradley-press-freedom-sidelined-in-pursui…
Sep 22, 2014 – The upshot is that journalists who value their physical freedom will be … Buried deep inside the National Security Legislation Amendment Bill (No. …. I’d rather have a democracy then not knowing what our government is doing. …… (or perhaps neo-fascist in this case)? Do you give them a free pass that you …AFP media raids: the secret country, security laws and … › the-secret-country-australias-democratic-flu
Jun 10, 2019 – Australia’s national security and anti-terrorism laws are undermining our … national security and democratic freedom seesaw back in balance.Missing: GiftComplianceThe Gift of Freedom: War, Debt, and Other Refugee Passages › books
Mimi Thi Nguyen – 2012 – ‎Literary Criticism… quasi-democratic regime, sending millions of dollars in aid and hundreds of … market as freedom in its stead, through which security in this liberal schema was … compliance with those liberal forms ofsociality and organization presented as …The securitization of democracy: Freedom House ratings of … › doi › abs
by AP Tsygankov – ‎2015 – ‎Cited by 12 – ‎Related articlesThe securitization of democracy: Freedom House ratings of Russia … influential and reflects the interests of US national security policies and priorities.Missing: GiftCompliance[PDF]Our Democracy – UNDP › UNDP-OAS_Our_Democracy_in_Latin_America
Political Affairs, Secretariat of Multi-Media Security and Department of Legal Services. ….. Although our democracies have brought freedom, and with freedom there is more extensive …… What is an Economic and Social Council (ESC)? …… compliance remained at over 50%, more people appear to believe that tax evasion …Congressional Record: Proceedings and Debates of the … … › books
United States. Congress – 1941 – ‎Lawcompliance with a specific request from President Roosevelt. … However, the Vote will be a green light for the President to make gifts to Russia. … aid to Russia, but this argument does not rest on the preposterous notion that Russia is a democracy. … Russia is fighting Hitler, and Hitler is the one great threat to our security.Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States: Ronald … › books
Reagan, Ronald – 1990Last year Congress appropriated $5 million for a U.S. national gift … Our discussions have covered a range of topics, including security and progress in arms control. … and to the West’s ability to monitor Soviet compliance with arms accords. … a staunch defender of democratic freedoms, and as a major trading partner. Bob …

Searches related to The Gift of Compliance (security) or Democracy (freedom)?

democratic freedom definition
democratic freedom examples
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It didn’t show up at all.

Is Google Corrupt?

Google Exposed: New Evidence Reveals an Extreme Level of Manipulation, Corruption

(ANTIMEDIA)  — In September of 2011, Google’s Executive Chairman Eric Schmidt testified before Congress that Google was not manipulating search results to favor its own shopping service (it was). Schmidt also denied allegations that the company was a monopoly, citing a research paper written by David Balto, former policy director of the Federal Trade Commission. What Schmidt neglected to tell the Senate Judiciary antitrust committee was that Google had funded that research paper.

And that’s not the only one, according to a recently published report by the non-profit, non-partisan watchdog organization, the Google Transparency Project, which identified “329 research papers published between 2005 and 2017 on public policy matters of interest to Google that were in some way funded by the company.”

What’s more, the academic research funded by Google covered “a wide range of policy and legal issues of critical importance to Google’s bottom line, including antitrust, privacy, net neutrality, search neutrality, patents and copyright.”

[A]cademics, think-tanks, law firms, and economic consultants from some of the leading law schools and universities in the country, including Stanford, Harvard, MIT, University of California Berkeley, UCLA, Rutgers, Georgetown, Northwestern Law School, and Columbia.”

Internationally, GTP reports, “Google-funded studies were written by academics at some of the most prestigious universities in Europe, including Oxford (U.K.), Edinburgh University (U.K.), Berlin School of Economics (Germany), Heinrich Heine University (Germany), and KU Leuven (Belgium).”

The Wall Street Journal took their research a bit further, and what they discovered is astounding. WSJ reported:

“Some researchers share their papers before publication and let Google give suggestions, according to thousands of pages of emails obtained by the Journal in public-records requests of more than a dozen university professors. The professors don’t always reveal Google’s backing in their research, and few disclosed the financial ties in subsequent articles on the same or similar topics, the Journal found.”

University of Illinois law professor Paul Heald neglected to disclose the $18,830 he received from Google to fund “an idea on copyrights he thought would be useful to Google.” When he was questioned in an interview about his failure to mention his sponsor, Heald replied, “Oh, wow. No, I didn’t. That’s really bad. That’s purely oversight.” The professor also claims the money had no influence on his work.

Google has paid anywhere between $5,000 and $40,000 per paper, and the number of studies surged the highest in 2012 when the company was being investigated by the Federal Trade Commission and European regulators for antitrust violations. At least 50 studies on antitrust issues authored between 2011 and 2013 were bought and paid for by Google.

According to a former employee and a former Google lobbyist, Google officials in Washington compiled wish lists of academic papers and then searched for willing authors to complete the desired work. Google often provided working titles, abstracts, and budgets for each proposed paper. Upon completion, they were pitched to government officials. The former lobbyist told the Journal that Google would “sometimes pay travel expenses for professors to meet with congressional aides and administration officials.”

Google’s massive influence on academic research should come as no surprise given the former CEO’s openness in discussing the company’s hand in writing legislation. At the Washington Ideas Forum, Schmidt described his experience working with the U.S. government, revealing that “The average American doesn’t realize how much of the laws are written by lobbyists…and it’s shocking, now, having spent a fair amount of time in the system –  how the system actually works.”

Shocking is an understatement. It’s absolutely terrifying how the system works. A multi-billion dollar company with a monopoly on the internet not only writes the laws, but funds academic studies to shield them from further laws that might prevent them from becoming even more dangerous, all while harvesting private data from over a billion people and developing AI technology that allows two neural networks to communicate using inhuman cryptographic language indecipherable to humans.

And the executive chairman of this disturbingly powerful corporation is a man who has stated that Google’s famous “Don’t be evil” slogan was “the stupidest rule ever.” This is the same man who told an audience in Washington, D.C., that “We don’t need you to type. We know where you are. We know where you’ve been. We can more or less know what you’re thinking about.”

What could go wrong?