The yin/yang emerges from zeropoint. The dynamic is driven by choices. The dark and light create an expansion of the universe.
Category Archives: Peace
Sending a Bridge of Peace to Police
I felt compassion for the police and wrote this poem. There were 4 police persons killed in a random accident here in Melbourne. I sent this to a policeman high up. He wrote me a person message which touched my heart. I saw that love is the real healer between all people. Poetry is a Bridge of peace
A Police Peace Service
I felt a deep connection to the four that lost their lives,
I feel the tears as I want to cry,
I stand next to friends, family, colleagues and mates,
As we are in this together,
Perhaps life is FATE –
From All Thoughts Everywhere.
We must work and support each other in good times and bad,
No matter the uniform or non uniformed,
For we are all Australians,
Let’s Advance Australia Fair together.
How do I reach out to ease your pain?
I have known pain and reached out!
I know loss,
I know the cost,
And unbridgeable sorrow.
Know they are teachers,
As we contemplate their lives,
We remember that we love each other,
And perhaps this is what is truly priceless,
Perhaps this is the real wealth of our nation
as the economy collapses,
Perhaps the absence of care
is the real social isolation,
So can funerals have more than a few to support you?
For support has to rise above the fear of the flu?
We have to overcome this great fear that is spreading across our world,
It impacts mental health as many are grieving and suiciding,
We have to remember that we all do our best,
Perhaps life is the test that moves us beyond fines and felons,
For every person is worthy when valued,
Every person is valued and worthy,
Even those lost in confusion, delusion and drugs,
It can be hard to forgive many mistakes,
It can be easy to blame those and let hurt make decisions,
Do not react in anger or revenge,
Please sit in the silence quietly and feel your pain and let your tears flow for you are not alone,
Make peace in this world your highest priority,
I will always be here to serve you,
I will always love all of you,
For peace is my vocation and vision,
I will always reach out to you in your moment of despair,
Because I truly care.
I am going to share from a higher perspective
…That we all die on time,
…Life has a purpose that is unknown
yet perhaps the outcome gives you a clue,
That those blue must come together with the public to heal our divisions and misgivings,
For we need your protection from real and present danger,
We need you to have the courage and trust that these wonderful police did not die in vain,
Their deaths gave We The People a moment to show you we feel the same as you,
That it is not about rules and enforcement or
them and us,
It is about We The People,
It is about all of us serving the highest good,
For corruption is happening on many levels and it can no longer be ignored,
We must all speak up for the highest integrity,
As these are the Commissions of the future,
We must create a future of trust and virtue.
I light a candle of peace …
To those souls deceased,
To the truck driver who feels no peace,
To the driver addicted to ICE trapped by the confusion of delusions obscuring his peace.
Please Be Still and notice
Peace is the light in the darkness of
Peace is Responsibility, Empathy, Awareness, Love (REAL),
Peace is Honesty, Oneness, Peace, Enjoyment & Service (HOPES),
Peace is the dove cupped in your hands,
Peace is the kind words flowing to you,
Peace is the hand on your shoulder silently present at all times,
Peace reminds us to value all life as precious,
Peace is acceptance of life and death equally,
Peace is the love that passeth all understanding.
We hold the four police in our hearts,
Until death we do not part,
For this mystery of life embraces them fully,
They can hear your thoughts and words,
So speak your peace to them as if real,
Remember them with joy and celebration,
Look around your friends and colleagues and feel gratitude for having known each precious one,
For life is fleeting for all of us under the sun,
Life is a gift often taken for granted,
So let us unite in friendship in this moment of sorrow,
Let us hold hands in Common-unity,
No matter the sacrifice and loss,
As we all do our part in this common wealth,
We call home,
We are singing the One song where all belong,
Let’s Advance Australia Fair together.
Love and peace,
Susan Carew
We are Unlimited in Reality
In the public interest.
This is a video inspiring a new way to see. To recognise we are all unlimited.
Our Happy destiny is Unavoidable.
Peace Meditation Clears COVID-19
In the public interest.
A blessing in disguise.
What you think (feel) about you bring about.
Crisis and Fear Awakens us to Real Peace
In the public interest.
The wisdom of fearlessness is awakening to a new way of seeing crisis as opportunity to overcome the fear of uncertainty and powerlessness. I have produced this video to share my own experience having lived through unemployment, no income and homelessness as uncertainty and a loss of control. I learned to question thinking, focus on positivity and face fear. This is how I developed resiliency and empowerment. This is how we experience freedom from fear.
I share my life with you to assist you with how you might be feeling right now. Just know the crisis will pass but what will remain is our own empowerment through facing fear. When you set your intention for a better world, this becomes the beginning of a peace consciousness consciously created.
I send you love and peace. You are not alone.