I was rejected from being registered on the housing register today. That is to have your name for the next available house. I was told it takes 20 years. Nonetheless I was rejected because I had no money. I received another rejection from the Superannuation regulator that I do not qualify under hardship as I am not on Centrelink (welfare) and the fact that I can prove I have no money or assets is irrelevant as only Centrelink is recognised. People get approximately $550 a fortnight and I have no income. Yet a person on this payment can access their superannuation. I cannot access it survive as technically I am not entitled if I am not receiving welfare.
I felt some sorrow tonight as it is an endless road I am on where there is no help for those homeless due to economic circumstances. If I am in a fire, it will be different. They get support, shelter, food, clothing and grants. People will take them in, but not a poor person as they are silently blamed for their circumstances. Incredible.
I wrote this poem tonight to find the light in the darkness of ignorance and lack of empathy for the poorest of the poor who are equal in truth.
Homelessness Ends When Home Begins in Y/our Heart
To be home-less,
Is to have no home,
To have no home,
Is to have no place,
To have no place,
Means you don’t belong,
To not belong,
Means you are isolated and displaced,
To be isolated and displaced,
Means you are a refugee in search of refuge,
To have no refuge,
Means there is no support offered,
There is no rescue or crisis response,
There is no help or concern,
There is only silence,
As you do not fit the criteria,
Even when on the street,
It is up to you if you sink or swim!
For to be homeless,
Means you made your bed,
But you can’t sleep in it.
If you are homeless due to fire or flood,
Then you will be given shelter and a bed,
You will be given food and clothing,
Donations will pour in as you are deserving,
You were earning and working hard,
You have earned the right to income support,
The community will pitch in,
The media will report these stories,
As the fire or flood is not your fault,
It is a natural disaster,
An act of God,
You are the innocent victim of circumstances,
You lost your house and possessions,
Everyone cares about your plight,
You feel seen and heard,
They will make sure you are alright,
Airlifted in the middle of the night.
If you are homeless due to economic failures,
Pick yourself up,
If you are homeless because of a landlord eviction due to his illegal dwelling,
There is no compensation or grant given,
If you are homeless due to abuse and trauma,
There is no counselling or show of concern,
You don’t earn,
If you are homeless due to housing unaffordability,
Get a better paying job,
Find a partner to share the rent,
But if you are alone you are left alone,
Poverty is the greatest violence.
You lose access to:
A phone to call for help,
Quality food to stay healthy,
Quality medical care ,
Legal representation,
Friends and family,
Social outings and the normal life,
Quicker Toll roads,
Parking is no longer free,
Community events,
Insurance to cover in case of accident,
For if you do not pay you have no say.
You will ask around as you are lost,
You will be passed from pillar to post
and found wanting,
For there is never enough,
Waiting lists mean there is no funding,
There is no compassion or concern,
There is no offer of food,
There is no offer of shelter,
For if you have no money,
You will fall between the cracks to discover,
The gaps in humanity are unbridgeable,
As the maze is the real smoky haze where you cannot see your way clear,
You’ve cried many tears,
It just got too hard,
You realise there is no way out,
There is no exit or escape,
There is no way up when the only way is down,
Silence becomes the sound of….suicide.
The community turns its back in indifference quoting legislation or criteria,
Not one kind word is spoken,
Professionalism is cold and impassive,
For you have no choice,
You have no voice,
As you choke on your story,
They don’t care at all if you have no bed to make,
As you can’t afford any rent but you have a tent,
You are worth less in others eyes,
Vulnerable to deceit and lies,
You are an economic refugee with no country of origin,
For there is no economic refugee convention,
Your rights are excised at Christmas as you live on a deserted island,
Cut off Centre-link as a digital link with no heart connection,
All are numbers and names are ID,
Artificial Intelligence is Auto-mation,
An electric voice with no-emotion,
No-one cares for y/our story – comply or lie,
No comply no pay – why?
For contention is dissention,
Dissention is sedition,
Conscientious objection to corruption is vilification,
For you can only say YES in a smart city,
Not a clever country,
Those SMART revoke your licence,
To own nothing is to hold no rights,
The inalienable right to be human cannot be owned,
Democracy is the right to have a say,
As freedom of speech honours diversity as unity.
Defiance is non compliance when:
You are not complying with…
No right to self determination,
You are not complying with …
No right to shelter,
You are not complying with…
Work for the dole as slavery,
You are not complying with…
Forced agreement to job plans,
Forced job applications without pay rates,
Ineffective activities falsify the relationship,
As it is not about gaining a job,
But funding the private job providers to search,
For it is corporate welfare that works,
Those that do not work languish on welfare,
Does anyone care?
Will this Advance Australia Fair?
For when you stand on your feet in integrity
And say no to what you feel is detrimental,
Speaking up for mental health,
Refuse to live on your knees and plead for help,
Conscientious objection becomes the grounds for rejection as shifting sands change the legal scape,
As sands through the hour glass waste the days of our lives, beyond time with income limits.
You do not have the right to access a housing register,
There is no right to shelter when out in the cold,
No matter severe hardship the cold deprives,
Greed punishes those not working 9 to 5,
For the system to work all must work hard,
No matter unforeseen circumstances or bad luck,
You do not have the right to receive superannuation to relieve hardship but you can renovate your property rights as building rites are ok,
You do not have the right to say no to corruption impacting social destruction,
You do not have the right to homeless services as only user’s pay higher rates,
They deserve to stay in rooming houses in small rooms with narrow views,
As there is no privacy or personal space,
Only consumers have the right to a bed for the night,
And poor citizens have lost the right to be human,
Human rights conventions are paper tigers and talk fests to fool the public as standards are poor,
As the stock exchange is now a market garden,
Freedom of information is not free but hidden,
Regulators are not independent as funding cuts under resource the real regulation of misconduct,
Appeals to reverse decisions are not fair hearings but processes to guidelines of control finalising outcomes,
Equality before the law bows to the judge of status,
As the home-less are not equal or believed lawful,
The court users ‘pay’ to uphold status and property rites,
Sliding scales ensure there is no safety net or level playing field for whistle-blowers,
Just a free fall in fields of fire as the heat is on,
Where to fall is free and to be burned is to learn you are not free,
There is no hand up or hand out only silence,
As you have no right to life or life with rites,
Access is a digital transaction not a rite of passage to higher learning as wisdom steps back,
For one has to earn the rite to vote.
The homeless vote for what is right,
As the kite that upholds REAL HOPES in…
Responsibility, Empathy, Awareness, Love,
Honesty, Oneness, Peace, Enjoyment and Service
…floats for equality as comm-unity action,
E-quality rebalances in-equity,
EQ is the quality of emotional intelligence in-forming natural equity as abundance.
For you are me and I am you in gratuity,
And what you do to another returns to the self,
No matter fire, wind, drought, plague, flood or snow,
Everyone deserves to know as ‘Above so Below’,
As this is the secret garden that grows in perpetuity,
For only the light reveals what is dark,
The Yin and Yang finds harmony in balance.
Poverty is the greatest imbalance stunting growth,
As one goes without when another has too much,
Greed and poverty are the happy/sad face dancing in the dark of ignorance without romance,
Balance is caring,
Democracy is sharing,
As we share abundance grows,
For no-one will go with OUT,
All will go with IN and remember …
Evolution = no-it-u-love (reversed),
When love is known
Home is owned
without payment,
As a place of unconditional love
is the statement received,
Homelessness ends when home begins in y/our heart,
Heart is where the Home is,
To be heart-less is to be home-less,
For home-less is only less,
When the heart is care-less
Realisation suddenly reverses the roles
in truth.
To shelter under a roof,
Is the relief that is super,
As government housing investments redirect funding into public assets reassessing real wealth as the real estate.
The real Wealth of Nations creates a caring economy,
Putting people before the (shopping) cart,
A sustainable art of the equitable economy,
Rebalancing people over infinite profit,
To care is to share the new social prophets,
As economy means household as the Home,
And share-holding is to hold each other up,
For this is the greatest wealth in any nation,
That yields Gross National Happiness as endless growth that sustains humanity,
In peace.