Category Archives: Poverty

Barriers and INsights for Peace in the Middle East

I had a flow of consciousness when I was seeking to understand the underlying issues of peace in the Middle East – notably Israel and Palestine. I send love to all sides. Love wants all to win/win.

I allowed a flow of consciousness to just work on impressions without filter. I can’t be thinking politically or religiously or sensitively. I am just writing what comes to me as I am seeking solutions and the roots of the conflict that may not be visible.

So I will post what I wrote and if it serves, great, if not then it is just more words circling the world.

I start with my contemplation around Israel.

The real issue is the insecurity those in power feel, they fear their Arab neighbours as they were outnumbered.  The partitioning of Palestine was forced onto Palestinians and they were not asked permission for the Jewish resettlement after WWII.  Deep within the psyche of the Zionists who sought a political state of Israel was an awareness that they were taking land. They used political influence in London to colonise a occupied land.  I think of the Australian aborigines at this point acknowledging Captain cook was not supposed to land in Australia if it was occupied.  So there is an awareness of stealing land but dressing this up as a refuge for holocaust survivors.  Of course fascism was not only in Germany it was in leaders of Zionism who believed in absolute rule. This shows itself clearly in Mayer Amschel Rothschild‘s statement: “Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws!” This disregard for the rule of law and the rights of people is the core problem that has not been healed in the Middle East.  The spin doctoring of ‘victimhood’ is to garner sympathy to justify violence that has repressed a people in the name of independence when they are dependent on US support and the US weakness is corporate power in government in the United States that seeks profit (greed).  So business deals become negotiations rather than peacemaking. Making money is the security.

Using violence to maximise fear to prevent any backlash against Israel is the modus operandi which they believe is security.  It is not security it is a form of imprisonment.  The wall erected to keep the Palestinians out, is a psychological wall that does not want to see it blocks others and calls it defence.  It is not defence it is denial that refuses to take down walls and solve the problem.  Much energy has been expended to keep enemies out rather than investing in peace to learn to live together as the Kibbutz movement taught.

Power and wealth is the greed that drives non resolution of the conflict.  Militarism that psychologically shuts down (represses) emotions or felt humanity is the wall used to not see the human suffering, deprivation, starvation, terror that the moderate Palestinian people feel.  They are the abused without doubt. 

World leaders and polticial parties have been complicit in this crime against humanity, which all violence against civilians is. Yes one can talk of suicide bombers and ignore the gunships, the surveillance, the torture in jails, the blackmail etc. but God sees all.  This is the all seeing eye that never sleeps.  The akashic records record all we do as humans and this is opened when people pass over as spiritually each of us are given insight into our lives. So all is visible. 

How to come out of tyranny is the key question?  Rothschild comes to mind.  I see the pyramid and cap stone, I see the networks, that have invested in power and money in the belief that this is freedom.  Freedom from fear is the real freedom.  Freedom from darkness is the real freedom. How to come out of darkness how to bring my people home, are the words coming to me with tears actually.  The truth sets all free.  Home is God. The word Yahweh came to me to replace God. All people are “my people”.

Peace and reconciliation commissions for a renewable future.  The truth about Israeli crimes is surfacing now.  This can not be held back or concealed any more.  I feel for the words seal of David (so will check what this means – would be the 3,000 year old seal).  I see the seal of Solomon and Star of David.

My sense is the second is not having found resolution about the Holocaust, the deep fear driving the tyranny has been held there.  As they felt targeted and marked and this is why there is agreement around defence. Yet that must be healed as the holocaust is over as the Palestinians are feeling the pogrom, that must be recognised. What you do to another returns to the self (feeling Germany).  So I will look at the Seal of Solomon.  I like the circle around the Star, it felt like circling the square.  Okay this is the occultism that is seeking for black magic I feel, freemasons are there.  The lust for power is there.  The star has been contained.  You have to face your demons.  Make peace with the dark side of those engaged in the torture and violence calling it defence which is an untruth as the violence has caused the reaction from the Palestians.  I feel now for nuclear weapons.  The dots in the Solomon’s Seal I see as atoms as the containment of Israel, it is a false protection as it has a half life of 4 billion years and is a threat hanging over peace like a plaque.  The one ring comes to me and has come to me in poetry before, I see the Hobbit here and the mythical Temple of doom where the enlightened temples were distorted to become musings on doom.  The freemasons use magic for power as a ring, paedophile ring comes to me.  Dark energy. 

So how to liberate Israel from its darkness.  I feel for the light of God immediately.  I see the sea levels rising, not as punishment but more as cleansing.  Interestingly enough the fires in Australia have the same feeling of cleansing which came up in poetry. This is not to diminish people’s suffering in these events but nature is responding to the imbalance.  Holding onto rituals entraps minds so there must be a willingness to trust life and let go of the ring of power.  To come clean, to wash away the dark aspect.  I do see Jesus here washing the feet, I feel forgiveness in this. This coming clean allows the Palestinians to feel more fully their grief that has been turned into hate and they need to release the hatred (hurt) so they can heal.  That is why I have referred to the Middle East as a wound.  It is a really deep wound that both sides co-created as they are in pain and do not know the way of peace. The land of Philistines, this came to me, I have to look it up (I am not religious).   It says a biblical conflict with the Israelites.  Roots are there.  Interestingly the 5 city states are: Gaza, Ashkelon, Ashdod, Ekron, and Gath, from Wadi Gaza in the south to the Yarqon River in the north.  This description portrays them at one period of time as among the Kingdom of Israel‘s most dangerous enemies.

I did feel the words karma earlier but didn’t write them, now I see it is a ancient battle. It has roots in karma.  So I am looking at the battle now to gain insight.  I am not expert just go with the feeling. 

The following is a list of battles described in the Bible as having occurred between the Israelites and the Philistines:[43]

I smile at David and Goliath as these words came up 4 times for me over the week. I met a Christian called David who is homeless.  I just felt the Jews to be homeless.  I was told in a court room that I was in a David and Goliath situation as I sought to challenge power.  The Palestinians have been challenging the Zionists in power.  It seems impossible but they can’t stop as they feel to their core an injustice as their people are hurting.  I felt these words again, I will sit with it for a moment.  I will find out about that… interesting Goliath is a philistine giant (power) David is the young one in single combat (defenceless). It is about the underdog.  This is courage to fight against the odds.  The world took the side of Goliath against David is what I am feeling.  This speaks of bullying and how glee clubs form around those who are frightening, to not be bullied.  Fear creates that vortex.  So the karma here appears to be the Israelis were the underdog and now they are Goliath playing it out.  I have felt this before.  Whereby the victim becomes the tyrant.  The bully (Goliath) is defying God.  Funny I just saw Luke Skywalker in the scene where he approaches the death star for a final run and Obi One says ‘trust the force Luke’.  What I see is that faith has been lost.  That is, The Way of peace is to have faith and let go of control, this is the pathway for leaders and those supporting what is dark.  Goliath speaks of God on his side using the power of God in alignment with Israel.  Goliath is turning the battle into God’s battle which is untrue.  God is not in any battle, God is on neither side but on both sides at the same time as the battle is experienced.  David throws stones, I see immediately stone pelters (including Kashmir here) as the Palestinians, many youth throw stones.  It is so clear.  Goliath is hit and falls to the ground.  I am also seeing Lilliput so will go to that.  Apparently that is Gullivers Travels. I am following feeling here so I just go there, bare with me.  Gulliver is shipwrecked becomes a prisoner of a tiny race of people. He assures good behaviour and is given residence and is a favourite at the court of Lilliput. He must go around the kingdom but not hurt anyone.  The Lilliputians focus on trivial matters, cracks become political rifts. He helped subdue neighbours but refused to force them into being a province.  The displeasure meant Gulliver was charged with treason for crimes he didn’t commit. I felt Jesus here being tried by the Romans on false charges, the Jewish priests behind the scenes. I also felt the Palestinians expressing the trivial and political issues, Hezbollah, interference from other nations.  I won’t go further than that as they are impressions.

Going back to David and Goliath there are issues of saving face in that Israel has not been able to defeat Palestine, no matter the power brokers around them.  Afghanistan comes to mind as another poor country that defeated the US. So the notion of power as winning has been tested that it doesn’t work and those in power who have sought dark ways to accumulate power have not won the battle.  This feels to me to be the sticking point and the intractable nature of the conflict they are unable to disengage from. If they admit defeat then they will be seen as weak which fuels the wound of the shadow of the holocaust and vulnerability amongst hostile neighbours.  The power alliances have only served to deepen this intractability. They have not served Israel in truth as they supported their false view of power, they were seduced by money and lacked inner power (faith) to say no to violence.  The Palestinians have expressed violence as defence as well.  Cruelty has happened both sides which inflames hatred. Tit for tat doesn’t work. Revenge doesn’t work. They are stuck.  Yet peacemakers exist on both sides.  The walls refuse to allow peace in the Middle East.  I am going to Jerusalem now.  As biblical issues are around this city.  I see Jesus walking, I see a donkey.  He was trying to remind people of love.  He was an Essene. I will check this. They are a Jewish sect which is the alliance between Christians and Jews.  The Essenes are a holy sect. I feel for holy grail which freemasons seek.  The cup as a chalice. I noted the candles as symbolic for the Jewish people.  Shabbat, meaning peace in the home.  Yet the home is not at peace.  The word ‘Home’ has levels. It is where we feel loved, safe, family and it is the origin some call God.  Is home the land of Israel or is it peace? This is the question being asked.  Breaking bread comes up.  To share with others, fellow travellers. The Palestinians are neighbours, fellow travellers in life on this journey home. It is indeed those who challenge us who are our greatest teachers, I have seen this clearly in my own life. There is no enemy other than hatred, unresolved conflict coming from within projected out as the ‘evil other’. There is no ‘evil other’ only darkness mirroring darkness as people are hurting and finding it hard to transcend the conflict.  Generations have been stuck and learned the hatred passing it from father to son, are the words.  It is time to break the lineage of hatred.  Christians aligned against the ‘evil other’ and also have the same olive branch to consider. Will they accept peace not in a holy land but as a holy person.  

In the peace process they must become warm and inviting to the Palestinians. The Kabbalah is shared.  The same God is the feeling.  There is much in common to share.  God is not asking for respect for God but feeling love, as love is God. This is Oneness.  Star of David I am looking at and I see David and Goliath again.  I am looking at the meaning prior to Israel.  Two equilateral triangles is balance.  It connects to the seal of Solomon in Islamic tradition, I feel family here.  It is a shield.  The hexagram symbolises Crown, Wisdom and Insight. I see the crown as a chakra not a crown in the royal sense. So wisdom is to know you don’t know, insight is intuition.  It is not unlike the process I am going through now where I know I don’t know and allow guidance to find and feel what is true. I could be wrong as this opens to higher knowledge. So righteousness is not in this flow, I am not seeking to be right but feeling for truths in words (abstraction from truth).

The connection to Solomon’s seal is the bigger picture I feel.  Secret societies Order of the Golden Dawn. Again I am moving back to the star but predating Israel.  I discover it is used in Freemasonry. Heathrow airport is in the design of the star.  I find that interesting.  It’s connected to the US military sword.  It represents the Zionist community. 

The power of the pentacle is to keep away evil spirits it is a power used against adversaries. So magic. Magic is being used.  In some of the ancient language it reveals yielding of the other, domination comes to mind. This can be confused with the power of God which is not domination but surrender. Surrender is not a failing it is relinquishing the ego and allowing a higher will to guide.  It is letting go of the ego and trusting life. So there is no subjugation in this yielding. One simply stops fighting and accepts what is.  Byron Katie comes at this point – loving what is.  The evil other issue is the sticking point.  As one believes they are fighting the great Satan when they are still in the act of fighting not loving. Was there not the statement ‘resist not evil’. Religion holds people into these adversarial battles against darkness, yet unaware that the moment you enter the battle the darkness (yin/yang) within you rises and feels like anger, hatred, revenge, control, torture, domination, greed, cruelty, repression and so on.  When you know yourself (and be true) you wll recognise the darkness is within. That doesn’t mean a person is all bad, but all people have both elements in them in a duality.  We all know this to be true.  The invitation is to choose love.  That is where all are struggling as stories are believed yet universal truth waits for your welcome (warming invited in) as loving your enemy, turn the other cheek, mercy and so on. These are pathways out of conflict.

Fear needs protection, faith does not.  The military industrial complex has been built around protection and defence without faith.  Real trust and surrender needs no protection as one’s life is handed over to a higher truth. This is hard for people as they fear.  So a culture of fear creates more fear and more defence and more security and more conflict and on it goes until a limit situation arises.  This is how escalation occurs in endless wars without end that do not serve humanity.

I’ve just found a Arab-Israeli peace group.  I noted it is a US institute of Peace, that can’t be the one as it needs to be a neutral third party.  I would suggest Transcend be contacted – Johann Galtung who is an expert in peace building and was the father of peace research based in Oslo. Ref.

The two state solution is clearly The Way forward to honour diversity and then communicate on an equal footing. The Palestinians need their own State as they are stateless. This is homelessness in their own home. They need an equal seat at the round table.  Funny how roundtable keeps coming to me.  Equality is another core issue.  Poverty and structural discrimination on the basis of money can create a picture of a lesser people this can also be a barrier as the dominant party seeks to control the agenda rather than meeting as equals.  Respect is critical for peace in the Middle East.  Peace and reconciliation to discuss and acknowledge the situation as part of healing, apologies, compensations (war reparations) and restoring relations through diplomatic channels utilising women as they are in tune to deeper needs in people and they won’t let the male stubbornness get in the way.  An international tribunal must be set up from the Hague to start a judicial process.  This matter should have been taken to an international Court rather than allow unequal parties to engage in violence in a asymmetrical war zone with families. This acceptance of war in civilian areas is unacceptable, particularly when the dominant party states it is democratic and does not use democratic dialogue and processes to resolve conflict.

Australia’s St Elmo’s Fire is a Test

This poem came from inspiration about the Australian bushfires and homelessness.

Notable excerpt from The Big Issue article below:

Fire has destroyed 8.4 million hectares of land in southern and eastern Australia, an area bigger than Scotland. And despite heroic efforts by thousands of firefighters and volunteers the relentless, unpredictable and fast-changing blazes have killed at least 26 people, more than a billion animals, and destroyed over 2,000 homes.

Refer Big Issue for homeless people in fires.

There are over 116,000 people homeless in Australia.

The poem I felt inspired to write reveals the importance of fires in nature to clear the old to make way for renewable growth within us.

The poem rekindles the Australian spirit of who we really are when in crisis. The real phoenix is our rebuilding who we are as a nation.

Einstein said:

“No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it. We have to think anew”

Australia’s St Elmo’s Fire is the Test


The burning bush,

Is not a winter burn off,

It is not seasonal regeneration,

But a towering inferno of epic proportion,

Smoke billowing blanking out the blue sky,

As communities are under siege,

Seeking to defend property,

Unaware our right to property is the real fire storm,

So help me God!


A climate of change in government is not responsive to the real ecological crisis,

A climate of change in business is not responsive to sustainability as they aim for more growth with less,

Yet it is market based economics that is the red hot ember that won’t go out of season,

Cutting public services as under growth is neglected,

For they cannot see the forests for the wood,

Nature is a raw material costed for production not a natural wonder maintaining ecological function,

People are human resources costed per hour
not human beings growing up to empower,

Seen through the googles of economics
life is an algorithm not a rubrics cube,

The yoke of debt is not an Act of God but unaffordable rent,

As business as usual is endless chaos not order,

As we look for the quick buck not the long term fix,

Markets have short horizons not over the horizon radars advancing civilisation to higher expressions,

For to see beyond the space time continuum of self interest is to realise the uni-verse is the one song in tune with nature.


The wild fires have become a fire sale,

Destroying 8.4 million of hectares in the blaze will increase market prices,

A billion animals perished in the smoke haze,

Impacting the biomass as prayers were not answered,

Homeless people camping in the bush were razed
gained no relief or went missing without alarm,

Renters were given no grants or land,

As property owners are hard working and deserving,

Government, media and business jumped on the bandwagon not on the fire truck,

Circling the wagons is not containment of disruption,

Opportunities to strengthen brand images rather than imagine no brands to ask for change not coins,

Still seeking a bounty from the mutiny,

The mutiny on the bounty is to leave GDP,

As branded cattle are piled on burial mounds,

Agricultural crops and harvesters went up in smoke,

Timbers become cinders,

Run for your life abandon possessions, beloved memories and pets,

This is the test,

To save lives not things,

To remember each other and lend an equal hand,

For this is the meaning of the aussie battler,

Bush community know common unity,

As they battle fires with families and friends.


Giving is to be good as gold,

Yet what if the gold is in being truly good,

You would naturally give time and all you have,

For it is human nature to give not take away,

To pitch in or risk losing all,

As livelihood is to live your life to be really alive,

This is St Elmo’s fire testing your determination and stamina,

From smouldering embers spark new shoots to push up breaking new ground,

From hardship comes rebirth of a renewable life,

From pot ash comes the phoenix resurrecting renewal,

And all can rise when you can go down no further,

For the rural farmers have suffered for years,

They lost their voice,

Mortgages as debt was the tourniquet squeezing livelihoods year on year as hard work doesn’t yield.


Many have been weighed down…

By what is not important in fears,

By material things that no longer bring joy,

By worries about money that never end contracts,

By conflicts from stress and out of touch bureaucracy,

By family breakdown under pressure,

By rising costs and uncertain futures,

They have been the backbone of our country.


Yet what if you look up to the stars my friend?

Take your hands from your eyes to see beyond,

That a new day dawns every day,

The sun-rises from the east setting in the west,

To know that from bad seeds come good,

From disruption comes clarity of purpose,

For you can’t get back what is a final demand,

When one door closes another opens,

And the finale of life is to let go when it is done and dusted,

To face fires, flood, famine and drought fearlessly
as dawn, midday and dusk mark time,

For we must face the phases of the moon together,

We must give a hand up and a hand out
no matter who is in need,

As you are me,

And I am you,

Learn to let go of the seed of greed marketed as need,

It is the fast breeder of fear,

It is the terminator seed,

For what you give away returns the bounty,

What you earn you give away in trust,

As abundance is not in what you have but who you are when you dig deep,

And who you are is gratitude, service and love without end,

And these are the real seeds St Elmo’s fire is renewing,

For the old must die for the new to arise.


We are one country under the Southern Cross,

We are stewards not owners,

We are temporary not permanent,

When every ONE is deserving of charity,

We are a nation girt by sea,

From the coast, to the forest, to the deserts,

We are free,

We have boundless plains to share to care,

And air to breathe when we see the key,

That we can regenerate our country’s spirit,

We are dreaming in the land of Oz,

Starting again resets from zero point,

To nurture shattered lives by piecing together the puzzle as the final peace in the big picture,

The deck chairs are rearranging on the titanic seeking to keep the currency afloat,

The Big Issue is that Australians are sharing the bounty not holding cards to the chest,

As friends in-deed we are stepping up to lead,

For Mount Kosciusko can be climbed in a day,

The Murray can replenish a sunburnt country,

The Snowy Mountains can rekindle Clancy of the Overflow,

As he drove cattle down mountain views where all hesitated to step off the real cliff hanger,

He proved the impossible is possible,

Courage leads whilst fear weighs the risks,

In the high country the brumby’s sniff the wind adapting to climates of change as they know which way to run.

Australians know the struggle and the peaks,

As we are heading for a depression of great magnitude,

An economic earthquake shaking ‘em up,

The Great Barrier Reef sacrificed corals to pollution favouring a crown of thorns,

The Great Artesian basin is sinking the water table as hard water is diverted and dries up,

Salt lakes muddy clean waters,

Fertilising biosciences grow at ever diminishing returns akin anti-bio-tics,

Nature is not an electrical circuit board or linear cog in an industrial flywheel,

It is a tipping point of infinitesimal sensitivity,

Where the sum of the parts is the whole.

Descartes reduced life to boxes not cells,

Newton gravitated to apples not seeds,

Einstein’s relativity theory was not absolute,

Mythical dragons breathe fire yet oxygen is fuel,

Oxford became lost in space seeking the last frontier,

Dances with Wolves chose to go to the frontier country before it was lost,

Buffalos were killed for skins not hunger,

Science invented wars losing the peace prize,

For the real courage is to face what we have truly lost and not hesitate to act,

We are lost in space unable to make peace

A priority,

For until we do we hesitate on the mountain view unable to step off the cliff of uncertainty,

As life is not predictable nor mechanical,

It is a miracle,

And only when you lose everything do you realise the true value of life,

For this is the real gold,

Or indeed the Fool’s Gold of awakening from the dream,

Fires cleanse away debris to make way for renewable growth,

To see the forest instead of the wood,

To value nature as a flow not a production process,

For the real currency is love,

What you truly love becomes visible in crisis,

To breathe is nature’s rhythm,

To speak is nature’s sound scape,

To eat is nature’s bounty given for free,

For free dominion is nature’s possibility,

That self selects when the fruit is ripe,

To fall from the tree at the perfect moment,

As love withholds no wealth from life,

As life is the real wealth loving,

And until you taste the sweetness
greed will be the bad seed replanted,

Yielding endless wars fuelling climates of disruptive change,

For until the burning bush is seen as a message from the creator,

Heralding that all people are chosen,

And that all roads lead home,

For Rome will return to the Garden of Eden,

Adam & Eve will plant an apple tree together,

Receiving nature’s bounty at the perfect time in peace,

Loving what is was all ways the peace that passeth all understanding.

Bill Gates: The Myths of Poverty

In the public interest.  The first video is about poverty myths.  The second video is about ensuring poverty doesn’t increase.

Bill Gates discusses poverty.  I find the perspective on poverty interesting. I find emotionally there is a real poverty in the west.  Psychologically people contrast lack of materialism as poor rather than lack of kindness as a form of real poverty.

As a person who lives on $35 per week in a 1st world country, I have found the greatest poverty in those who are well funded.  I would stipulate that there are no hard and fast rules here in respect of some with money being abundant in generosity and some poor people being poor in respect of generosity, so it can be revealed in either group, particularly the West.  However, in the poorer countries I find them more abundant than the West as communities.  So wealth depends on whether you are looking at generosity of spirit or material wealth.

The challenge with wealthy people who have lots of money is that they are given more air time because they have money and money talks not wisdom.  There are consequences when people have disproportionate influence. Equality would ensure we weren’t unbalanced globally.  Human’s are so active economically that they have seriously created imbalances, then the poor are the ones who suffer the most and have least say. Yet if you speak to a poor person they do have insights.  Poverty is reflective of inequality and overconsumption reflects credit.

The End Times are a New Beginning

I use the Christian wording as many believe this is the End.  it is not.

My poem is below.



The earth from space is breathless magnificence,

The third planet from the sun,

Is a library with infinite records,

Sifted through archaeological digs,

Carbon dating,

Papyrus leaves,

Inscriptions, encodings, etchings,

As the past tells a story of the future,

The question is are you listening to his story or her story?

For as the ice caps melt they are poles apart.


Life is a harmonic blueprint we did not design,

Humility worshipped magnificence beyond comprehension,

As all needs were supplied like clock work,

As the earth rotates around the sun,

It appears the sun rotates around the earth,

As night follows day,

The earth faces the sun or turns away,

What holds us on the earth is a gravitational pull that we take for granted,

As it has always been this way,

Yet the earth is a moving body alive circling and cycling as part of cosmic events,

We call the 12 phases of the moon one year,

Yet it is the sun blocked by the earth in phase as the moon rotates in 24 of what is called hours,

All arbitrary numbers to map what we see and then believe,

To make sense of our universe without knowing the sphere,

For it appears we are at the centre point.


To travel beyond the speed of light away from the earth,

To move beyond space and time,

Could we arrive before we start?

If we were to return before we start,

What world would we create given what we know?


We remember his story of conquest, murder and control

Historically recorded as victories,

We remember her story of community, life bearing and surrender,

Historically left unrecorded as night follows day,

For what is taken for granted is not a role but nurturing the nature of future generations,

This is given.


We look upon our planet from a great distance and we see those into control,

The puppet masters pulling the strings behind the scenes,

Never seen or heard as secrecy is the silent weapon of this war,

Those re-writing the news, investing in instruments of war, never sleeping,

This is the cap stone,

For they are left unchallenged as money is God and artificial intelligence knows not truth,

For those Godless have no power to determine their destiny as unconsciousness living the lie,

For to lie to ONEself is the highest betrayal,

The all seeing eye is consciousness awakening to love,

Placing a cap on trade as true abundance is balance not greed,

Greed is the genetically modified seed of humanity’s destruction.


Slavery begins when we believe in powerlessness,

Abuse shows when we believe we have no say,

Violence grows where hope used to believe

as we force others to change in our image,

For we have not known the wisdom of the dream,

The silent peace of surrender,

The silent prayer of acceptance,

That accepts night follows day aware that the truth is the earth revolves around the sun,

For those who know are not in control of the moment they simply surrender to it,

For they know not what will come as they do not need to know,

For how can one control what is out of control as it always flows to the source,

Life is not on a need to know basis as information comes at the right moment,

Just as water turns into wine as the elixir of life is both the highs and the lows,

To align the planets is to realise the precision of the equinoxes as homeostasis,

As real power has no control only allowance of nature returning to the still point,

For nature is the real spectrum without dominance where all is done beyond space and time,

As the sum of the parts in-forms the whole,

The whole is the sum of the parts,

For there is nothing apart in unity,

Unity is a simple recognition that there is no separation in the universe,

As all are ONE no matter the primitive beliefs of the few puppets acting as masters,

For it is not possible to control the full spectrum,

As this is the rainbow bridge,

It is not possible to buy up all spectrum,

As how can one own the colours that inform the light,

For you cannot own what is natural for how can you own your hand or leg?

Ownership was always about the control by those who do not know



To know thyself are the words remembered when one returns before they arrive,

These words are carved into deep library walls entombing silence,

For silent wars fight against universal wisdom that silently encodes survival as a blue-print,

As the blue planet is not at war with itself as echo systems are feedback loops,

For it is not survival of the fittest that wins,

it is the evolution of those who love without condition,

for this is unconditional love allowing change without resistance,

Evol-u-it-on reversed is no-it-u-love.


For the purpose of the journey is to come home not to leave the planet,

For Planet X is XX not XY, as X marks the spot at this cross road,

It is to rebalance the Y with X as a decision for equality as this is homeostasis or balance naturally aligning with life,

It is to kiss and make up surrendering to love not war,

As those at war know not love,

Rome was never built in a day yet empires always fall,

And the path to Jerusalem is to remember the teachings on the Mount,

Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall know God,

Jerusalem is not a place it is the symbol of a birth,

Birthing love as the true saviour of our world.


For no-one is chosen ONE simply chooses to love under all conditions,

This is to choose love and love is God,

There are no favourites, no superior or inferior only the one family learning to love,

For you know not what you do when you separate a unified field of sunflowers,

There is no them or us only us in this game of hide and seek,

There is no enemy only potential friends,

Did one not say ‘love is the answer’ yet so many forget this simple precept,

It is not a concept but love in action that includes every ONE as part of the self made whole,

It matters not the colour, class, creed or greed – all reflects diversity as unity,

For this is the true message that came down through the annals of time,

But did you hear the message preached by so many so long ago?

There is nothing to fear but fear itself,

FEAR is False Evidence Appearing Real.


The greatest power is in gentle compassion,

Be like little children look at life with innocence,

Be quick to forgive, let go of control and enjoy the moment as it is,

For clowns remember the child within laughing and playing,

For life is not a serious business it is enlightenment when you lighten up,

Yet can you find the light in the dark I venture?

Can you let go of control and find inner peace?

For this is the light seeking you,

And you are seeking the light,

Yet it cannot be found in things, in power, in control or war,

It is found in silence when the wars have stopped,

For one can stand on a hill and recite great parables,

Endlessly repeated in stories but not realised,

For until you leave the palace of security you cannot find real peace in uncertainty,

For you must venture past the walls of your own making into the forest of vulnerability,

You must cross the rainbow bridge to meet with the people on the other side,

For you cannot unify the realm until you live the same as all others,

For until you walk in the shoes of another you cannot know their plight,

It is said the meek that inherit the earth,

The meek are without ego or agenda as they are over 21.


You can surveil, gather data and reach for full spectrum dominance,

But peace will never be found in the instruments of control,

So consider the Lillies of the field they neither toil nor spin,

They are just being themselves as night follows day.


This is the clarion call to those who are listening for truth not proof or evidence,

Consider this a reminder to re-member your humanity,

Contemplate this as an invitation to be the change you wish to see in the world,

For if not you then who? If not now then when?

For what you do to another returns to the self,

As night follows day or day follows night,

For you cannot fight nature and you can never win,

For life is not a battle ground but a field of infinite possibilities,

As our life is to open to the enlightenment of nature,

Nature spins but never toils as the soils are alluvial gold,

The real gold is not in money but in the realisation that you cannot eat gold,

For nature is sustainability as homeostasis recalibrating as the greatest disruption,

As the central sun is the sundial and the inner wheel,

As you did not create the uni-verse the one song created you,

For until you sing the one song in harmony

you will not recognise the real word in the uni-verse,

So as I sing this song to you I re-member the verse as ONE word:


Who AM I?

I AM that which I AM,

I am you,

You are me,

Can you see eternity in the blade of grass?

Can you feel unity in the whispering wind?

Can you know life as the gift of grace?

For s/he is we created in equality,

Growing together in a Garden of Eden,

For to know the Garden is to honour each variety,

To Judge not as good or bad but a given,

For heaven is in love,

And love is life,

In peace.

For peace is the ONE word

re-membering life as God or

God as life.


I send you peace and love,

As this is the ONE religion that unifies all worlds

beyond space and time.



The crystal Senenite is described below. I didn’t realise how powerful it is.

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by Ceida UilycJune 19, 2019

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What if the problem of poverty is profits for other people

The transformation of social welfare into a market based economy requires that companies make profits out of poverty. When government provides for welfare there is no need to mark up prices as it is at cost, when the market enters this sphere then they have to make it profitable. The focus is on self interest not compassion, this is the reason problems and inequities arise. Moreover, the article raises the issue of eviction and I note the inability to make it to court.  The criminalisation of the poor is noteworthy as structural violence ensures discrimination on the basis of income and increasing social distress.

The irony is they make money whilst the poor barely survive.  Does this create balance and social harmony?

Evicted by Matthew Desmond review – what if the problem of poverty is that it’s profitable to other people?


‘There is an enormous amount of pain and poverty in this rich land,’ argues American sociologist Desmond in this brilliant book about housing and the lives of eight families in Milwaukee

A mother and child sitting in front of their house selling some of their goods to make ends meet.
 A woman sells some of her goods to make ends meet, Milwaukee. Photograph: Matthieu Paley/Corbis

What if the dominant discourse on poverty is just wrong? What if the problem isn’t that poor people have bad morals – that they’re lazy and impulsive and irresponsible and have no family values – or that they lack the skills and smarts to fit in with our shiny 21st-century economy? What if the problem is that poverty is profitable? These are the questions at the heart of Evicted, Matthew Desmond’s extraordinary ethnographic study of tenants in low-income housing in the deindustrialised middle-sized city of Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

You might not think that there is a lot of money to be extracted from a dilapidated trailer park or a black neighbourhood of “sagging duplexes, fading murals, 24-hour daycares”. But you would be wrong. Tobin Charney makes $400,000 a year out of his 131 trailers, some of which are little better than hovels. Sherrena Tarver, a former schoolteacher who is one of the only black female landlords in the city, makes enough in rents on her numerous properties – some presentable, others squalid – to holiday in Jamaica and attend conferences on real estate.

Desmond follows the intertwined fortunes of eight families and a host of minor characters. Arleen Belle and Doreen Hinkston are black mothers clinging to the edge of low-wage employment; Crystal and Trisha are fragile young black women whose upbringing was violent and chaotic; Lamar is a genial black father of two who lost both his legs to frostbite when he passed out on crack in an abandoned house; Scott is a white male nurse who lost his licence when he stole opioids from his patients; Larraine, also white, is a slightly brain-damaged sweet soul. It is sometimes a little hard to keep up with the storylines as they weave in and out of the text, but no matter. What is important is that Desmond takes people who are usually seen as worthless – there is even a trailer-dweller nicknamed Heroin Susie – and shows us their full humanity, how hard they struggle to retain their dignity, humour and kindness in conditions that continually drag them down.

The main condition holding them back, Desmond argues, is rent. The standard measure is that your rent should be no more than 30% of your income, but for poor people it can be 70% or more. After he paid Sherrena his $550 rent out of his welfare cheque, Lamar had only $2.19 a day for the month. When he is forced to repay a welfare cheque he has been sent in error and falls behind on rent, he sells his food stamps for half their face value and volunteers to paint an upstairs apartment, but it is not enough. People such as Lamar live in chronic debt to their landlord, who can therefore oust them easily whenever it is convenient – if they demand repairs, for example, like Doreen, or if a better tenant comes along. Sherrena liked renting to the clients of a for-profit agency that handles – for a fee – the finances of people on disability payments who can’t manage on their own. Money from government programmes intended to help the poor – welfare, disability benefits, the earned-income tax credit – go straight into the landlord’s pocket and, ironically, fuel rising housing costs. Public housing and housing vouchers are scarce. Three in four who qualify for housing assistance get nothing.

Even in the Great Depression, evictions used to be rare. Now, each year, hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions, of renters are put out on the street. Even a paid-up tenant can be easily evicted. Arleen loses one apartment when her son Jori throws a snowball at a passing car and the enraged driver kicks in the front door, and another when the police come after Jori when he kicks a teacher and runs home. Any kind of trouble that brings the police can lead to eviction, which means women can lose their homes if they call 911 when their man beats them up. Think about that the next time someone asks why women don’t call the cops on violent partners.


As Desmond shows, the main victims of eviction are women. Why? They are paid less than men for doing the same job. They are less able to make deals with their landlord, who is almost always a man, to work off part of their rent with manual labour. The main reason, though, is that women are raising children as single mothers. They not only have all the costs and burdens of childrearing, they need bigger apartments – which, since landlords dislike renting to families with young children, are harder to find and a lot harder to keep. Other sociologists – Kathryn Edin, for example – have found that single mothers often get help under the table from their children’s fathers, but Arleen, Doreen and Doreen’s adult daughter Patrice get mostly trouble from men, who are variously abusive, addicted, vanished or in prison. In one of the book’s many small sad moments, Arleen claims she receives child support in order to seem more stable and respectable to a prospective landlord. In fact, she gets nothing.

Desmond lays out the crucial role housing plays in creating and reinforcing white privilege. In Milwaukee, one of the most segregated cities in the US, all black people suffer from housing discrimination and all white people benefit at least a little from the racial dividend – a landlord who will rent to them but not to black people, for instance, or offer them a nicer apartment. Black people have the worst housing in the worst neighbourhoods – the great fear of the trailer-park people, who are all white, is that they will end up on the black side of town. Eviction hits black women hardest of all, and the bleak benches of housing courts, which deal with disputes between landlords and tenants, are full of black women and their children: “If incarceration had come to define the lives of men from impoverished black neighbourhoods, eviction was shaping the lives of women. Poor black men were locked up. Poor black women were locked out.”

An evicted woman watches as a removal company moves her property out of her rented apartment on to the pavement.
 An evicted woman watches as employees of a storage company remove her belongings to place them on the pavement in front of her rented apartment. Photograph: Sally Ryan/Zuma Press/Corbis

What are the social costs of eviction? It puts incredible stress on families. It prevents people from saving the comparatively small sums that would let them stabilise their situation. They are always starting over from scratch, losing their possessions in the chaos of removal, or putting them in storage and losing them when they can’t pay the fees. An eviction on your record makes the next apartment harder to get. Eviction damages children, who are always changing schools, giving up friends and toys and pets – and living with the exhaustion and depression of their parents. We watch Jori go from a sweet, protective older brother to an angry, sullen boy subject to violent outbursts who is falling way behind in school.

Eviction makes it hard to keep up with the many appointments required by the courts and the byzantine welfare system: several characters have their benefits cut because notices are sent to the wrong address. Eviction destroys communities: when people move frequently, they don’t form the social bonds and pride in place that encourage them to care for their block and look out for their neighbours. “With Doreen’s eviction, Thirty-Second Street lost a steadying presence – someone who loved and invested in the neighbourhood, who contributed to making the block safer – but Wright Street didn’t gain one.”

There is an enormous amount of pain and poverty in this rich land,” Desmond writes in his conclusion. That is easy to say, and many books by journalists and academics have done so. By examining one city through the microscopic lens of housing, however, he shows us how the system that produces that pain and poverty was created and is maintained. I can’t remember when an ethnographic study so deepened my understanding of American life.

 Katha Pollitt’s books include Who Is Hillary Clinton? Two Decades of Answers from the Left (IB Tauris). To order Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City for £16 (RRP £20) go to or call 0330 333 6846. Free UK p&p over £10, online orders only. Phone orders min p&p of £1.99.