Category Archives: World Peace

My Father’s Death Inspires World Peace Message

This is a tribute to my father who is my inspiration. This video is my honouring of him and my appeal for a world fit for children. They should be our first decision not the last. It is not about fighting life it is about joining with life, caring and healing this confused world.

If you want to know if what you are doing is right, ask – ‘what if everyone did it’?

Kindness matters in the world. The rest is keeping up appearances.

I send love to my father. Thank you for being my dad. May wherever you are bring you peace, joy and love. You deserve it.

I felt inspired to share my grief over my father’s death. Gandhi’s birthday is today (2 October 2019) and my father was into nonviolence and a light in my life.

He wrote to the Canberra Times – Letters to the Editor. He, like myself, communicates in the public interest yet we never shared what we were doing with each other. We are alike, so much so that we didn’t realise how alike.

My work for World Peace is Inspired by you dad.

This is a world message to all the peoples of our world. Remember to tell your father’s you love them. And father’s tell your children the same. That is World Peace.

I love you dad and thank you xx

My dads last message to me:


Have you located the sim from the phone I gave you. If so could you send it back with the ACTION card I gave you. I believe the car is going fine. Look after yourself.

Love Dad

links:… website: My book A Fool for Peace………………………………………………………………………………