Creat”ion” Gives Complex”ion”

Inspiration is calling to my heart.

I sit in the deepest part of the heart,
where stillness and potential coexist,
For the still point waits, pauses, is ready,
to create yet again.

Creation is not a religion yet it is,
Creation is not a cult yet it is,
Creation is not organised crime yet it is,
Creation is free will,
Creation is choice,
Creation is a singularity exploding into life,
Creation does not judge what is created,
As the power to create is gifted to all,
Without discrimination,
Without bias,
Without chosen people,
Without being pleased or displeased,
As love without a story is creation,
Expanding stories infinitem.

This doesn’t mean free licence yet it does,
This doesn’t mean no responsibility yet it does,
For love in its highest expression watching without intervening,
As freedom is to “experience” the outcome of choices,
As inner pain projects pain in endless cycles of abuse,
As the greatest wisdom counsels “I could be wrong”,
To exit self defeating outcomes that spiral downwards,
For the soul does indeed exist as like attracts like,
To know the high or depression are expressions of joy or judgement,
For we are given the power to choose.

As many sink into depression over the state of the world unaddressed,
Many recognise the poles ae shifting,
True north True south, True east and True west,
Are the compass finding magnetic poles recalibrating to what is true,
As all life is magnetic,
Lores of attraction are conscious or unconscious choices,
As like will attract like,
As we navigate the rough seas to find home.

Life can be a Bermuda Triangle,
Strange things can happen unaccounted for,
Miracles, vortex, portals and worm holes,
Are the channels opening to higher modes of expression,
As the infant crawls and then walks,
Learns and grows,
To see more than self interest.

We live the miracle of life,
As a gift not a artificial selection,
For always we choose what is natural,
As Nature moves to equilibrium,
Recalibrates back to zero point,
Rediscovers balance,,
Fires unseen blueprints,
As the creative force is life force energy,
Destructive forces de-construct materialism,
Yet life cannot be shaped changed, genetically engineered, transhumanised,
mind controlled, or dominated without consent or forced consent (rape),
For all get to choose one way or another,

To question opens to which comes first:
The comet or the long tale?
The XX (900 genes) or XY? (55 genes)
The bacteria, chemical, gene, genome or the single cell amoeba?
The baby, egg, sperm or spirit?
The wave, the ocean or hydrogen, oxygen?
Rock, wind, water, synthesis, plant, animal, soils or fusion?
As life carves the Philosophers Stone from the rock of dark ages.

For no-one can play God yet they do?
To know God is to not know God?
To not know is to know?
To know is to not know?
For what if – you are not in con-trol?
What if – you are not in-secure?
What if – every moment is pre-selected?
What if – there are no mistakes in in-perfect perfection?
For the blue print is freedom not control.

How would you live?

In regret?
Or anticipation?

In anger?
Or forgiveness?

In domination?
Or allowance?

In falsehood?
Or truth?

For as you let go of controlling life another world arises
into full spectrum awareness that there is more,
As you let go of outdated belief systems life opens to more beyond belief,
Another way of seeing opens when you close the door behind you for good,
As you set aside violence, cruelty, and ruthless pursuits on the back burner,
You realise you always had what you believed you wanted but could not see,
There was not one moment of loss, or emptiness, or tragedy but possibility awaiting your decision tree,
As each experience is the rich canvas upon which you will paint what you see and then believe,
For all are artists.

What pictures do you paint in your future?
What words will you weave in your life’s poem?
What new vestiges write new pages opening to a never ending story?
For when you are open to new knowledge,
1,000 pages are flung open fluttering his-story and her-story,
Like a butterfly emerging from the chrysalis,
Like a flower opening in the light of budding potential,
Maybe a bodhi tree blooming,
As the tree of life neither toils nor spins,
It is just BEING true to its nature,
Bending in the breeze,
Absorbing light encoded nutrients,
Recycling leaf litter,
Hosting infinite lives,
Casting a shadow,
Opening to light,
As this tree germinates the codes
of peace.

For is it not to nature you flee in times of trouble?
Is it not the ocean you go to swim or sail, in times of needed invigoration?
Is it not the sky of possibilities you fly to soaring to a higher horizon curving around the earth?
For life is not mathematical codes and yet it is,
Life is the straight and narrow or the spiralling Fibonacci?
Life is not algorithms and yet it is,
Life is not artificial intelligence and yet it is,
For generosity misses no-thing,
Inclusivity absorbs all-things,
As love has no boundary and no end game,
It just accepts all expressions as freedom,
Yay free dominion.

Imagine when we sing the ONE song,
Not as compliance and yet it is,
As co-creation creates the complex”ion” we move through,
As we are here to learn from what we are not,
To re-member who we really are,
The is/not as X is Y,
As night is day,
The child is the adult in time,
As the grandparent re-members in retrospect,
Feeling I have travelled so far,
And yet I feel back at the beginning,
To re-start again,
As if this is a game plan,
And we are the pieces in this puzzle,
Or the puzzle in a myriad of pieces,
Seeking the blueprint peace picture,
Selecting to find what is in symmetry as it falls into place,
Or finding a place to disembody symmetry as out of place,
Perhaps the big picture is beyond your space and time,
For there is no time like the pre-sent,
To realise our happy destiny was never in doubt.


Is there ordinary love? This is the song of a source never known, never seen and yet everyWHERE.

No-one knows source (God) to be able to say it doesn’t exist. They simply do not know. When ‘I don’t know’ becomes open to possibilities, symmetry competes the picture as there are no gaps in creation. People react when they do not ‘c’ first (creation). That is why it is why to see then look as all artists imagine then create. Where does inspiration source from?

Indeed source (God) does exist as an ‘experience’ when you feel love, that is when you know you are ‘in love’. For those seeking to destroy love and deep human bonds, nature will gently correct. As nature is love supply all life.

It is when you can accept you were wrong without in-security or con-trol, your flower opens to life.

The humour in this is: You never knew you were the love you were seeking in all the wrong places, yet right. Beyond right and wrong there is simply life unfolding new universes, new adventures, new discoveries, new colours never painted and new life forms perfectly imperfect. This is the real life awaiting all who open to life. For the closed mind, the closed heart will not experience the true abundance that needs no currency.

Why not create a new story, write a new poem that takes us higher to see further than self interest and yet it is. The self becomes you are me.

I love you. All ways.