Part N(1): Susan Carew Submission to OAIC

Part N (1): Susan Carew Submission to OAIC (FOI): Govt Accountability Under PGPA Act 2013

Susan explains if AI recognises her face when going to the Federal Parliament she asks who collected my information and what was the files in intelligence (ASIO) or Home Affairs. What is in my file and is that going to profile her. She states that Centrelink (Services Australia) had a locked file which she was unable to gain access to. She wrote in her report Democracy or Compliance issues around unemployment, less notice, robo debt and surveillance filming in the drive way. A government can say they can’t find documents – is that true? This is extremely important and the systems being used are they using systems to fulfil the FOI request or using it to find out about you. So are they data gathering through the process of FOI does that put you at higher risk? You can be labelled a dissident when in you may be just a researcher. Australians tend to speak up. The complexity appears to be to do with the private sector and withholding of information. There are sensitivities and biases due to relationship with sectors. If people disagree can be locked out.

Susan shows on the computer screen The Australian Government Organisations Register (AGOR) in a pie chart (11.15) and bar chart (13.20) which provides insights into primary bodies (connected), secondary and other bodies (linked) to the Australian Government. The Australian Government Organisations Register appears to show that the majority of bodies in 2017/2018 engaged in government business are designated ‘secondary or other’ and do not come under the Public Governance Performance and Accountability Act 2013. Prime Minister & Cabinet has 79% of ‘other’ bodies This is important as it gives insight into private bodies involved in government and this may impact the public interest given decisions may favour industries. What this means is that the majority of these bodies would not be considered to be Government due to contracts and access information. This raises questions – who is the government? She calls for a referendum on changes to government and getting rid of people ie. Human Services is now Services Australia.

Her question to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner is: Is my FOI request – are they doing searches in the blue area (primary bodies) and not secondary or others. They may be contractors or paid consultants. So do they come under the Public Governance Performance and Accountability Act 2013. Why does Prime Minister and Cabinet have an ABN 18 108 001 191. They have a trading name ‘National Portrait Gallery’? She discusses the floating of the Commonwealth of Australian on the Washington Stock Exchange (S.E.C) an listed in 2009.

The Australian Government Organisations Register was prior to Covid was accessible with more details.

SMART means Secret Militarised Armaments in Residential Technology

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