Part P: Susan Carew Submission to OAIC

Part P: Susan Carew Submission to OAIC: Bill Gates, Depopulation or Know Thyself as Illumination

Note: the video wouldn’t update stating unable to establish a connection with the internet, this was untrue as the internet was working. It was ONLY this video that I had trouble with on Bitchute. Is it a freedom platform? The subject matter is Bill Gates. I wanted to know who connects to this platform? I discovered that Bitchute could be positioned as ‘far right’. My work is not left or right, it is balanced free speech with zero hate speech. So it is possible those on Bitchute could be framed as far right ‘extremists’ linking to Nazism. Hence, the Australian Communications Legislation Amendment (Combatting Misinformation and DisinformationBill 2023— which states it is aimed at IT companies. It makes clear that misinformation (getting facts wrong) can be criminalisation. I am reuploading the video to see if it works.

The domain hosting Bitchute is called Epik which looks similar to EPIC which means Embankment Project for Inclusive Capitalism run by Lynn Forrester de Rothschild, wife of Evelyn Rothschild. Note:

Information on Epik:

The AHRC holds concerns for the Misinformation/Disinformation Bill stating:


Susan was informed by an IT leader who was convinced that depopulation was justified. This belief accepts murder of people. Susan shares that over 10,000 years of human history we have only had 250 years of peace. There are false teachings in violence normalised in the masculine believing violence is power. Real power knows ‘gentleness is the strength’, a notion yet to be understood. It is a zero sum game. Whether we fight through Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars or over overt wars.

Refer Weapons for Quiet Wars.pdf

Whether violence is promoted through military hardware or cyber warfare shutting down countries, suburbs or homes. It is the same game playing out like children with matches burning down the world. They know not what they do. Yet many follow. A peace narrative is needed at this time’. If their energy is redirected towards more peaceful and truthful pursuits this great cleverness could be deployed for human growth. When this wonderful intelligence and capacity is directed into negative areas it becomes a zero some game. Susan states “if you want to win you have to learn to lose” Many believe when you lose you lose something you think is vital. She says as a homeless person, who has nothing, that something vital opens up when you lose. A lot of it is to drop the ego when you think you are right, or to lead the world and tell them what to do. Susan plays Bill Gates TED talk where he admits he is reducing the population via NEW vaccines, healthcare and reproductive fertility programs. He emphasises reducing P=population to ZERO. CO2 to zero (including oxygen?). He has clearly stated zero population. That is an extinction level event. If CO2 goes to zero no life survives.

In the equation why add CO2 to other side of the equation when the equation is saying these factors = C02. He adds more CO2 to the other side (industrial pollutants unnamed). Thus, CO2=P+S+E+C(CO2). It is not logical. If you cancel CO2 that leaves P+S+E. The C is really companies. Services are likely to be public services as AI takes over. Energy can be delivered by Tesla’s zero point ionising energy (free). Why would CO2 per unit of energy be separate from Energy?

The people are framed as the problem for climate change. That is the denial where corporate/financial interests refuse to look at what they are commercially doing. As a market analyst people are told they need to consume based on contrived ‘needs and wants’ believing they are not enough, in broken families and lack of love. Consumers are needed for expanding GDP of existing or new markets. This is about profit maximisation.

Those who make money believe this is who they are. It is not. People think they are better than others. By dehumanising or victim blaming people this can justify depopulation strategies as necessary. Bill Gates says everything has to go to net zero (he doesn’t live at zero). The Tesla energy is free ‘zero point’ ionising energy. The real net zero. This strategy of net zero linked to human climate change justifies austerityand depopulation to enable AI to take over. Bill Gates aims to target population/s viewed as ‘useless’ or ‘worthless’. This is an extinction level event.

There are no winners.

Video link: