Risk Management: Should Society Do Nothing?

The COVID crisis for civilians has thrown people into disarray, at this moment, particularly those in Melbourne here in Australia.  There most basic human rights removed.

So we have to learn how to assess the risk.

Scott Morrison said COVID is a mild virus that won’t kill the majority.  What sort of Risk Management approach has been taken for the majority.  If we say that the high risk group (those with immune compromised systems) would have a HIGH Risk Management approach, then the majority is LOW risk,

So let’s have a basic look at risk management.  As we must start to step out of fear (paralysis, paranoia) and rationally assess the risk societies around the world are confronted with.

Hey I like the juggler, I was just doing that the other day! fun!

I like the word “Matrix” – hey Neo!

Can we ask questions and challenge assumptions, that is a critical question.