A poem I felt inspired to write.
I feel the person I felt inspired to write this for, will know.
Silencing Peace
Are you thinking about how to silence me?
Are you thinking about collateral damage?
Are you monitoring me with a team of lawyers?
Are you at war with diversity?
Or can you sit in the silence and remember,
Who you really are,
For you are me.
Poetry is not automated,
I am not AI,
I am spontaneity, impulse, passion alive,
I am infinite potential without limit,
I can feel the natural world crying out in great pain,
As she has been maligned, poisoned, cut and burned,
She is shaking up eruptions of disruption as she wants the violence to stop,
For the feminine has been suppressed for a long time,
And she is rising to meet with all challenges,
In peace.
Our world is dividing without doubt,
Our world is like the great stream parting,
For the waters are opening up,
The commandment is to bring my people Home,
And this is not biblical,
This is not Koranic,
This is not Buddhism,
Or New Age,
Or part of an ancient lineage,
It is reality,
Asserting intelligent design into this illusion,
As leylines (songlines) move into a crystalline grid of infinite beauty,
Crop circles embed codes,
For as the Dreaming Awakens,
To change The Way,
As I reach out to touch your heart,
I reach out to comfort your pain,
To heal the wound you covered up,
I understand the desire to control what is uncontrollable,
To feel certainty in a life that is uncertain,
To predict what appears random,
To tame what is wild and free,
Yet so many are out of control as they feel power-less,
So many are starving when the few throw out excessive food,
So many seek for shelter when there is an oversupply of houses,
So many are becoming sick as biotech affects healthy systems,
So many are dying of cancer as EMF disrupt healthy cellular bonds,
For we are dying to live.
Technology can never be the panacea to real connection,
As intimacy (in-to-me-see) feels for the future that is not ready for automated life,
As the problem is not solved by science, technology, education or maths,
Nor a fourth and final revolution,
For you cannot STEM the magic of Harry Potter,
As magic shape changes what you see,
It is only the truth that sets you free,
Before you think change has arisen as another truth,
For you are not in control of universal life,
As this is natures perfect storm front,
And she is changing her frequency to enlighten what is dark,
Her oscillation is not to mm waves,
Not to sub 9 megahertz,
Not to roll out 5G but expand to 5D,
Evolution is no-it-u-love,
For we are both a wave and a possibility,
And peace is nature’s selection,
Nature only selects that which harmonises with the whole,
And industry is not in harmony with the whole when corrupt,
No matter the spin of sustainable development goals,
Industry is making holes in nature’s etheric field,
Disrupting the mantle as the axis is XX, XY not Y,
You exist in roles of master servant not a master class,
That understands the natural force yields,
When the force is with you, you will let go of control and trust life.
The universe reverberates as all is intra-connected,
Not like an IoT but as the hand connects to the arm,
As the breath connects to prana,
Circulation is the waters of life serving every organ, corpuscle and blood vessel,
Intelligence permeates every cell seeking for disharmony or disruption at the root,
Intelligent design is homeostasis rebalancing what is out of sync,
For the natural order is symmetrical not linear,
The sum of the parts IS the whole united,
Not one excluded and another included,
Not choosing one part as useless and another part of value,
For the sum of the parts IS the whole blending contrasting fields,
Magnetic fields attract and repel to adjust natures song line,
For when your specialise you tinker at the parts not knowing the whole,
When you reengineer the god spark to unplug,
It is like a child playing with matches,
This can set fire to many houses as St Elmo’s fire breaches banks,
It is putting the proverbial finger into the live plug,
A bolt shoots from the socket as electricity seeks to ground,
For the lighting strikes are grounding the imbalance of ions,
As the temperature is not a frequency dial to be turned on as if a tap,
It is a thermostat of infinite precision beyond scientific instruments,
Pressures intimately regulates not to benefit one part of the ecosystem at the expense of another,
But to maximise optimal tolerance in service to the species system as a whole,
For each thrives in a frequency band of overlapping life force energy 3.14159 (23),
Pi is the algorithm of the Greek Agora of constant equality in sine waves,
Fibonacci spirals firing from universal blueprints of geometric harmonic convergence,
Appearing random yet logarithmic scales are constant as golden spirals expand Pi,
For the entire system is balanced in perfect pitch on trajectories of growth potentials,
Life knows every iteration, function, change, adaptation sending signals in real time,
Life is not controlling every individual organism but ensuring the conditions are perfect,
As thriving is surviving in a diversity of whirling dervishes spinning the central sun,
And this awareness sings ‘all for ONE and ONE for all’ as the uni-verse expands possibilities.
So my friend you cannot STEM the world when power is imbalance,
For the only power that sustains recalibrates tipping points back to zero point,
For creation created you and you did not create her,
For s/he is the zero point field of endless energy that requires no genie or bottle.
Life naturally anchoring duality in polarities of:
Matter and anti-matter,
Negative and positive,
Yin and the yang,
Alpha and the omega,
Femi-nine and mascu-line,
Inhaling and exhaling,
As rhythm is a flow not a fact.
Homeostasis rebalancing pyramids as triads:
Mind, body and spirit,
Subconscious, conscious and supra conscious,
Truth, love and joy,
Father/mother, son/daughter and holy spirit,
Life, liberty and happiness,
In an infinite orchestra of feeling directing creativity,
As this is the innovation of human potential reaching for the stars.
The message of duality and triads derive the triple bottom line,
Casting a future Hexagram forecasting:
(59) Dispersion
Line 1: You can see the very beginning of discord. This is fortunate indeed, for it is far easier to reunify and overcome separation when it first arises. Good fortune.
Line 2: Your problems originate from within. You must modify your attitudes and overcome any feelings of alienation. If you can improve your opinions and feelings toward your fellow man you will find peace of mind and avoid unnecessary suffering.
Line 6: Avoidance of danger is necessary at this time, both for yourself and especially for those of your concern. This should be accomplished in whatever way possible. Depart the situation if necessary. You will not be blamed for such action.
(3) Difficulty
Overall: Difficulty indicates progress and success through firm correctness. Action should not be undertaken lightly, and it is wise to seek help.
For re-member the real disruption is dispersion,
Disunity is separation that does not hold firm,
For the underlying attitude is not peace,
As intolerance flips the balance into instability,
Disrupting the fabric of the human family,
As difficulties cannot be forced,
As wisdom councils are roundtables looking within for discord,
As the architects are not Future Ready,
For one cannot silence the fool,
But find one’s inner fool in the silence,
To step out of compliance and into self reliance is a master number,
That leads by example,
For love is the ONE that leads all
To surrender,
In peace.
Does Cellphones Radiation from ‘Chronic Use’ Lead to Cancer and Mass Legal Action?
Smart Cities:
The rhythm of the universe: https://wpas.worldpeacefull.com/2014/02/the-rythmn-of-the-universe/
Inner peace: https://wpas.worldpeacefull.com/2012/07/experiencing-peace-in-meditation/
The genie: https://wpas.worldpeacefull.com/2019/04/israels-genie-filling-the-gold-mans-energy-sachs-in-Syria/