Thirmerosal (Mercury) is Dangerous Down to Nanograms

In the public interest.

An Interview with Frank Engley.

Thirmerosal was not safe and effective.

Today the Federal Drug Administration in the USA says it is. Note they state “Children can safely receive flu vaccine that contains thimerosal.” This is untrue According to expert Frank Engley., blood & biologics/published/Understanding-Thimerosal–Mercury–and-Vaccine-Safety.pdf

NOTES: Frank Engley Professor of Microbiology

Study gave Thimerosal over 12 hours less than 24 hours – all patients died. It meant Thimerosal is a toxic agent.

Experts are being prejudicial in their published works given who provides grants.

Shown thimerosal was ineffective and highly toxic. He says no-one seemed to care, no ripple.

Several reports of outbreaks of infections from vaccines with Thimerosal as a preservative. But many of these outbreaks are never reported.

Frank Engley Chairman Infection Control of a major hospital hard to get doctors to report Infections had to resort to look for white blood count, fever, cell counts, antibiotic use to determine infections. Major problems in hospital infection controls. The doctors don’t report the infections to prevent the next infections.

Safety re: Infants and Children.

Frank says nothing published real early on the potential toxicity of Thimerosal as a preservative. After my 3 publications until 1970 when Frank got on a panel of FDA to check on safety and effectiveness of all over the counterdrugs and Mercurials (Thimerosal) one of the groups. Only that time his work came out of the closet. Frank reported it to the panel. Thimerosal . Hexachlorophene was extremely toxic. Benzalkonium chloride ineffective and should be taken off the market. Then Frank’s panel looked at Mercurials in 1978 to 1980. The FDA was told and finally made up a report based on facts and came out with a publication and Federal register. Frank said ‘Federal what?’ 95% have never heard of the Federal Register, it was put in there. Only industry saw it, they didn’t make comments as they were asked to as to whether safe and effective. The FDA put a report out 8 years later, same thing happened, no comments. So they let it go. The FDA didn’t realise what was going on. It wasn’t until 1998 they put the final report out in the Mercurials and people began to read it. Even though we had said Thimerosal was toxic. The FDA being segmented the OTC the drugs that needed prescription didn’t talk. Those involved with vaccines didn’t talk to the OTC. I was in a group that recommended that Thimerosal be taken out of eye and nasal products. You think they would have taken it out of the preservatives in vaccines, but they didn’t. The companies knew it was toxic. The FDA knew that it was toxic. Together they knew it was toxic. There is nothing else. Franks said there is something else it is called Freeze drying. Frank worked at Penn University they developed the chryochem process which was very effective for freeze drying. In 1938 the USA collected fantastic amounts of plasma sent to the British (Battle of Britain) they needed plasma (blood) The chryochem people wanted to freeze dry it with preservative with Thimerosal in it. The industry was not told to take it off the market.

It took 60 years where they recommended/mandated that the mercurial to be taken off the market. That is a long time. Those of us in the know knew these things were toxic and ineffective as antimicrobials.

Interviewer: Triumph and Tragedy – removed over the counter products but increasing vaccine coverage or more children more vaccines, different routes intermuscular injections children were getting a lot of mercury. Two steps forward two steps back. In 2000s controversy erupted. Take Mercury out of the vaccines. Vaccines children given today they talk about trace amounts less 0.03 micrograms. In your professional opinion is that a miniscule risk to the infant.

Frank: When they decided to take the 12.5 – 25 mcg per dose out of the vaccines they said because of production methods they had to leave a trace in the vaccines and it was 3/10ths of a microgram. The reason the methods for manufacture they used Thimerosal in the “unclean areas to control microorganisms” in fact used it with the percussis vaccine as a sterilant to destroy …. organisms instead of using formaldehyde or heat used in the past for vaccines, there is residual there. Thimerosal unsafe at any concentration. No proof the Thimerosal trace amount is effective in fact 3/10ths of a microgram may be 100 to t,000 times more toxic than dose in tissue culture. This is repeated and repeated over 10 years by investigators using much better techniques. They found it toxic down to parts per billion.

Most people don’t know that there is aluminium in the vaccine, in the toxoid. it is called alum precipitated. The reason alum aluminium is that the toxoids of tetanus and diphtheria very low molecular weight compared to size and shape of bacteria added the alum precipitation to develop a depo effect where it is injected into muscles. The depo affect of this precipitate keeps the toxoids going out and dissipated and discarded. That is why the alum precipitated is there. Many investigators Dr Voyd Hayley showed aluminium and mercury are synergistic in action and extremely toxic more than 1 + 1, which is something most people never considered.

Interviewer: Imagine your personal doctor recommended a flu shot. I’m sure you give him an ear full.

Frank: I have problems being in a university town. The PhD basic science types use of analogies – we are discriminated against even some of my “former students” would not like to feel their former Professor of Microbiology is correct in the things he says. Because they have gone on and take clinical work and they know better. I have news for them they are wrong.

Interviewer: Today Easy for us and journalists to cover this overinfluence of the pharmaceutical industry on health care policy. AT the level of Federal agencies FDA, CDC, NHS see patent holders on advisory committees. We see medical organisations like the American Medical Association, paediatrics getting direct funding from pharmaceutical industry ghost writing is a problem. Was this influence always around or difficult to see in 30’s or 40’s.

Frank: Difficult to see in 30’s and 40’s now dealing with talking about larger populations, bigger companies, greater competition. The American public have no idea of what influence the pharmaceutical companies have on everything partly because it can’t be seen. They give money to foundations and they will give money to the societies, it is difficult to trace money back to the pharmaceutical industries. the pharmaceutical industry has a stable of professionals in medical schools doing research for them and people don’t realise these societies are funded by the industry. Not only that many of the medical journals will only publish positive reports that reflect positively on their vaccines. I am talking about full page multi colour ads. Some who would question the vaccines and Thimerosal can’t get published. The Pharmaceutical gives money to the State and Federal level and they control them in such a way it has been very difficult to get legislation passed in favour of removal of Thimerosal and this is really tragic.

Frank: ….The influenza vaccine is the most difficult one. Concerned…There is a group in power at the top who are for one reason or another very concerned about the so-called Bird Flu and it is going to come into the USA. We need to immunise everybody this year because it might come next year. I remember back to Swine Flu that many people don’t remember. It is interesting one of my graduates isolated the Swine Flu at Fort Dix New Jersey, don’t think they isolated it again only a few deaths. The people way up stairs said my gosh what if that Swine Flu sweeps the country. Even got to the President – said ‘thou shalt’ – immunise everybody against Swine Flu caused neurological damage, sound familiar, in adults, with the in people Guillain-Barre Syndrome. I am afraid that is going to happen again.

Note: When Frank got his flu shot he asked for the single child’s shot without thimerosal. Thimerosal is given in the shots to adults.

My mother was asked to have the flu shot in 2020 she didn’t want it and felt pressured by her doctor. She and her husband were pressured and took it (Dr He). She wasn’t informed it had mercury (Thirmerosal in it). She said to me she got runny nose, cough and sore throat. She felt sicker. These were the Covid symptoms.

He speaks about Bill Gates under the auspice of CDC sending vaccines around the world (thimerosal). They will get more autism.

Former head of NIH admitted she now feels it is a real problem with what the various committees have recommended. She is speaking out. This is how we are able to get more done on Thirmerosal and immunisations because some of the people coming out of the wood work. They were probably wrong on population studies. They need to study the autistic children, what does it do to them. Frank feels it is not genetics it is toxic from Thirmerosal. If he is wrong he would say it is Thirmerosal plus vaccines. In immunology course he took the professor said the studies done injecting immature rabbits isn’t good for immune response. Use adult rabbits inject up to 5 vaccines, the level of anti body production went down to the point they were overwhelming the immune mechanisms. What are they doing now they are overwhelming the human immune mechanisms.

Franks studies were in the 1940s. He went into the military as oral presentation. He wrote material up in final form and gave it to Council of Pharmacy … 1948, the first publication to show ineffectiveness. The 1950 report at the New York Academy of Sciences showed the Mercurials were ineffective. He used human tissue culture to show Thirmerosal was extremely toxic and preventing outgrowth of human tissue cells down to parts per million. Even though they came out with this it got lost. Had he not been on the FDA it wouldn’t have come out. He gave his research to the panel, they decided there was NO DOUBT THAT THE MECURIALS WERE UNSAFE AND INEFFECTIVE.