UK Parliament Emotionally Charged Debate

I felt the anger in this debate and it reiterated for me what Greta has said about adults letting children down.  You can see and hear that they do not know how to resolve conflict, they are not mature enough to deeply listen to others and respect all voices. This is the nature of a true parliament.  Unfortunately the people attracted to politics are often into power, placed in there by those in power with agendas and are willing to compromise who they are in order to get what they think they want.  Yet in truth surrender is the highest power, listening is the deepest respect and change is how we all grow.  Those critics are our greatest teachers as they show us to ourselves.  When we react it reveals we are unhealed, as pain is there, vulnerability is there, fear is expressing as they are not coping.  It reveals poor governance and self interest this is how divisions and parties disintegrate.

An adversarial system in my view is counter productive. We need to develop inner truth and values where a person speaks up not to tow the party line but speaks in accordance with conscience and inner feeling.  If we want a higher level of governance and a future that thrives, we have to learn to listen deeply to ourselves and others.  The wisdom is not far from the surface but typically we seek to out smart the other, put them down, pretend we are powerful rather than put the ego to the side and really creatively work on solutions. 

Inherent within all problems is a solution, you have to learn to see differently.