Why Are Police Violent?

I have had inspiration around police brutality today. These feeds into a culture of fear and violence. Fear and brutality is about bullying, which is power over others rather than power within. The real power is “power within” this is the integration of humanity whereby the wisdom “know thyself” is understood.

I felt immediately on viewing police violence against women as “domestic violence”. In Australia most of the cases in courts are to do with violence against women.  In Australia we have a series of Royal Commissions looking into child abuse, domestic violence, abuse of those with mental health and the abuse in nursing homes.  Clearly there are issues around how the “perceived” vulnerable are treated. Those who bully target those they can harm.

Police violence against women links to male violence and the acceptability of violence. In Melbourne we are witnessing brutal attacks against women by police and these cases should go to court as criminal cases.  Moreover, police have the power to concoct evidence, to stand together and now with emergency powers they can enforce edicts that are not law but step across the line of freedoms.

There is evidence that white supremacist’s activities have been happening inside the police force as indicated by the FBI in the US.  This type of mindset is racist and sexist.  So what is this about? 


Lawmakers press FBI to release report on white supremacists inside police departments

White supremicists is an ideology that must be investigated.  https://www.smh.com.au/national/nsw/police-officer-made-gesture-associated-with-white-power-at-sydney-rally-20200613-p55295.html

VIC Police Deny This Officer Threw A White Supremacist ‘OK’ At Climate Protest

I am aware of why men are violent towards women or indeed why any person is violent (covert, overt) towards a person perceived as vulnerable. It gives an insecure person a sense of power which is where the addiction is centred. I use the word “addiction” as they want to feel power.  I saw this same desire in the military.  There are many layers of absent and or abusive fathers, violence on television, violent video games and the numbing of emotional feel (natures way of sensitizing to ensure the survival of the species) and the connection to weakness by weakening to save a life, weakening to help a person, weakening to let someone off. In truth it is not weakening it is “joining” as the emotional field joins us as community, as family, as friends as human. These are not “softer” these are human qualities denied in en-force-ment.  Force is the key word. Patriarchy as dominance is another. Dominance and control are perceived as strength. Yet my question is it strength to create fear or is it bullying to feel “power”. 

As a woman I can see this is abuse of women. The desire for power over a person rather than democracy.  Democracy is about rights, the right to equality before the law, the right to freedom of movement, the right to freedom of speech, the right to not be harmed and to live and be in peace. When I observe this I can see in this moment there is no respect of rights or a sense of empathy for how the other is feeling. It is about the man not the uniform.

In Melbourne. I am conscious the police “woman” is telling her to let go of his vest not to advise her colleague that this is not appropriate nor proportionate and he is escalating the conflict as she is frightened. This is not policing, this is male violence eroneously called enforcement. This is a crime. The woman was not assaulting the police clearly, she is not physically strong enough and clearly she is frightened and feeling attacked. 


This story below is about an innocent Australian woman killed. She is revealing the problem inside the police which is not about protection of the public but masking problems within the police “force”.


I have approached the police several times in Victoria to offer to train police in peace education.  I have sought to organise focus groups with police and protestors to develop a dialogue and develop democratic understanding between groups for a mutual commitment to the public interest.  I have written a proposal on peace building in communities and sent this to police and other organisations.  I have sought to teach police about homelessness to enable police to understand the criminalisation of those in severe poverty who are not able to pay fines.  The fact that police have become businesses is very problematic as they make money from fines.  They are profiting from fining people for not wearing their masks, or showing ID and informing police where they live and where they are going (unheard of in a democracy).  This may be refused as women do not feel safe telling a policeman where they live, particularly if that man is violent. The loss of trust of police will mean people will not report crime to them nor will they provide information as they won’t trust email (no privacy), mobile (tapped) and going into a police station (facial recognition).  This is the real loss of trust that is happening. It is so sad, we could so easily work together, but the police themselves have to re-examine the politics, the foreign interference, the smart cities doctrines, technocracy and where we are going toward as a country. 

Lately I am noticing that people expect behavior from others which they do not live themselves. There is no credibility in lip service without integrity.  When you lose the trust of the public ultimately the police will lose credibility.

I wish to see in the future a police service not a police force. The former bodes well and will return to public service rather than a business entity, the latter won’t work, no matter the system of government. When you lose the public trust, you lose.

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