Author Archives: Peacefull

Craig McLachlan: Restoring the Presumption of Innocence or Targeting with Impunity?

In the public interest.

Are officers of the court compromised? The partner was not allowed to attend closed court hearings.

Was Craig McLachlan targeted? Was this case biased? How are both sides protected to resolve the problem?

I am not privy to the truth of this matter, however, what is apparent is trial by media prior to a court matter. No person should be subject to media defamation to destroy them. This to me is a form of assault. There should be standards in the media to not release information unless they are very sure it is in the public interest. They should hold back the story and find out both sides. Anyone can be humiliated if the are targeted and powerless to defend themselves.

EveryONE is Great

I feel this intuitively and I feel excitement for the future no matter the challenges, the set backs, the violence, difficulties we go through.

I believe in YOU. You are Me.

Listen to the words, they were written for you.

The Divine Order of Love is to Be There for Each Other

In the public interest.

The breakdown of parental love and its impact on children is little discussed in respect of a societal, political and economic failure to nurture the human condition. The primary media/welfare focus is on domestic violence and Intervention Orders separating rather than resolving conflict. This creates more vulnerability for children and economic hardship when partners split.

The demonstrated love between men and women is critical for the resiliency and reaching the highest potential of this species. Until they view each other as equal in opportunity (both sexes) they will become power struggles in endless battles. Seeds of this rivalry are planted by the movie industry, magazines, patriarchy and unquestioned role modelling where one is seen as inferior to the other.

Whenever inequality is ignored and considered normal imbalance inevitably follows. This inequality can be female-male or male-female. Masculine-feminine energy can be the dominant orientation in the opposite sex.

The masculine energy was never meant to be about domination, it was meant to be about action, hierarchy, left brain cognition, structures, assertiveness, supporting, supplying etc. It was not about superiority, domination, control or totalitarianism in the home. This creates insecurity, suppression, ill health and inhibits growth. The feminine was about nurturing, receptivity, sensitivity, healing, right brain creativity, service, emotions and relationships. It was not about submissiveness, timidity, fear, insecurity, hyper vigilance, and service as a chain or servitude.

The imbalance is not natural and therefore creates imbalance within the human condition pinching off the great potential that lay dormant like a seed awaiting germination in uniting the feminine and masculine.

We are great and all have a purpose. Our job is to nurture the greatest version in each partner rather than compete or put down to feel power. That is the natural order.

Children’s pain and confusion is not discussed enough to look at how they are impacted by parents fighting, parents ignoring each others needs and their general unhappiness. It impacts kids deeply as all they want is for their parents to love each other.

Other forces have come to play to divide the family. Sexual promiscuity happens when people are seeking to find a partner. There are issues around taking on another’s energy particularly if they are traumatised. It is not wise to exchange energy with multiple partners in the name of freedom. Whilst the extreme opposite is also not helpful in finding the ‘right’ mate as sexual relations are entered into after marriage. The divine order is to express sexuality as you feel it providing it is mutual consent and not about self gratification but to celebrate the love driving sexual union. This then plants the right seed when partners decide to bond for life (natural order).

The breakdown of relationships may be due to economic pressures, lack of parenting skills, lack of community/family support, infidelity and then sense of isolation and loneliness.

There needs to be a global conversation on what constitutes strong relationships, the importance of love in union and to work at growing together, particularly when children are witnessing adults modelling human behaviour in relationships. There needs to be more guidance, wise counsel, courses on parenting, relationships, counselling, emotional intelligence, communication, and loving the self first to then be able to love another. Then when a child is brought into the world, that child has needs fulfilled so they do not grow up believing they are a lot less then they are. Thus passing the sins of the parent to the child. Sin in this case is really errors, lack of love, incorrect role modelling, insecurity, power games and so on.

The relationship between women and men is critical for the future peace of our world. We do not want to bring in more damaged children who sit in front of devices rewiring neural networks to be observers not participants in this very dynamic and exciting dance of life. Life is to be met head on, to be challenged, to be questioned, to be experienced in the highs and lows without anti-depressants or intoxicants and drugs. All emotions must be expressed fully so they do not become toxic turned within and trapped in the muscles leading to dis-ease. Health is about living a fully human life.

This song is called ‘I’ll be There’ it is the song for couples to live this mantra as a truth and then work on it. Relationship is an exchange, it is not about making the other feel loved. It is about loving yourself and allowing love to blossom naturally. It is about supporting each other and being there in sickness, crisis and in health.

It is a true partner who walks with you without conditions, that is, in unconditional love. Then the children watching learn how to deal with a complex life that is about learning and growing to find confidence and joy in life so they too can be happy.

Leadership leads by example to create infinite possibilities. When both are leaders, leading themselves to higher perspectives.

In truth our happy destiny is unavoidable.

The Ministry of Suffering

I was having a quick glance at 1984 and these words came up ‘the Ministry of Suffering’. I contemplated the blowing up of Palestinian homes, reflected independent media reports of those appointed to deal with the Palestinian community. The creation of Hamas and reported links to Saudi Arabia known for human rights violations. I reflected on what it would be like to be a Palestinian. They are the indigenous people of Palestine renamed Israel. They are all semites. They co-existed for 19 centuries until the Zionist Federation of Great Britain lead by a Rothschild created the Balfour Declaration to provide a homeland for the Jewish people without consent. This issue of ‘no consent’ is ignored as those who ‘take’ just run rough shot over others to get their needs met. It is not unlike rape, take what it wants, feels nothing about the victim and then moves forward (no backward glance. It is a mental health issue likely generational. I note mental health is being labelled a ‘disease’ which means it can be actioned by the Biosecurity Act and using ‘no capacity’ to remove the right to self determination.

The issue of Human Rights sits front and centre in this conflict and all conflicts. It comes down to empathy or lack of empathy. It comes down to civilisation or barbarism. It comes down to the right to life or the right to death. Dehumanisation and smearing is a sign of this pathology. The pathological state of mind can be innate or the child learns from those around them to discard others like refuse. As care is not modelled. Cremation of Care comes to mind (Bohemian Grove ritual abuse site) attended by the most powerful. The normal cues of concern when a person is hurt are not there. So those growing up in abuse, rituals, secret societies, brutality do not have the neural networks that naturally connect and form the stability and deep connection of the social fabric which says ‘no to abuse’ for them it is the ‘new normal’.

As a woman I’ve felt deep connection to people all my life no matter the abuse, exclusion, loss and persecution I’ve experienced. It is my nature to love. I can even love the unlovable as I can see beyond the mask of projected ‘power’ to the vulnerable person that believes they need to be brutal to maintain control, as deep within them they are out of control. I have witnessed it in male and female and predominantly the masculine energy. There is a selfishness in their disposition, it is all about them. They will say it is you that is the problem. They don’t have an ability to self reflect or examine where they are wrong. They are right fighters, they will pull out their facts to back up they are right and you are wrong. They don’t have a capacity to imagine from the other point of view. They see crying as week. They see homelessness not as structural violence inclusive of drug cartels but instead the fault of the homeless. They come in the profile of the bully that seeks to dominate and destroy the other’s reputation, brutalise them, criticise or mentally and physically destroy the other party. The bully scares others so they don’t dare to speak up creating an oppression around them. To challenge them is disloyal rather than a natural response if someone thinks something is not right. They make sure group think protects them as they will mob the one speaking up against them or pointing out weaknesses. This means that in a natural community you would have social communication creating boundaries to what is appropriate and inappropriate behaviour to ensure the survival of the tribe. In tribes they work as a group not pandering to the need for power of the leader. In dictatorships they have their protectors who will kill a person that looks threatening. It is not unlike the Emperors New Clothes were all become involved in this conspiracy of silence enabling the perpetrator total control. These dictators can cause untold misery as we have seen in history across all the wars. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

It is evident there are no boundaries to Netanyahu’s projection of violent power. He is a 33 degree freemason, he is not a jew, he is a Zionist. They are a satanic cult which worships ‘death’ and ‘power’. Black magicians are associated with them. They are also called the Khazarian Mafia.

The Khazar-Rothschild Continuum and the Hidden Hand of History

The United Nations have been unable to stop the abuse and murder of Palestinians for 75 years. They have been rendered stateless. There have been endless peace envoys visiting Camp David in the USA proclaiming a brokered peace, but it is never real. The propaganda spin focuses on jews to connect psychologically to the holocaust to keep sympathy alive or they use anti-semetic terms to deflect from criticism and try and criminalise critique in their world of deception.

It reminds me of the Silent Weapons for Quiet wars. This is important to Australia as the government has extensive links to this regime which would be defined under international law as ‘terrorist state’. More and more academics are coming out with the true history of power across the world and it appears to come down to 200 families owning 95% of the world’s assets. They call themselves ‘elites’ as they sit in the background and watch the wars, the misery unfold, and feel a sense of renewed power. Our Prime Minister John Howard was in New York at the same time as the Twin Towers imploded. This was later found to not be Saudi terrorists but Mossad. Thus, an intelligence operation not unlike the Tower on the Tarot card.

This document describes the banking and industrialist classes who desire a predictable economy which they can manipulate. For example they can turn the power off, they can increase petrol prices, they can contaminate or limit food supplies, they can create conflict in order to decree states of emergency, they can change the climate (geoengineering), they can fake ET landings and on and on it goes. What is of note here is their view of low class elements that have to be brought under control. The Palestinians would fit that bill given the structurally engineered poverty they live in. This mindset views them as no more than animals that must be housebroken and assigned a yoke and long term social duties. They seek to force them to conform and so break down the family unit, keep parents busy (working long hours), establish day care centres for the occupationally orphaned children. They ensure the education is of the poorest quality. So that ignorance isolates the inferior class from the so-called superior class ensuring they can’t extricate themselves from their assigned lot in life. We witness this by funding cuts, girls can’t go to school (gender bias), universities having users pay (Australia is moving this way), television projecting mindless entertainment, the internet AI feeds repeating the same messages, or filling people’s minds with cute dogs, cats, children to distract them from the larger issues of their lives. They regard the dumbing down and structural impediments ensuring an inability to rise out of this harsh lifestyle as a form of slavery and believe this to create order, peace and tranquillity for the upper classes.

Yet in truth the upper classes are not at peace as they do not question their lineages, what they have been taught, and the lack of love many have experienced as they too keep up appearances in a fake pretence of superiority which they know deep within is untrue. Fake it until you make it. Make sure no-one sees the insecurity, inadequacy, and guilt lurking there. Some will go into philanthropy to be seen to be ‘good’ but they cannot connect to these positive feelings and therefore identify as ‘dark’ and then promote this as power. Yet the ‘dark element’ is a destructive energy that turns upon the one projecting it, no matter the wizardry. It is a natural law as there is both negative and positive (yin/yang) in life but when out of balance to the point of genocidal campaigns, it destroys all in its path. There are no allegiances or protections in the End.

So these events unfolding in the Middle East are revealing the deeper issues of enslavement of the whole of humanity. Other countries whose leaders were put in place are learning to kill their own people by the example set in Israel as footage is released.

In the peace area we speak of the one pointing the finger as the accuser, yet 3 fingers point back. Those calling ‘terrorist’ are typically the ones terrorising. Those victim blaming the one’s being murdered seeks to make them deserve their fate so others don’t turn on them. The reality is the world has had enough of billions spent in the military industrial complex to fuel the power of the few who contribute very little to the betterment of our species. They act in a parasitical fashion as they buy up companies (mergers & acquisitions) suck the goodness out of the companies. There have been reports of changes to key ingredients of established brands and selling these to the public causing harm overtime. The health industry lives off disease not cures. It is invested in sickness. That is how the market grows. This is how extreme capitalism has become but the issue is not about markets it is about rewarding greed not honesty, community care or providing products and services that improve the state of being for the many. The system fails as externalities that cause harm increase GDP – pandemics, oil spills, industrial production (pollution, extraction) and technology (EMF class 1 carcinogen). The billionnaire classes are created whilst the majority experience lower wages, less access to work, online education (poorer quality) and a sense of going backwards and that everything is about money. The nation state becomes indebted to these players who dictate the terms of reference or are shareholders in publicly listed companies called countries. So there are no checks and balances to ensure public safety. Human rights is on paper not real. Regulators become captured entities and they fail to hold to account perpetrators. Courts are sold off as businesses and they too are co-opted by those seeking to pervert justice as they are not beholden to governments but owners of capital.

So it comes back to the public globally watching crimes play out. Are they compliant (heads in the sand), are they complicit (aiding abuses), or are they speaking up to say ‘no consent’ to abuse and creating conversations to ensure a better future for their children and grandchildren?

Gandhi was known for non-cooperation campaigns in India against British imperialism. In India the people had to crawl on the ground if a British person approached (so the know their inferior status). Gandhi believed in the Constructive Program, self sufficiency was the answer.

Gandhi favoured self reliance nationally.

Gandhian economics qualitative difference basic needs of Food, clothing and shelter and those less important. From a Gandhian perspective the society is responsible for the needs of the people. So no-one should go hungry.

I live in a homeless capacity one of my friends was amazed that no-one offered a place for me to go. I have a caravan and am self sufficient but when I reached out for a place to stay, there was no offer of help. So our society doesn’t see itself as responsible for the homeless or poor. Although a Christian lady does bring me food, so religion does encourage giving in this way. Our welfare system may have caused this attitude of ‘not my problem’. A system that is intrusive, stressful and regards those on welfare as unequal (I was told this).

The economy is based on wants not needs. This is regarded as a disaster. This is the imbalance. He speaks of reliance on symbols. The spinning wheel was good as a symbol of self reliance. When I went to a Gandhian University in Gujarat (home of Gandhi). I spoke in front of 500 students who were all spinning. Very good for learning concentration.

I spoke of my travelling the world as a peace clown. I spoke of Kashmir (Indian occupation) and the principles of Gandhi. When we step out of our comfort zones a new world opens up. We just have to have the courage to step into the unknown, nonviolently and with an open mind to possibilities.

So going back full circle to the reflections on Palestine. They are going through the same as India, Afghanistan, Iraq, Balkans and the persecution of minority groups. It is bullying at its core coming from the need for control, domination (feel power) and entitlement on the basis of lineages of superiority ideations passed from father to son. Inherent within superiority is the fear of discovery of inferiority. That is, they feel less than others but disguise it with protocols, keeping up appearances, schooled in leadership narratives and so on. Deep inside they know it is a lie yet this is deeply buried to keep the lie afloat. Denial can be a defence mechanism.

From a higher perspective what we think about we bring about. We see as we are not as others are. When living a unconscious existence of schooled narratives and scripted roles, we are disconnected from the ‘real’ self. It is an illusionary reality upheld by group think, education, class and compromise. It is the darker aspects of ego that keep the persecutor enslaved by the model of control itself. In the End this negativity returns to the sender (at this time) as life is cyclical not linear and what we do to others returns to the self. These are universal lores, they are not international law. The fundamental truth at the base is ‘you are me’. So when we hurt others it does return to us one way or another. Spiritually all will account for their actions as they learn the role of perpetrator. Next life they may be the victim to experience it.

We are coming to an end of a paradigm. Boris Johnson called for a Paradigm Shift ‘Global Reset’. The reset is occurring but at higher spiritual levels as people cannot comply with a totalitarian regime that has no respect or real protections for human rights (our lives). That is the very imbalance that destroys the system of control. Our nature is to respect the rights of each other as they are me. When we grow up in community as family those strong bonds of love become protection and education. When these are dismantled and people are manipulated into cults to feel ‘belonging’ in mind controlled scenarios eventually they break out as there is something within them wanting to be free. The global public are probably at a stage of education where they will not buy the lies that are peddled as truths in endless dramas. The satanic cult secrecy, child trafficking, cruelty, government capture and control is now being seen by the all seeing eye of the public. We are all part of consciousness that knows.

So these conflicts will pave the way to a new future as many will not go back to tyranny, wasted money spent on division, violence, environmental manipulation and damage, family breakdown, endless disease created in labs for profit, depopulation untruths and slavery in its many forms.

The work of peace is culminating today. Peace has never been more important than now. It is truth that sets us free.

Peace in a nutshell is know thyself or to thine own self be true:

This above all: to thine own self be true,
And it must follow, as the night the day,
Thou canst not then be false to any man.
Farewell, my blessing season this in thee! 

Most humbly do I take my leave, my lord.

“To thine own self be true” is Polonius’s last piece of advice to his son Laertes, who is in a hurry to get on the next boat to Paris, where he’ll be safe from his father’s long-winded speeches [see NEITHER A BORROWER NOR A LENDER BE].

Polonius has in mind something much more Elizabethan than the New Age self-knowledge that the phrase now suggests. As Polonius sees it, borrowing money, loaning money, carousing with women of dubious character, and other intemperate pursuits are “false” to the self. By “false” Polonius seems to mean “disadvantageous” or “detrimental to your image”; by “true” he means “loyal to your own best interests.” Take care of yourself first, he counsels, and that way you’ll be in a position to take care of others. There is wisdom in the old man’s warnings, of course; but he repeats orthodox platitudes with unwonted self-satisfaction. Polonius, who is deeply impressed with his wordliness, has perfected the arts of protecting his interests and of projecting seeming virtues, his method of being “true” to others. Never mind that this includes spying on Hamlet for King Claudius. Never mind, as well, that many of Polonius’s haughty, if not trite, kernels of wisdom are now taken as Shakespeare’s own wise pronouncements on living a proper life.



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