I love everyONE – Your Happy Destiny is Unavoidable

This blog and my other blogs has been about exploring my world. I want to live out of my own inquiry and experience.

We each have to walk our path, and no-one can in truth, control anyONE.

We are here to know ourselves.

We are here to learn to love ourselves no matter belief, faith, spirituality or none of the above. We grow as we learn.

What I’ve learned is you can’t change others, they have to change themselves.

We live in a beautiful world when we have the eyes and heart to truly see it.

As a clown I don’t think, and the real world arises. I am not projecting, I am not acting, I am not manipulating just being happy.

Our of this happiness there is no expectation of ‘you should be…’ or ‘look at him/her…’ It is simply a celebration of every face and a observation of happiness or not. Yet even not being happy is not my job. I am not here to make you happy that is your job.

However, I can be happy without money, without fame, without recognition, without a partner, without all the things many think they need.

How can I do that?

Trust that all is as it should be.

Notwithstanding I see that which is not life producing.

However, if we are infinite beings, then even that is a choice.

We think as we are is a truism.

We see as we are not as others are.

We believe our thoughts religiously even if not religious.

We create our stories.

We believe what we want to.

We divide when we are not healed.

Healing is simply clear seeing, that is, to see what is so without a story.

The question for you who have visited me, is do you want to see without your story?

If so, you no longer believe your thoughts. We can never know anything 100%, mostly we live out of perceptions.

I have investigated the thoughts that have caused great sorrow and great joy.

Funnily enough both push us towards love.

How is that possible?

When you are happy (truly, not pleasure), you want more of the good stuff.

When you are deeply unhappy you seek for ways out of your misery – you may project onto an imagined enemy (there are none), or you may blame others (parents), you may decide that life is dark (choice) and that happiness is some childish wish (is it?). Even eventually you will turn from that which does not make you feel happy and drop your ball and go home.

So all roads lead to home. Sorry not Rome. Although Rome is a nice city.

We are in very interesting, unprecedented times. Many making it up and hoping for the best (dark/light).

Yet what if the future is already chosen before we choose?

What if your happy destiny is unavoidsble?

What if freedom cannot be restricted, punished, blocked, deleted but is a simple choice.

What if that choice was chosen before you were born?

What if you are me?




World Renowned Alien Abductee Shares his Experiences and Off World Wisdom for New World

In the public interest.

I read Communion more than 20 years ago. It felt significant.

We are moving into a new reality.

Jeshua turned over the tables of the money changers as he knew this would get their attention. He did this from compassion.

Compassion is helping other people face their truth (Know Thyself).

That is what I’ve been doing in my blogs. It is coming from love not anger. I am conscious of those investigating me and data gathering as they have not faced their fears.

How do you love the unlovable? They can be those who are rude, cut you off, undermine you and show no love. That is the test – can you love each other. Find the beauty in everything.

The visitors said ‘have joy’.

Each Gets to Choose the Future on the Basis of Who You Believe You Are

In the public interest.

For myself I don’t have children and my family is estranged. I am working hard for your families and the future, if we are to have one.

The big picture is clear. This is a depopulation event. No matter whether you are in a secret society, or own a IT company, or believe yourself to be in the inner sanctum. The energy behind this is to end life on this planet.

The truth is no-one will live if they do nothing and allow the breakdown not only of human society but nature.

I am going to go still.

Love firstly comes to me. This is the energy that saves life. It is the mother saving the child and willing to risk her life. Many of the so-called dissidents are parents protecting their children. It is the soldier who believes s/he is defending their country. It is the journalist that risks his or her life to expose corruption or crimes against humanity. It is the academic breaking the mould of silence and asking the hard questions no-one wants to hear. The real heroes step out of the box and expose what they know to be dismantling stability, order, peace and biological harmony.

The reason why all will not survive this is because of the genetic engineering of nature itself and the release of clones to wipe out natural varieties as those leading the devastation are addicted to power over life itself. They are seeking to be God but not understanding the intrinsic and imperceptible links of life that ensures natural balance. The very entity they perceive as God, is the infinitesimal interactions of biological and spiritual life, much of it unseen and unknown.

Our disconnect from nature mirrors our disconnect from each other. Fear is in truth false evidence appearing real in psychological theatres that shape change what people believe and then see.

As many are realising these war games have been going on a long time where the desire to maim, kill, profit from misery is the playbook of those suffering unable to self reflect on why they cannot find peace, love, empathy or spirit. They see these as ‘soft’ and they are ‘hard’ nosed and practical. Yet what is practical about GMO bacteria and fungi which is designed by nature to breakdown proteins in life cycles as the fundamental recycling system. Yet when it is weaponised by those who see the world as a battlefield constantly looking for enemies, they will use microscopic life forms to harm others and then blame it on pandemics or disease.

Those in these positions of power have used creativity, intelligence, logic, and discovery to destroy life rather than celebrate it. What is good is inverted into what is bad, even the star reversed is a cult symbol.

Evil is not bad it is the opposite of live (evil). It is death. That is why the death cult focus on how to destroy not enhance life so that it is a journey of real discovery and expansion. Instead superannuation monies, resource profits, mergers & acquisitions, investment yields, drug trade, trafficking is directed into holding power rather than giving power. The irony is when you give power you experience ‘real power’ in the giving. When you take power you experience ‘loss of power’ in the need for more power. It works in the inverse. So those taking power can never have it. Those giving power (empowerment) always know the power in the silence.

Domination is about control to make things turn up the way the mind believes life should be. Yet life is not controllable. It is a cosmic frequency that has genetic blueprints from the universe, some travelling on the tail of comets spreading life like the sperm in search of the egg. The utter beauty of life is breathtaking. Stand on a mountain in Nepal (Himalayas) or Switzerland and look deeply into the intelligence that shaped the land, that covered it in the widest variety of plants and animals with the logic of ecosystems to adapting sustaining and functioning naturally without anyone’s command or order. It is a self regulating system as Edward de Bono observed. Edward was known for lateral thinking, the UN and large multinationals called upon him to develop their ability to think creatively as many became mirrors of the linear systems they worked in. When I met him he invited me and a few others to dinner. He was seeking love yet he didn’t know how to relate to a woman. He saw himself as this famous person being adored, yet he was lonely within. He was starting to get that happiness is the key. I wanted him to clown with me to feel the real freedom but sadly for him this didn’t happen.

It matters not how intelligent you are, how wealthy you are, how many people adore the image of you, if you don’t experience real love you know nothing and have nothing, this is the driver for more. If you grew up abused by cult parents, conflict or those who suppressed your voice or had high expectations placed on you, you never knew the freedom of no expectations, making up your own mind up and being self made as you felt moved to be, do or have.

The freedom is what all seek yet as they destroy life they remove the very platforms for them to learn how to be free from fear, desires of control, addictions, boredom, superiority, seen to be and just have the freedom to be nobody. I love that. I have no desire for fame. I don’t care if I am not adored, nor do I care if I am believed or even judged. I am letting go of all of that as it is just people’s thoughts that have nothing to do with me.

I am choosing to be myself,

I am choosing to let go of fear,

I am choosing to let go of control,

I am choosing to know myself,

I am choosing to love without condition,

I am choosing to trust life,

I am choosing to be happy,

And for me that is the real freedom from fear that no army, police or protector can create. It is an inside job. What we fear we attract, so why not work on our inner fears creating outer nightmares. You can’t force others to turn up your way, life will find a way to rebalance. It is not thinking it is the blue print of balance. Nature is not just on the earth it is the universe.

Still the world pays for its militia, its protectors, its media spin, its mergers & acquisitions, its properties, real estate, sex, drugs and false stimulants that can never fulfill the desire to know yourself. We can inflate images by media spin, be seen as into freedom of speech whilst busily removing the neural capacity for lateral thinking or feeling. We can amplify women to set them up to fall whilst resenting their inner strength hard wired in for millions of years of birthing children as the protectors of their psyches. We can use hate as the director of our focus rather than turning this focus inward and asking ourselves – why do I hate? What is it exactly that I hate? What fear is driving that hate? Is it true? Can I be absolutely sure it is true? What if I look at the object of hate and remove the story and just look to see, what is it I see? Innocence? What is the dark world I live in projecting onto the world that is really about me not the world?

Questions are the mind opening to possibilities, as when you are wrong you begin to realise that truth sets you free not holding stubbornly to old ideas that never freed you but deeply enslaved you, no matter your billions, into ideas that are out of harmony with the true self, which is the God many are seeking to emulate.

This higher power many constantly seek to find is within. It is what joins with life, it doesn’t destroy it. It sees life as a cycle as each part serves the whole. There are no dictators, or ideologies, or ETs behind negative actions but simply the flow and ebb of a natural world rebalancing that which is out of balance and genes simply enable an organism to survive or not as nature changes. To gene edit without the whole in mind is a recipe for a extinction level event. To deliberately gene edit the female XX out of the next generations and make that number smaller each time is the ego of man unable to understand that the genders are not in competition but part of the same whole and each playing their part. Next life you may be a female. In her natural expression she is receptive, nurturing, sensing the whole, caring about the other, serving without thinking what do I get out of this. In a imbalanced society she is expected to work, raise children, be kind and be the breadwinner. She is expected to do it all and sadly for children they are neglected and the mother carries the guilt.

I feel deeply for the mothers who are so lost in this big picture greed that cares nothing for them or their children as those high level planners denied the feminine within themselves calling it ‘weak’ when it is the great strength that yields. Many ancient philosophers speak of the great mother, the one who yields, serves, lets go and allows as the great power that receives more power.

The profiling of the female is in error and females themselves have denied the greatest part of themselves as social programming regards ‘care’ as worthless yet when you suffer (imbalance) you need care to rebalance and reconnect. That is why children run to their mothers as they need the warmth, the love, the care of someone who truly wants them to be safe and happy. The mother will take them to get help, they will buy them clothes, nurse them when sick, spend to give them what they want, spend all their money, they will watch over that child their entire lives. They also look after their parents, as we no longer have a community to raise a village. There is a massive weight on females to do the bulk of the social work which is the very stability of our world community. This is what ensures the peace not any violent strategy. The role of the feminine has been discarded as if irrelevant in the high flying patriarchal digital reality of planes, trains and automobiles that believe cyber space is real and rockets landing on Mars is the ideal. Where being rich becomes the only reason to live unable to connect to the smallest gesture of love that changes the world at the microcosm.

Love never turns and gets no-where it is the great mystery. It is what joins us in happy families and life long friendships. It is the one who says ‘I see you’ remember Avatar? Intimacy is not the Brave New World non-attachment scenario of multiple partners and no feeling and incubators. It is – in-to-me-see. It is the very nature of human relationships and other life forms. It shares, cares, reveals and heals. It is life affirming rather than this culture of abuse which is destroying the magical bonds of love that exist between all life, not just humans. Animals love their communities.

Love is the very God particle these patriarchs are seeking yet know not. It is like looking for love in all the wrong places. Unaware love comes in this post, love comes in the next moment you feel joy, love comes with the food, the shelter, the climate that nourishes the small seed. Love is indescribable yet it is the deepest security that can never be won through wars of aggression. Nonviolence was to assist humanity to see the zero sum game of violence which in truth is the great call for help, not a symbol of power.

So many males (testosterone) lost their sense of who they are as men and the knowing that the male was never designed to be violent but simply evoke survival in response to ‘fight or flight’ used to confront or run – for example using brute strength to force that final push to get it to move but never to hurt. He was meant to ‘Cause No Harm’ as the silent words whispered into his ears [drop your weapon, say sorry, or make up for what was done (consequence]). As he hurts another via cruelty, he hurts himself spiritually as he starts to hate himself and then project this onto a world through wars of aggression to get out his repressed self loathing and find the ‘good’ in it (particularly if he can’t change or see himself). He was given the muscle power to build what was needed. His logic allowed linear formations to be constructed 1 + 2 + 3 = 6. He formed half of the yin/yang harmonic. There was no superior or inferior and women were not placed on earth to be the servant but instead to be co-partners, both using their extraordinary gifts to work together to ensure a wiser happier world for children. At this point that mission has not worked as interference has happened and teachings based on inequality have been embedded in every culture, which is the driver of real ecological balance.

The feminine (oestrogen) is the bearer of the children (or not), the child is in her womb for 9 months growing, feeling, sensing, absorbing and incubating in a loving environment, unless the mother is stressed. It is a precious time as life begets life. The mother is the centre of community (common unity), she is the master of relationships in her natural form (without outside interference). She is the one whose heightened empathy feels for the one who appears aloof, alone or observes the one dominating recognising insecurity, as she teaches the young. She is the teacher. of humanity. This is not to discount the male but life has moved him away by putting him to work for this small cohort under the guise of an economic system that says he has to work. It uses the instinct of provider/hunter to seduce him into work which is removed from nature. It isolates him, he is not in family groups, he becomes focused on money as some sense of pride that he has accomplished something to fill the gap of his loss of family. He has been a single man working long hours and only spending a few precious hours with family. This is why he gets jealous of the female. She is loving the children not him. They are not really working together but in separate universes pretending family but never knowing the real essence of family as the building block of community which builds bonds of love between intimate family, relatives and the broader social family of community. These are broken down in reality by economic systems replacing God with the worship of money.

We so lost our way on so many levels and called it normal or the ‘new normal’. In truth none of it was normal or natural and is why mental health issues escalate as the real wound is the loss of belonging and connection.

Homelessness demonstrates this better than any other form of isolation (even in prison). Homelessness is the depiction of the failed human when in reality it is the externality of a failed system and a failed state to deliver what is needed for the whole (mirroring nature). Homeless people are left on the street with no shelter. Those that have shelter may not have enough food. The stigma ensures that others keep them isolated or silently get them to move on as they really should ‘get a job’ without the depth recognition that life is not about work, it is about relationship. Those rejected due to crisis, depression, drugs (cartels), loneliness and those who become dishevelled are rejected by the group. Some will use nature as the yardstick of why that is natural, they will say animals attack the weak. The truth is the homeless are not the weak. I found them to be surprisingly strong and adapting to a life that is harsh. They don’t fit the box, they are victim blamed, they are potentially dangerous in the fear messaging of those who care nothing for their plight which mirrors the failed state not the failed human.

I came to realise that homelessness was a product of unhappiness. Not only for the one who feels they do not have enough, but it mirrors the deep unhappiness of a broken family that lost each other. Unhappy people live in fear, they take anti-depressants to feel nothing, they might drink, they may escape into fantasy’s or sex or video games or whatever to escape themselves as they don’t know how to exit the pain. The social isolation is escalated through professionalism at work, social distancing [that happens without Covid restrictions], media programming (neural networks encode fear) that create suspicion about others and seldom speaks of the true human stories of courage of those who confront homelessness and survive.

For me, I had to trust life. I have had many come and go, and I know they do not get my reality. My ethics led me into homelessness as those professing to provide welfare sought to force myself into work for the dole, when I had worked in 400 companies. The job was making christmas cards not reskilling. I saw it as priming for slavery. I saw the welfare system disconnect from the Australian Constitution which was unconditional welfare as a safety net not some job seeker profile that says ‘get a job’, ‘work for the dole’, ‘pay your way’ as a business model not a welfare safe guard. Clearly those in these mindsets understood nothing of how the economic system redeployed resources into other areas, predominantly male dominated ‘STEM’ Science Technology Engineering and Maths and away from jobs where both men and women could thrive. It was biased towards young males with degrees in Tech. The vision was that all skills were ‘monkey see monkey do’ rather than deep experience over decades that can’t be replicated by AI or automation as those at the top had never worked in a wide range of areas, but instead were groomed for power. So their reality is much different from the reality on the ground. This is hard work, little appreciation, taken for granted, ignore your own needs, praise the company, remove industrial democracy and on it went.

For myself I realised that the welfare system was not working to ensure a safety net but to force the unemployed to work for free. Eventually the technocracy collapses all jobs as they believe ‘monkey see monkey do’ will replace labour using 3D glasses for skilled jobs as they are talked through. They will microchip like dogs and cats, as they own humans as assets, rather than the precious human life that comes from a sperm and an egg that no scientist could conceptualise. No scientist has a clue about the intricate genetics, chemistry, communication systems, enzymes, DNA that doesn’t program but creates all life on earth out of joy as it adapts, functions and sustains, naturally. That animals are not low level creatures but have their own languages, social bonding, purpose and experience of life. Those that live on the surface of life just look for things to exploit. The internet of things is a good term as life is seen as objects and things as those looking cannot FEEL the intricate and depth symbiosis of a life moving as the ONE body. They only see separate parts which is why they engineer bodies like they would cars. They are not the same. Organic life may live, experience and then die, but the super consciousness around life itself is about expansion, consciousness, celebration and wonder that creates infinitely. It has no concept of monetorising life.

I can’t conceptualise the depth, breadth and magic of a life we barely know yet we think we are masters of the universe.

On higher levels we may be but it is not outpictured in tyranny, control and cruelty. The real mastery is to ‘know thyself’ and to love yourself first not as narcissistic entitlement but to deeply love yourself as this mystery expressing a life that is unique. No two lives are the same. We live in a magical kingdom far beyond our ability to conceptualise. Yet in our ignorance we think we know. The truth is until you walk in another’s shoes you know nothing. Yet you will act as if you know until the sandcastle crumbles in the first strong breeze as the nat yelling at the universe was never the universe and yet it was.

The divine dichotomy of all of this is we are/we are not. We can’t see beyond our consciousness. This cannot grow until we realise ‘I know I do not know’ as the beginning of wisdom. Those who ‘do not know they do not know’ are the ones running this show believing money is power.

It is not.

Love is the power.

Love is not definable but it can be seen as the silent weaver of the web of nature that weaves for the pure joy of weaving. It has no designs on how others perceive its designs. It has no need to be known. It has no desire to be loved. As its threads are the entire whole. The All Seeing Eye gives the idea of seeing but the truth of this is -imagine – feeling, being, thinking, not thinking, growing, chemistry, biology, DNA in every possible iteration. It is the direct perception of all of it at the same time yet able to experience it individually.

The term ‘you are me.’ Is a literal truth. Until you realise this. You will see me as the enemy.



This is the realisation of peace.

To come home is to realise happiness as you get the joke that none of it was real, it was more like a film reel.

We are then complete to start again another story.

What story would you choose?

When the Military Wakes Up They Will Learn War is not Peace

In the public interest.

I send my condolences to the Afghan civilians who endured endless abuse. Whose country was taken over by extremism in the form of the Mongols, the British, the Russians, Taliban and the US military who believed they were fighting against terrorism. This is where empires come to die.

Terrorism cannot remove terrorism.

Blind obedience is not loyalty. It is ignorance.

Following orders was dismissed as a reason for abuse at Nuremberg, Germany.

Militaries are not defending the people but powerful interests who care nothing for any people. They are fighting for those in power on both sides.

All people are our people. That is the voice of peace that many people say they are defending. War is not peace.

This article reveals a soldier’s perspective on leaving Afghanistan. Whenever I contemplate US politics – Biden and Harris – the image of them leaving extremists in power to kill civilians revealed the true face and hand.

Today the public are experiencing that you cannot ignore fascism in all its forms. The need for control is the real dis-ease. It is the one who has not found peace in letting go of control. Believing when they get total control they find peace. They never do. As peace is not about stopping opposition, it is about releasing truth. Opposition can’t be irradicated, it can only be understood and no longer supported. Nonviolence and non-cooperation is the only way to remove entrenched power.

To know thyself and be true is the purpose of the times we are going through.

It is not a failed strategy. It is a failed state by corruption that feels no empathy for those it harms. Soldiers are taught to kill women and children which is why so many end up with PTSD. Violence is the greatest weakness in the human condition as it believes the enemy is outside when committing atrocities. The greatest strength is to stand defenceless and say no. In this case that would be within the ranks.

I remember Hacksaw Ridge – this is the real heroism that is called cowardice. Men have been lied to about violence, it solves nothing, it only adds to violent mentalities that know no peace. I’ll post the video below for soldiers to deeply feel. We all have to change. I send them love not guilt. You have to learn the manipulation that has been done in the name of peace.

Marine who survived Afghanistan suicide bombing speaks out about failed strategy

August 14, 2023, Spencer Irvine, 0 Comments

It has been nearly two years since the U.S. military withdrew in hasty, haphazard fashion from Afghanistan and many questions have been left unanswered. Some of these questions have been answered by a U.S. Marine, Tyler Vargas-Andrews, who survived the deadly suicide bombing at Kabul’s Hamid Karzai Airport on August 26, 2021.

Thirteen other U.S. servicemembers died in the attack at Abbey Gate at the airport. News reports said that ISIS took responsibility for the deadly attack.

On the Shawn Ryan Show, which is a long-form interview style podcast run by former U.S. Navy SEAL and CIA operator Shawn Ryan, Vargas-Andrews discussed a wide range of topics related to his deployment and subsequent near-fatal injuries in Kabul, Afghanistan.

Vargas-Andrews, who lost his right arm and left leg in the attack, was frank about how the Biden administration mishandled the withdrawal from the start. Here are four of the notable stories he shared during the podcast interview:

  • Upon deployment in Afghanistan, Vargas-Andrews and his team were not allowed to directly engage the Taliban near the airport. These “rules of engagement” prevented U.S. military servicemembers from protecting civilians who were getting singled out and beaten by members of the Taliban near their location. He saw a number of civilians murdered in cold blood and that he could not do anything about it or he would have been disobeying orders.
  • Like others, Vargas-Andrews pointed out the lack of a secure security perimeter for Karzai Airport and how shipping containers separated U.S. military servicemembers from civilians and the Taliban. The lack of hardened security counter-measures, which could not have been said of the abandoned Bagram airbase, put American lives at risk and ultimately cost 13 American lives.
  • An Afghan woman was escorted from the airport back outside Abbey Gate and she tried to slit her own throat on the barbed wire fence because she believed that the Taliban would execute her. Escorting military servicemembers stopped her from committing suicide, but that experience stuck with Vargas-Andrews to this day.
  • When he was hospitalized at Walter Reed in Bethesda, Maryland, President Joe Biden visited him and apparently tried to shake his hand. But the problem was that his hand was in a giant cast due to injuries suffered in the attack. Vargas-Andrews said, Right away, I remember him coming up to me trying to shake my hand, shake my right hand, and I look at him, and I’m like, ‘I don’t have an arm.’ My left arm is in this big a– cast with this giant orange f–king foam block around it. I’m completely immobile. All I can do is move my head.”
  • Biden asked Vargas-Andrews, “What do you want?” To which, Vargas-Andrews said he responded, “What?” The Marine said that the question confused him because “I just got blown up. Just f–king saw my friends die next to me. Like, I just want to be myself.”

As Vargas-Andrews’ interview demonstrated, the botched Afghanistan withdrawal has lasting consequences, regardless of the mainstream media’s narrative (or outright blackout of Afghanistan-related news) and the rhetoric coming from the Biden administration.

Accuracy in Academia remembers the sacrifices of the fallen servicemembers from the attack:

  • U.S. Marine Corps (USMC) Lance Corporal David L. Espinoza, age 20
  • USMC Sergeant Nicole L. Gee, age 23
  • USMC Staff Sergeant Darin T. Hoover, age 31
  • U.S. Army Staff Sergeant Ryan C. Knauss, age 23
  • USMC Corporal Hunter Lopez, age 22
  • USMC Lance Corporal Rylee J. McCollum, age 20
  • USMC Lance Corporal Dylan R. Merola, age 20
  • USMC Lance Corporal Kareem M. Nikoui, age 20
  • USMC Sergeant Johanny Rosario Pichardo, age 25
  • USMC Corporal Humberto A. Sanchez, age 22
  • USMC Lance Corporal Jared M. Schmitz, age 20
  • U.S. Navy Hospital Corpsman Maxton W. Soviak, age 22
  • USMC Corporal Daegan W. Page, age 23

To watch the interview, watch the video below or click the link here.

This is the heroes journey. It is the one who stands up against the crowd and is true to himself. In this case faith was the driver. The real soul-lessness, if there can be such a thing, is the belief there is no power that loves you. I can testify that there is. You are being urged to Know Yourself and drop the stories of war as peace and do the harder work of finding peace within. We need men who are non violent, not driven by coercive control and able to learn what selflessness means. Many women live this way and are the unseen heroes of our world, mostly unacknowledged. To care for people is not seen as exciting. Yet is it what ensures peace.

That is the sort of man I am waiting for. Love stays, reveals, heals and cares. He is not living for himself (selfishly). He speaks up when all call him or her a coward or useless eater. Does he or she exist. Yes. Everytime we choose love, we choose life. This earns respect and is the force for unity. You are me.

I ask the blind men who cannot see. Can you please stop killing us. We want to live. It is our time now.