In the public interest.
Parasites are the real issue.
Parliament is not a privilege that can be bought and sold on a stock exchange. It has to have symbolic power imbued with truthful values. the mace that was crafted for the Scottish Parliament is imbued with compassion, wisdom and justice. These are not mere words, they must be internalised by leaders or they lose the right to rule. You cannot fake it till you make it. If you care nothing for the people they will care nothing for you as life is both a mirror and a mask. Deception masks the truth and life mirrors what you think and then see.
Nobility is not a title that can be awarded by a monarch. It can only be earned by one who is noble. We can wear many meritous medals that augment the sense of self but nothing can make the innoble noble. Nobility is to have true integrity, to stand as an example for others to see and lead humanity in a way that is wise, compassionate and an upholding of real justice. It cannot be seen to be it has to be real if it is to have any future. People see through fake rulers. many silently wait for a real one. To-date all have been positioned and have not earned the titles they wear by any selfless acts on behalf of the people. Many are indoctrinated in the ‘right to rule’ rather than ‘serving to lead’. These are two different realities.
The technocracy and engineers developing the algorithms as they gather all our data without any sense of meaning, privacy or deep respect. Our lives are not commodities, they are unique and filled with meaning and aspiration. They do this to use our privacy for profit in order to garner power through the tree of knowledge not the tree of life. Until they understand that you cannot buy happiness, they continue on a trajectory that leads them not to utopia or freedom. Know Thyself was understood by those Noble, which included women. The greatest leaders serve, why? They have healed their wounds, they see themselves in others, they have grown beyond greed. They see the self defeating outcomes of those who never learn but repeat the mistakes passed from father to son.
Until ‘we the people’ value ourselves then we can realise the true value of nationhood and parliament as the representative of the people. We also have to value our voice, our people, our country and the world as ONE biosphere where all are equal. To rule is not superiority, it is to take on the burden of responsibility to care for the people and nature. Many to-date have confused nobility with entitlement. The notion of the Holy Graal was to find the real gold inside you, this is the real wealth. That is our parliament is us. What happens to the people returns to the parliament.
The video is in relation to the call for submissions for Digital ID Bill 2023 and the Digital ID (Transitional and Consequential Provisions) Bill 2023 see
I submitted the video and then found out the next day that I was a year late. I have to laugh. I do know though that there are no mistakes in life. So it is meant to be received now.
To: <> Add to Address Book
Sent: Jan 18 ’25 13:44
Subject: Digital ID Submissions advertised to be received by 19 January 2025
I would like my submission accepted without discrimination today 18 January prior to the due date 19 January (2025). I would like my voice heard by the committee as I am homeless and have been excluded from public services/spaces as a result of requests for ID (which I provided) and barriers to my participation. I ask to be accepted in the public interest as I doubt any submissions to this inquiry are from the homeless. I do not have access to wifi and have to find wifi to participate in this digital world. I would like to be heard fairly.
I ask you make allowance for my voice to be heard. I ask for you to be impartial and fair in the Australian spirit. My hope is my voice serves you even with truths you may disagree with. I was trained in economics and have had experience and can see my voice has been shutdown. I don’t feel safe and do feel targeted when my intention has to simply be honest.
May the truth set us all free. My wish is happiness for all.
Kind regards,
Susan Carew
What is interesting is that there are many players when you look behind the scenes that are involved in larger agendas. The wolf in sheeps clothing. on the one hand are those calling for transparency in FOI/Government which an easily turn into no privacy as well later on.
The transparency panel raised issues about delays in FOI but not the substantive issues of denied access. Privacy can be used in respect of ‘personal data’ that has been cherry picked as a means to access more personal information by agencies. Transparency of government is hidden behind fire walls, non-disclosure contracts, private actors and a culture that promotes risk management and digitisation rather than democracy.
The public when listening to all voices must check out boards. See who is on them. Many would fit into the wolf in sheeps clothing where both sides of the argument are controlled working against the very transparency of freedoms the public expect. Transparency of government not in sculptured narratives but via investigations by those with no vested interests is in the public interest.
Excessive secrecy in government decision-making makes Australia less safe, not more.
On this episode of Follow the Money, Bill Browne, Democracy & Accountability Director at the Australia Institute, joins Ebony Bennett to discuss whistleblower protections, improving the National Anti-Corruption Commission, and why Australia may be the world’s most secretive democracy.
This discussion was recorded live on Tuesday 22 October 2024 and things may have changed since recording.
Find all the content from the Australia Institute’s Transparency Summit 2024 on our website or via the Australia Institute on YouTube.
Guest: Bill Browne, Director, Democracy & Accountability Program, the Australia Institute // @Browne90
Host: Ebony Bennett, Deputy Director, the Australia Institute // @ebony_bennett
Show notes:
Secrecy is not security, Bill Browne (October 2024)
Labor and Democracy, the Hon Anthony Albanese MP (December 2019)
Making freedom of information “sexy” with Rex Patrick, Follow the Money (April 2024)
Theme music: Pulse and Thrum; additional music by Blue Dot Sessions
We’d love to hear your feedback on this series, so send in your questions, comments or suggestions for future episodes to
The biggest stories and the best analysis from the team at the Australia Institute, delivered to your inbox every fortnight.
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A poem I felt inspired to write today.